
  • 网络receptor site;binding site;recipter site
  1. 用来治疗敏感症、敏感反映和伤风的药物;通过和H受点部位组胺作用相中和而起作用。

    A medicine used to treat allergies and hypersensitive reactions and colds ; works by counteracting the effects of histamine on the receptor site known as H1 .

  2. 治疗胃溃疡、胃炎和胃酸的药物;通过阻止H受点部位的组胺起作用的药物。

    A medicine used to treat the gastric effects of histamine in cases of peptic ulcers and gastritis and gastroesophageal reflux ; works by blocking the effects of histamine on the receptor site known as H2 .

  3. 利用ANSYS软件计算壳体的模态及其在流场中受点激励时的振动响应。

    The modes of shells and vibration response are calculated by ANSYS software .

  4. 是的,我知道,但是,呃…你知道Blair…是的,我知道suffer:遭受,经验,忍受她想让我多受点惩罚。

    Chuck : Yeah , I know , but , uh ... You know Blair ... - Nate : Yes , I do . I think she wants me to suffer a little more . -

  5. 亲爱的C.O.B.:首先,你所面临的问题并不奇怪,或许这能让你好受点。

    Dear c.o.b. : first of all , it might help to realize that your problem is not weird .

  6. 雄激素受体基因剪接受点突变G~(3346)→T引起一例完全型雄激素不敏感综合征

    An acceptor splice site mutation responsible for complete androgen insensitivity syndrome

  7. 我们总想让她少受点压力。

    We tried so hard to protect her from the pressure .

  8. 在某个受点上抑制或阻止乙酰胆碱的作用。

    Inhibiting or blocking the action of acetylcholine at a receptor site .

  9. 好吧希望这样可以让你好受点

    Well , If it makes you feel any better ,

  10. 他得出去受点小挫折。

    He needs to have it knock him around a little bit .

  11. 也许新鲜空气会让你好受点

    Maybe the fresh air will make you feel better .

  12. 大鼠脑阿片受点非均一性的探讨

    Study on Heterogenity of Opiate Receptors in Rat Brain

  13. 偶尔受点批评或许对你还有好处。

    It 's probably good for you to get some criticism now and then .

  14. 搭配这件壁橱主件,通过这些聪明的样式想法来受点启发吧。

    To remix this closet staple , get inspired by these brilliant styling ideas .

  15. 我准备为小组受点罪,但我不在乎。

    I was gonna take one forthe team , but I didn 't mind .

  16. 这次经历似乎正好要以让她受点磨炼。

    She seemed suitably chastened by the experience .

  17. 如果这样能让你好受点的话…

    If it makes you feel any better ...

  18. 游泳的价钱很贵,可能会受点伤,不过也肯定是令人难忘的。

    An expensive and possibly bruising swim , but most certainly an unforgettable one too .

  19. 模型中考虑了受点需求的随机变化。

    The stochastic characteristic of the demands at terminal nodes is considered in the model .

  20. 自尊心只好受点委屈了。

    Pride would have to be humbled .

  21. 可你爸信啊作为他的儿子你至少该受点影响吧

    Well , your dad did.And as his son , that should mean something to you .

  22. 几种新的阿片受点不可逆激动剂的药理特性及分子机制

    Pharmacological Features of Several Novel Irreversible Opioid Agonists and Molecular Reactions between Them and Opioid Receptors

  23. 但是如果我们每天尽情的玩会不会少受点苦?

    But isn 't the drama and suffering less if we do the ball thing every day ?

  24. 为了好朋友有时吃点亏哪怕受点气也是在所难免的,人的一生真正的好朋友能有几个?

    It is inevitable to suffer some sort of loss for the sake of our good friends .

  25. 愿意冒险,敢于承担失败,要记得第一个破墙而出的人总会受点伤。

    Take risks , dare to fail , remember the first person through the wall always gets hurt .

  26. 为别人做点事儿,做点让他们快乐或者少受点苦的事儿。

    Do something thats greater than you something that helps someone else to be happy or to suffer less .

  27. 我看什么都不如偶然受点挫折更能使你明白你是多么的幸运了。

    I suppose there 's nothing like an occasional setback to make you realize how lucky you really are .

  28. 鸿渐听她口气松动,赔笑说:“一切瞧我面上,受点委屈。”

    Hearing her lighthearted tone , Hung-chien smiled and said ," For my sake , suffer a little injustice . "

  29. 我听说了你爸爸的事,很抱歉,如果能使你好受点。

    Jenny : I heard about your dad . I 'm sorry . Well , if it makes you feel any .

  30. 我有点先想离你远一点让你受点冷水。

    I just kinda wanted to stay out of your way , give you a chance to chill , you know .