
ɡǔ mín
  • Investors?;shareholder;stockholder
  1. 它还为您这样的资深股民提供了“银证转账”业务和“银券通”业务等证券服务。

    It also provides you , superior shareholder , such securities services as " Bank Securities Transfer " and " Bank Securities Link " .

  2. 但对绝大多数股民来说,直接参与证券市场的确是件需要付出大量精力,承担巨大风险的事情;

    But for the most shareholder , directly participate in the really needs of security market to pay out plenty of energies , undertake the matter of huge risk ;

  3. 即便是人们期待已久的IPO的恢复,也没有给中国内地股民的热情泼冷水。

    Even the long-awaited resumption of IPOs in China has not poured cold water on the market 's enthusiasm .

  4. 类似IPO财务造假事件的屡屡发生,严重影响股民对证券股票市场的态度和信心。

    IPO financial fraud incidents occurred frequently , seriously affecting investors on the attitude and confidence in the stock market .

  5. 据里昂证券(clsa)介绍,其中11家是上市实体,因此普通股民也会蒙受损失。

    According to the CLSA brokerage , 11 are listed entities so ordinary shareholders suffer too .

  6. 不过许多人都忽略了一点:股民们不仅对最近IPO的几支网络股反应冷淡,而且近来不少老牌蓝筹股也出现了暴跌。

    But overlooked in all the coverage about the cold shoulder investors have given to recent Web IPOs is the slump that good old-fashioned , blue-chip tech giants have faced .

  7. 一些银行家担心,股市会遭遇与过去同样的问题:股票在IPO和首次亮相时受到强劲追捧,但随后因股民快速获利离场而出现反转。

    There is concern among some bankers that the market could suffer the same problems as in the past if stocks are backed heavily at IPO and on their debuts , but then flipped for quick gains .

  8. 股民们的大力追捧显示出了对Facebook这一代年轻互联网公司的旺盛需求,预计之后将有一批与在线社交网络革命相关的其它公司进行首次公开发行(IPO)。

    The strong reception pointed to pent-up demand for the Facebook generation of young internet companies and is expected to be followed by a spate of initial public offers from other companies linked to the online social networking revolution .

  9. 争论的焦点主要在于现实中各种曲线MBO大行其道,存在着黑箱操作、掌勺者私吞大锅饭等等不公正行为,导致了国有资产流失,企业职工、中小股民等相关利益主体的利益受损问题。

    The main focus of the discussion is that MBO in reality has brought loss of state assets and that some relative sides , like employees and small stock holders , lose their due interest in the MBO process .

  10. 银证转帐系统主要完成股民在券商保证金帐户和银行活期储蓄帐户之间的资金划转。

    The system mainly accomplishes the transfer between bank and securities .

  11. 股民们越来越缺乏兴趣,似乎支持了一种更长期的趋势。

    That growing indifference seems to have underpinned a longer-term trend .

  12. 这种股利相对其它普通股民付款的优先权。

    Those dividends take precedence over other payments to common shareholders .

  13. 为什么蒙受损失的股民得到的补偿微乎其微?

    Why do investors who suffered losses get a little compensation ?

  14. 股民们期望这些人可以维持一个公平有序的交易市场。

    Specialists are expected to keep a fair and orderly market .

  15. 上海股民的投资行为与个性特征研究

    A study of the Shanghai Stock holders ' investing-behavior and personality traits

  16. 学生被试的风险决策中框定效应存在,而且问题的损益背景、概率水平对框定效应有一定的影响。股民被试的风险决策中框定效应不存在。

    Problem 's losing-gaining backgrounds and probability levels can influence framing effect .

  17. 女性股民证券投资特征分析

    An Analysis of the Characteristics of Female Stock Dealers in Securities Investment

  18. 2008年,对于大多数中国股民来说,是艰难的一年。

    The year 2008 was a tough year for most Chinese investors .

  19. 股民过度交易了么?&基于中国某证券营业厅数据的研究

    Do Investors Trade too Much ? Evidence From China 's Stock Markets

  20. 对股民来说,这显然是好消息。

    For stock pickers , this is clearly good news .

  21. 不过只有2%的人口是股民

    but only 2 % of the population own stocks .

  22. 关于股民权益的思考

    Thoughts about the Rights and Interests of the Stockholders

  23. 那普通股民投资股票的动机究竟有哪些呢?

    What is the common shareholders ' investment motivation ?

  24. 股票价格骤然下跌的消息使股民大为失望。

    The news of plummeting stock prices dismayed speculators .

  25. 中国股民投资心理的实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis on Investing Psychology of Chinese Shareholders

  26. 从股民素质分析中国股市

    An Analysis of Chinese Securities Based on Stock-holder Diathesis

  27. 推特是继脸书后股民期待值最高的上市公司。

    Twitter was the most anticipated IPO since Facebook .

  28. 股民齐唱大风歌?

    Shareholders : Chorusing Song of Gale ?

  29. 随着市场经济的日益繁荣发展,中国股民人数不断增多,新兴的股民群体逐渐形成和扩大。

    With the development of the market economy , the number of shareholders is increasing .

  30. 股民和代客理财客户群体;

    Stockholder and financing broker client group ;