
shòu yùn
  • conception;fertilization;become pregnant;androlepsis;syllepsis;ingravidation
受孕 [shòu yùn]
  • [become pregnant] 怀孕

受孕[shòu yùn]
  1. JonathanTilly说,这项研究还可促进生育治疗的发现,提高传统受孕的几率。

    Jonathan Tilly says his work could also lead to fertility treatments that might improve the chances for more traditional fertilization methods .

  2. 经腹超声引导穿刺采卵术在体外受孕中的应用

    Ultrasonically guided aspiration of oocyte in in-vitro fertilization and embryo transfer

  3. 大约1/6的夫妻有受孕困难。

    About one in six couples has difficulty conceiving

  4. 从受孕大约10天后的中期妊娠胚胎中提取

    DNA was extracted from fetuses at mid-gestation , about 10 days past conception . DNA

  5. “受孕一刻”成为宝宝照片的新趋势。

    It is the latest trend in baby pictures - an image on the day of conception .

  6. 抗雄激素物质氟他胺作用于受孕SD大鼠引起尿道下裂的机制研究

    Mechanism of Antiandrogen Flutamide Causing Hypospadias on Pregnant SD Rat

  7. 方法8只孕兔随机分为A、B、C、D4组,每组2只(每只均受孕,每只产胎兔5只以上,随机选5只备用)。

    Methods Eight time - bred rabbits were randomly assigned to four groups ( 2 rabbits each group ) .

  8. 雌雄不同配比Wistar大鼠受孕率的比较

    The Comparison of the Pregnant Rate in Wistar Rats Matched with Different Female / Male Ratio

  9. 美国生殖医学协会(AmericanSocietyforReproductiveMedicine,简称“ASRM”)称,微刺激试管受孕方案的妊娠率有可能低于传统方案的妊娠率。

    The American Society for Reproductive Medicine says pregnancy rates from minimal-stimulation IVF are likely to be lower than with traditional IVF .

  10. 在许多情况下,IVF提供了最后的受孕希望。

    In many cases , IVF offers the last hope to conceive a child .

  11. 目的探讨双胎胎盘胰岛素样生长因子Ⅱ(InsulinlikegrowthfactorⅡ,IGF-Ⅱ)基因印迹状态在单胎和双胎之间的差异及其与双胎受孕方式、合子性质和胎儿性别的关系。

    Objective To compare insulin-like growth factor ⅱ( IGF - ⅱ) gene imprinting in twin placentas with singleton ones and to determine whether imprinting was influenced by assisted reproductive technology , zygosity and fetal sex .

  12. 目的:探讨克罗米芬(CC)加小剂量乙烯雌酚对子宫内膜厚度的影响和受孕效果。

    Objective : To research the effects of CC and small dosage diethylstilbestrol on the inner film thick of womb and pregnancy .

  13. [背景资料和研究目的]不孕症(infertility)指婚后未避孕、有正常性生活,同居2年而未受孕者。

    [ Background and Objective ] Infertility is defied that the couple with normal sexual life who can not conceive two years without contraception .

  14. 雌性SD大鼠35只,每日做阴道细胞涂片,排卵期雌雄合笼,以出现精栓计为受孕第0.5天。

    Female and male rats at the ovulation period were put in the same cage . Seen vaginal plug was set as 0.5 day after coitus .

  15. 结论卵巢低反应对经IVF-ET受孕妇女妊娠期高血压疾病的发生无明显影响。

    Conclusion Ovarian poor response may have no significant effect on incidences of hypertensive disorders complicating pregnancy after IVF-ET.

  16. 补Se明显改善了某些繁殖性能,如减少了每次受孕的配种次数并降低了诸如胎衣不下和子宫内膜炎等产科疾病的发病率。

    Supplemental Se significantly improved cows ' reproductive performances including the reduction of services per conception and the incidence of obstetrical diseases such as retained placenta and endometritis .

