
  • 网络indirect benefit
  1. 铁路建设项目间接效益计算方法

    Numeration of Indirect Benefit from Railway Construction Projects

  2. 引发效益:项目投入的供应方取得的一种间接效益。

    Induced-By Benefit : A form of indirect Benefit that accrues to suppliers of project inputs .

  3. 本文从EDI与企业经营战略关系的角度,阐述了EDI对促进企业经营变革的重要作用;分析了EDI给企业经营带来的直接效益、间接效益和战略效益;

    Based on EDI and enterprise operation strategy relationships , the paper discusses the important role EDl plays in promoting the reform of enterprise operation , and analyses the direct , indirect and strategic benefits EDI creates for the enterprise operation ;

  4. 第四章介绍了一个招商银行网上银行发展的实例,主要分析了网上银行为招商银行带来的直接效益和间接效益。

    The chapter four analyzes an example of China Merchants Bank 's E-Bank .

  5. 经过直接效益、间接效益对比分析,验证了此次价值流图析技术运用的成功。

    Then we analyzed the direct and indirect benefits , the analysis data validation the project of value stream mapping is success .

  6. 对集成信息系统将会给胜利石化总厂带来的直接效益和间接效益进行了较全面的分析和评价。

    It also analyses and evaluates comprehensively the direct and indirect benefits that the integrated information system brings to Shengli Petrochemical Plant .

  7. 分析结果表明高校基础设施建设投资的经济效益和其它间接效益非常明显。

    The results of analysis show that the economic profits of the investment into the basic construction are very obvious with other indirect profits .

  8. 通过分析铁路建设项目国民经济评价中间接效益计算方法的缺陷,提出了改进的计算方法&消费者剩余分析法。

    By analyzing flaws in numeration of indirect benefit of national economy evaluation , we put forward a better method & method of consumer surplus analysis .

  9. 指标体系包括产出指标、直接效益指标和间接效益指标等45个具体评价指标。

    The target system includes 45 specific appraisals targets , such as the delivers targets , the direct benefit targets and the indirect benefit targets and so on .

  10. 模型利用比较寻优用的方式来解决节电直接效益和间接效益多目标问题,可以在已知节电对象与投资资金限制的情况下,通过计算,得出现有运行方案的节电较优方案。

    This model integrates derect benefits and inderect benefits to achieve optimum solution under the condition that the current project objections of saving power and limitation of investment is known .

  11. 即使赞助奥运会没有此类直接效益,也会有一种间接效益:你抬高了进入全球市场的成本门槛。

    And even if there is no such direct effect from sponsoring the games , there is an indirect benefit : you raise ever further the costs of entering the global market .

  12. 间接效益来自于依托文化事业的相关产业,如文化旅游业、网络文化业、动漫产业、音像产业、影视产业、其他版权产业、艺术品市场等。

    The indirect benefits are from culture-related sectors , such as cultural tourism , network culture industry , animation industry , audiovisual industry , film and television industry , other copyright-based industries and art market .

  13. 中国央行希望降低资金价格(此举可能产生遏止人民币升值的间接效益),并希望将信贷导向仍缺乏资金的中小企业。

    The PBoC wants to lower the price of money ( which may have the indirect benefit of stemming the rise in the renminbi ) and to direct credit to smaller companies that are still starved of funds .

  14. 综述和比较了国内外森林绿色核算中的环境服务估价方法。指出:森林环境服务实际上是指森林的间接效益,主要包括森林生态效益和社会效益。

    Based on the summary of the evaluation of environmental services in green accounting for forest in domestic and foreign , this paper indicates that the environmental services for forest is actually indirect benefits , which includes ecological benefits and social benefits .

  15. 在经济方面,由于桁架的跨度越来越大、支座形式多变、总用钢量越来越大等原因,如何寻找到最佳的施工方案以获得最高的直接和间接效益已成为工程界十分关注的课题。

    But from the economical aspect , because it spans longer , bearings vary and the total amount of steel increases , how to find the best program to obtain the maximum direct and indirect benefits of a study becomes a hot topic .

  16. 伴随着几十年来邮轮经济的蓬勃发展,邮轮经济对本城市乃至本地区产生了重大的影响,带来的直接效益和间接效益日益明显。其中,尤以邮轮母港的效用最为明显。

    Along with the vigorous development of cruise economy for decades , this city and even the cruise economy has a significant influence in this region , the direct and indirect benefits has become increasingly apparent , especially in the utility of the cruise home port is most obvious .

  17. 效益巨大:直接经济效益142亿元,间接经济效益挽回GDP损失306亿元,减少个人收入176亿元;

    Benefit great : its direct economic returns were $ 1.42 × 10 9 and its indirect economic returns were redeem GDP $ 30.6 × 10 9 ;

  18. 间接经济效益(按10a算)7544万元;

    The indirect economic effect is 75 44 million Yuan .

  19. 利用矩阵H建立了完全经济效益和间接经济效益的计算公式,讨论了矩阵(I-H~T)-1的含义。并用它对关键部门的选取进行了研究。

    The calculation models of complete economic effect and indirect economic effect are established by means of distributive coefficient matrix H. The significance of matrix ( I-HT ) - 1 is discussed and selection of key departments making use of ( I-HT ) - 1 is analyzed .

  20. 间接经济效益的波及效应和摄动效应分析

    Study on ripple effect and perturbation effect of indirect economy effect

  21. 昆明市第四污水处理厂间接经济效益分析

    Analysis of Indirect Economic Interest of Kunming 4th Sewage Treatment Plant

  22. 四川省三次产业的间接经济效益分析

    Analysis of Indirect Economic Effect of Thrice Industry on Sichuan

  23. 经济效益一般可分为直接经济效益和间接经济效益。

    Economic benefit generally includes direct benefit and indirect benefit .

  24. 高速公路间接社会效益指标体系研究

    The study of social benefit index system of Expressway

  25. 建设项目间接波及效益评价思路的探讨

    Probe into how to evaluate indirect radiating benefits PROJECT

  26. 矿山矸石卫生填埋间接经济效益研究

    The Study of the Mine Gangue Hygiene Fills to Cover up Indirectly Economic Performance

  27. 电子工业间接经济效益研究

    Study on Indirect Economic Effect of Electronic Industry

  28. 对国民经济各部门间接经济效益的性质进行了详细分析。

    The characteristics of indirect economic effect in various national economy departments are studied exhaustively .

  29. 间接经济效益和完全经济效益的计算方法

    Calculation of indirect and complete economic effects

  30. 使用10年来,其直接和间接经济效益达670万元。

    The direct and indirect economic benefit of the 10 years ' application is 6.7 million yuan .