
shòu jīnɡ mó
  • fertilization membrane
  1. 第2极体随着受精膜的形成和举起而排放,在卵子产出后50~60min内排出;

    The first and the second polar bodies were extruded before and after the formation of fertilization membrane , within 30 min and 60 min after fertilization respectively .

  2. 锯缘青蟹皮层反应与受精膜形成研究

    Studies on the cortical reaction and fertilization membrane formation in Scylla serrata

  3. 受精膜举起后,由次级卵母细胞排放出第二极体。

    After fertilization membrane was lifted , the secondary egg emitted the second polar body into the perivitelline space .

  4. 由壳膜和受精膜构成的孵化膜为初级卵膜,保护胚胎发育,直至幼体破膜而出。

    The hatching membrane which was composed of chorion and fertilization membrane was the primary egg membrane , and protected the embryo development from harm material till the larva hatched .

  5. 黄海太平洋鲱受精前后卵膜的动态变化

    A study of the ve , Fe and plasma membrane of Clupea pallasi eggs during the dynamic change process of fertilization

  6. 在平均水温为4.3℃的条件下,从受精到出膜需要大约339.7~447.2积温(度·日)不等;

    The result indicated accumulative temperature ranged between 339.37 and 447.2 (℃· day ) from fertilization to hatching , under the condition of average water temperature 4.3 ℃;

  7. 结果提示:轻度EM腹腔液对精子受精能力及精子膜结构的完整性有影响。

    This study suggests that the peritoneal fluid from the patients with mild endometriosis could contribute to sperm fertility and sperm membrane structure related to infertility .

  8. 结果表明:在水温20℃-23℃时,受精卵发育为膜内钩介幼虫需11d;

    It was found that , when the water temperature ranged from 20 ℃ to 23 ℃, the embryonic development from oosperm to mature glochidia took 11 days .

  9. 结果显示:华鲮成熟卵子直径1.2mm左右,仅有一个受精孔,卵膜表面有大量的不规则褶皱,精孔器表面平整;

    The result showed the diameter of the egg was 1.2 mm , there was a hole of fertilization and abundant abnormity drape in the surface of the egg and the micropylar apparatus leveled up .

  10. 在水温18~22℃条件下,胚胎从受精到孵化出膜历时66h,经过了胚盘形成期、卵裂期、囊胚期、原肠胚期、神经胚期、器官分化期6个主要阶段。

    The incubation period is 66 hours from 18 to 22 ℃ . The embryonic development process can be divided into 6 stages , including fertilized egg , cell cleavage , blastula , gastrula , neural stage and organ formation , and there are thirty-one developmental phases observed noticeably .

  11. 哺乳动物受精过程中配子膜相互作用的分子学基础

    Molecular basis of gamete membrane interactions in mammalian fertilization