
shòu yì rén
  • beneficiary;enriched person;person of profits
  1. 所有韩国以外的用度及偿付行用度由受益人承担

    All banking charges outside Korea and reimbursing are for account of beneficiary .

  2. 她似乎也在暗示,如果2009年波士顿电池公司被美国能源部(DepartmentofEnergy)选为15亿美元政府补贴的受益人之一,可能就不会有现在这个交易了。

    She also seemed to imply that Boston-Power might not have done this deal had the Department of energy picked the company as a beneficiary of $ 1.5 billion in battery-related grants handed out in 2009 .

  3. 减免的税额在地产和受益人之间分摊。

    The allowable deduction is apportioned between the estate and the beneficiaries .

  4. 不管救助是如何取得的,对受益人来说都不是很光彩的事。

    Aid , however it is obtained , is demeaning to the recipients .

  5. 然而,如果费用系由受益人承担,则开证行有责任在信用证和偿付授权书中予以注明

    A reimbursing bank 's charges are for the account of the issuing bank .

  6. 2019年10月,小云儿和其他几位“彩云计划”的受益人一起,在央视登台亮相。

    In October 2019 , Wu Gangyun and other girls in the " Colorful Cloud Program " performed on the stage of CCTV .

  7. 他的财富的受益人包括洛杉矶艺术博物馆(LosAngelesCountyMuseumofArt),他是该博物馆的一个受托人。

    Among the other beneficiaries of that wealth is the Los Angeles County Museum of Art , where Mr Kotick is a trustee .

  8. 由于受益人要七年以后才能得到房产,国税局(InternalRevenueService)会允许这套房产的价值每推迟一年就少计算几个百分点。

    Since the beneficiary wouldn 't get their hands on the property for another seven years , the Internal Revenue Service would allow the estate to discount the value by a few percentage points for each year 's delay .

  9. 各个层次的企业受益人(从CFO到应用程序开发人员)都可以实现SOA的价值,以一种实际的方式进行重用。

    Stakeholders at various levels , from the CFO to the application developers , then realize the value of SOA and reuse in a practical way .

  10. 例如,网飞公司(Netflix)希望通过大奖赛的形式获得更有效的客户推荐运算法则,而截至目前,主要的受益人是网飞公司自身。

    Netflix ( NFlx ) was , by far , the main beneficiary of its contest to gain a better recommendation algorithm for customers , for example .

  11. 因为这实际上使通用汽车得以将拖欠UAW退休工人的510亿美元医疗债务转到一个名为自愿员工受益人协会(VoluntaryEmployeesBeneficiaryAssociation)的基金名下,并将这笔债务从自己的帐上抹去。

    It effectively enables GM to cap $ 51 billion owed to the UAW for retiree health care by setting up a fund , known as a Voluntary Employees Beneficiary Association , and move it off its books .

  12. 保险单/证书一式两份指示tonnage发行到受益人的次序总包裹和网,而且空格支持包含的货物因为,加上不少于25pct的发票价值。

    Insurance policy / certificate in duplicate indicate total packages and net tonnage issued to beneficiary 's order and blank endorsed covering goods for , the invoice value plus not less than25pct .

  13. 哈奇先生长期以来都是来自天然产品协会的竞选献金的头号受益人,他的儿子斯科特·哈奇(ScottHatch)是华盛顿的一家为该组织游说的公司的创始合伙人。

    Mr. Hatch has long been a top recipient of campaign contributions from the Natural Products Association , and his son , Scott Hatch , is a founding partner at a Washington firm that lobbies for the organization .

  14. 世行拉美和加勒比地区社会保障局业务局长HelenaRibe表示,受益人的这种感受很普遍。

    According to Helena Ribe , World Bank Sector Manager for Social Protection in Latin America and the Caribbean , this kind of beneficiary experience is common .

  15. B.咨询方银行出具的金额为_______元(大写:__________),以委托方为受益人的对预付款的不可撤销保函正本一份,副本一份,保函格式见合同附件。

    B. One ( 1 ) original and one ( 1 ) duplicate copy of Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee for advance payment issued by Consultant 's Bank in favor of Client covering _______ ( Say : ________ only ) , specimen of which is as per Appendix 4 ;

  16. “市场如此起伏不定,所以我们想知道,每次起起落落时,谁是输家,谁又会成为受益人,”oriel的投资信托分析师艾恩斯库勒(iainscouller)说。

    " Markets have been so volatile that we wanted to see who will be the losers and the beneficiaries of any rise or fall , " says Iain scouller , investment trust analyst at oriel .

  17. 论开证行与受益人之间的法律关系

    On the Legal Relationship between the Issuing Bank and the Beneficiary

  18. 凭受益人汇票办理,对出票人无追索权。

    Availble against beneficiary 's draft , without recourse to drawers .

  19. 对于退休账户受益人的指定应特别留神。

    Pay especially close attention to beneficiary designations on retirement accounts .

  20. 商业风险最小化的被优先置于受益人的利益之上。

    Minimising business risk takes priority over the interests of beneficiaries .

  21. 受益人仅能向申请人索要该款项。

    The beneficiary can only claim the amount from the applicant .

  22. 为受益人保管资产的人。

    A person who holds assets in trust for a beneficiary .

  23. 受益人证明声明包装为国际出口包装,签字并注明日期。

    Beneficiarys signed and dated statement certifying packing international export packing .

  24. 受益人支付不足1美元的注册费。

    Beneficiaries pay less than US $ 1 to register .

  25. 盖有受益人橡皮图章的单据将不予接受。

    Rubber stamp signatures of the beneficiary on documents are not acceptable .

  26. 其中的两张写在上好的牛皮纸上列出了受益人名字。

    Two were written on fine vellum and made out by name .

  27. 他写了一份遗嘱,指定他的妻子与子女为受益人。

    He wrote a will naming his wife and children as beneficiaries .

  28. 以贵方为受益人,我们开出不可撤销的保兑信用证。

    We have open a confirm and Irrevocable credit In your favour .

  29. 一受益人已确定并享有全部信托利益者。

    The beneficiary is confirmed and entitled to all the trust benefits .

  30. 受益人必须快递一套副本单据给开证人。

    Beneficiary must courier one set of non-negotiable documents to the applicant .