  17. 她的儿子Cameron是自然受孕,这在一些地方被认为是IVF确实有效的证据。

    Her son , Cameron , was conceived naturally and this was hailed in some quarters as proof that IVF really'works ' .

  18. 初产/经产及同居时间对NIH小鼠受孕率和剖腹产成活率的影响

    Effects of Primiparous / Multiparous and Cohabiting Hours on Pregnant Rate and Caesarean Birth Survival Rate in NIH Mice

  19. 2500mg/kg/day剂量组的雌鼠受孕率比对照组要低18.2%,但差异不具有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    The fecundation index was 18.2 % lower in the 2500 mg / kg / day female rats than controls , but the difference was not statistically significantly ( P0.05 ) .

  20. 7月份,该公司又向前迈进了一步——它推出了另一款移动应用软件GlowNurture,对象是准妈妈们,而不是想受孕的人群。

    In July , the company took another step . It launched Glow Nurture , a separate mobile application tailored to pregnancy rather than fertility .

  21. 研究发现ICSI婴儿与自然受孕婴儿相比,出生缺陷率要高三倍。

    Research has found that ICSI babies have three times the rate of birth defects of naturally conceived infants .

  22. 方法:采用胰蛋白酶液化不育症20例精液宫腔注入(A组),其中未受孕19例精液,再采用洗涤法后宫腔注入(B组),观察受孕。

    METHOD : Sperm from 20 infertility patients was liquefied by trypsase and injected into uterus ( group A ) . Only one patient was successfully pregnant . The rest 19 patients received sperm washing technique ( group B ) .

  23. 目的:探讨人类精子库管理办法中AID受孕数目可能引发的血亲结合和社会伦理问题。

    Objective : To explore some serious problems probably occured , such as integrating consanguinity and social ethics , which was caused by gestational amounts of artificial insemination donor ( AID ) in human sperm bank .

  24. [方法]性成熟而未受孕的雌性Wistar大鼠共30只,随机分为对照组、药流组、未孕组,每组各10只。

    [ Methods ] Thirty female Wistar rats were divided into 3 groups randomly , 10 rats in each group : 1.control group ; 2 . medication abortion group ;

  25. 欲通过IVF(体外受精)而受孕的妇女痛苦地发现,时间是多么的重要的。

    Women who have tried to conceive using in vitro fertilization ( IVF ) methods are painfully aware that timing is of the essence .

  26. 目的了解试管婴儿(IVF-ET)与自然受孕儿出生时身体状况的差异,客观地对试管婴儿的安全性进行分析。

    Objective To understand the difference in newborn IVF-ET and spontaneous pregnant baby 's body heath index , then analyze the safety of IVF-ET.

  27. 准备受孕的妇女们正在为使用未规定剂量的IVF新药付上数千英镑,而这些药物可能根本就不必要,而且还对健康有害。

    Women trying to get pregnant are paying thousands of pounds for unregulated doses of new IVF drugs that may be unnecessary and harmful to health .

  28. 她从自己的妇产科医生那儿听说了微刺激试管受孕,于是在波士顿人工受孕医疗中心(BostonIVF)的缅因分部接受了一周期治疗,这一次的花费是5000美元。

    She heard about minimal-stimulation IVF from her OB-GYN and did one cycle at the Maine location of Boston IVF . Her cost this time : $ 5,000 .

  29. 结论CC对子宫内膜的周期性增殖具有不良影响。而GnRH&a及HMG的使用则可提高子宫内膜的厚度,增加受孕能力。

    Conclusions There is an adverse effect of CC on the endometrial proliferation , while GnRH-a and HMG could thicken the endometrium and improve the pregnancy rate .

  30. 刊登在英国《皇家学会学报B刊》的这篇文章以19世纪美国犹他州“自然受孕”的妇女为研究的主体,所以它的研究成果在现代这个体外受精盛行的社会或许并不太适用。

    The research , published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B , focused on a " natural fertility " population of women in 1800s Utah , so the results may not apply in today 's in vitro fertilization ( IVF ) world .