
  • 网络Accountability;fiduciary duty;stewardship
  1. 政府业绩计量和报告:一个受托责任观点

    Governmental Performance Measurement and Reporting from the Accountability 's Angle

  2. 换言之,政府的公共受托责任对政府会计产生了需求。

    In other words , it is government accountability that demands governmental accounting .

  3. 公司对股东负有的受托责任

    the company 's fiduciary duty to its shareholders

  4. 模式X认为会计附属于预算,强调政府内部的受托责任;

    Model X believes accounting is subordinated to budgeting , concerned with the government interior accountability .

  5. 近期如操纵libor利率和滥售支付保护险(paymentprotectioninsurance)之类的丑闻暴露了一些行为,它们不仅不满足受托责任标准,而且已经堕落到违反得体、合法这些日常要求的地步。

    Recent scandals , from LIBOR fixing to the mis-selling of payment protection insurance , have revealed behaviour which not only fails to meet fiduciary standards but has been so low as to violate everyday requirements of decency and legality .

  6. 因此,看到railpen这样的养老基金,在汇丰和年利达律师事务所(linklaters)的协助下,做出推动讨论前进的努力,并就受托责任提出重要问题,是令人欣慰的。

    So it is good to see pension funds like railpen trying to move the debate on , and raise important questions about fiduciary duty ( see page 1 ) , with the help of HSBC and Linklaters .

  7. 这是受托责任发展的结果。

    All these are the results of the development of accountability .

  8. 第一部分受托责任与政府审计的历史演进。

    Section I The historical development of accountability and government audit .

  9. 遵守受托责任标准还意味着避免利益冲突。

    Conformity to fiduciary standards also means avoiding conflicts of interest .

  10. 政府会计改革的公共受托责任视角解析

    Analysis of Government Accounting Reform from the Perspective of Public Accountability

  11. 从委托代理理论看财务负责人的双重受托责任

    The Dual - entrusted Responsibilities of Financial Headers from Agency Theory

  12. 在金融业,这就是所谓受托责任。

    In the financial world , it is called fiduciary duty .

  13. 我对洛&加律所有受托责任。

    I have a fiduciary responsibility to Lockhart / Gardner .

  14. 其次,对影响审计免疫系统产生和发展的公共受托责任、新公共管理理论进行了概述。

    Secondly , this paper summarized public accountability and new public management theory .

  15. 目前,在对会计目标的认识上,存在着决策有用学派和受托责任学派。

    There are two schools of accounting objective : decision usefulness and accountability .

  16. 对受托责任本质论和契约本质论的选择

    On the Choice Between Accountability Theory and Contract Theory

  17. 成文法界定了公司董事的受托责任。

    Statutes define the fiduciary duties of company directors .

  18. 两权分离下的受托责任分析

    Accountability Analysis Based On Separation of Two Equity

  19. 财政受托责任的理论分析

    The Theoretical Analysis on the Financial Depository Duty

  20. 交易费用、契约成本、受托责任与内部审计论医疗服务收费

    The Theories of Transaction Fees , Acquisition Cost , and Accountability with Internal Auding

  21. 第一章研究公共受托责任、公平和效率。

    Chapter one looks into general accountability , public accountability , equity and efficiency .

  22. 解除受托责任:现阶段我国会计目标的定位

    Relieving Accountability : the Location of the Current Stage Accounting Goal of our Country

  23. 第二层次是较理想的层次,即决策有用观(含受托责任观)。

    The second level is " decision-making utility perspective ", which contains accountability perspective .

  24. 权力控制与国家审计参与&基于公共受托责任的视角

    Power Control and Governmental Audit 's Participation & From the Perspective of Public Accountability

  25. 然而,受托责任的加强是审计功能拓展的主要内在因素。

    However , the responsibility is to strengthen the audit function expansion main internal factors .

  26. 三者以委托代理关系为中心形成了功能互补、共生互动的经济运行系统,共同维持着受托责任机制运行中的公平与效率。

    The trust-agent mechanism among the three components forms the basis of fairness and efficiency .

  27. 政府财务报告是以财务信息为主要内容,全面系统地反映政府财务受托责任的综合报告。

    Government financial report is based on financial information and systematically reflects government fiduciary responsibility .

  28. 林业会计核算体系重构:分类经营制度、生态需求与受托责任

    Rebuilding Forestry Accounting System Basis on Classify Forestry Operation , Ecological Needs and Responsibility Commissioned

  29. 文章在对会计目标两大流派,即“决策有用学派”和“受托责任学派”评述的基础上,提出会计目标多元化的主张。

    This article claims the diversification of accounting goals after reviewing two schools on accounting goals .

  30. 涉及资产管理之类的合同往往试图排除受托责任。

    Contracts , such as those of asset managers , often attempt to exclude fiduciary obligations .