
  1. 投资文化将在亚洲扎根,但速度不会很快,这里不会很快变成一个蜜罐。

    Investment culture will take root in Asia but not so fast as to create a honey pot any time soon .

  2. 因此中国不受监管市场的另类投资文化应运而生,人们总能在多个非常规市场找到下一个热门投资品。

    That leaves a freewheeling alternative investment culture in China in which people regularly receive pitches on the next hot tip on a number of unusual markets .

  3. 党还将“引导社会资本以多种形式投资文化产业,参与国有经营性文化单位转企改制”。

    It would Channel private funds to " invest in the cultural industry in many forms and participate in the transformation of state cultural units into companies " .

  4. 外商投资文化、教育、医疗卫生等社会事业,可按规定减收土地使用费。

    F oreign invested culture , education and medical treatment and health and other social projects shall be partially exempt from the land use fees according to regulations .

  5. 因此,通过持续投资文化资本推动物质资本、人力资本及制度资本的高效使用,是成功经营餐饮的内部基本条件。

    Therefore , the continuous investment of cultural capital and efficient use of material capital , human capital and system capital are the sufficient conditions for the success of enterprise .

  6. 由于中国缺乏长期投资文化,过去18个月内,中国境内以人民币计价的私人股本基金一直难以实现融资目标。

    Renminbi-denominated private equity funds in China , meanwhile , have struggled over the past 18 months to reach their fund-raising targets due to a lack of a long-term investment culture in the country .

  7. 依据三阶段DEA和Malmqusit指数模型的要求,选取了文化产业增加值和文化产业总收入作为产出变量,文化产业固定资产投资和文化产业工资福利支出作为投入变量。

    According to the requirements in three-stage DEA model and Malmquist index model , this paper chooses value added and general income in cultural industry as input index and choose fixed investment and salary and welfare expenditure as output index .

  8. 这项投资包括文化、卫生、医疗等。

    Those investment included culture , public health , and medical care ones .

  9. 坚持先进文化发展方向加强外商投资企业文化建设

    Insist on Advanced Cultural Development Direction Strengthen Foreign Merchant Investment Enterprise Cultural Construction

  10. 加强外商投资企业文化建设是发展外向型经济的一个崭新课题。

    To strengthen the cultural construction of foreign merchant Investment enterprise is a new topic of developing foreign-oriented economy .

  11. 虽然她很高兴看到日本妇女更积极地掌管自己的财务,但她并不赞成从储蓄转向投资的文化。

    While she is glad to see Japanese women taking more active control of their finances , she is not enamoured with the switch from a savings to an investment culture .

  12. 随着中俄在经贸、能源、投资和文化交流领域合作的进一步扩大,中俄关系进入一个全面发展的新时期,展现出十分广阔的发展前景。

    As the growth of China-Russia cooperation in trade , energy , investment and cultural communication , China-Russia relationship enters into a new period of integrated development , showing a very broad developing prospective .

  13. 本文深入分析风险投资引入文化产业的可能性、可行性及可观性,并为如何引进风险投资提出自己的建议,期望能从风险投资角度为中国文化产业开辟出新的的投融资渠道。

    The paper expatiates the possibility , accessibility and visibility of introducing venture capital into culture industry . It also suggests on how to make it work . The paper expects to generate a new investment for Chinese culture industry .

  14. 母亲在家庭中的决策地位与母亲的受教育程度同时影响子女教育投资,文化程度高且在家庭地位高的母亲,对子女的教育投资有积极促进作用。

    The mother 's role in the household decision-making and the level of her education influence the household investment in education interactively . Mothers with a higher educational level and a higher decision-making position have positive effects on the household investment in education .

  15. 加大文化投资;扩大文化出口。

    To greatly increase cultural investment and to enlarge cultural export .

  16. 产业投资基金支持文化产业发展的作用机理。

    The mechanism of industrial investment fund supporting culture industry .

  17. 投资主体的文化构成对经济稳定性影响的定量研究

    The Quantitative Research About Influence Of The Investors Cultural Constitution Upon The Economic Stability

  18. 文化投资与历史文化遗产保护

    Cultural Investment and Conservation of Historic Cultural Heritage

  19. 投资的社会文化环境分析

    An Analysis of Social Cultural Environment of Investment

  20. 文化产业投资模式是文化产业投资中重中之重的问题。

    The cultural industry investment patterns is the " most important " investment in cultural industries .

  21. 《案例》:广东美进教育有限公司&华人外商投资企业跨文化管理问题探讨

    Guangdong Magian Educational Company & Study of the Cross-cultural Problems in Foreign Invested Company by Hongkong Chinese

  22. 天津鼎顺艺术文化传播有限公司是一家投资于艺术文化领域,注重信誉与专业的商业机构。

    Tianjin Dingshun Arts Culture Media Company Limited is a business organisation , invests and focuses on arts and cultures .

  23. 你任职的基金会投资了由文化联盟管理的线上票务和观众管理系统。

    Your foundation has invested in an online ticketing and audience management system to be managed by the Cultural Alliance .

  24. 金融危机之后,有报道称高盛的交易员和投资银行家之间文化冲突不断。

    In the wake of the financial crisis , there had reportedly been a culture clash going on at Goldman between traders and investment bankers .

  25. 鼓励支持各区县、社区、社会组织和个人投资建设体育文化设施。

    Encourage and support the various district and county governments , communities , social organizations and individuals to invest in the construction of sports cultural facilities .

  26. 规定重申,禁止设立外商投资的网络文化经营单位。不过,这一限制的范围仍不明确。

    The rules restate a ban on foreign investment in companies involved in cultural activities on the internet , though the scope of this restriction remains unclear .

  27. 解释有道德的投资和企业伦理文化的含义。

    Explain the meanings of ethical investing and an ethical corporate culture .

  28. 我们之间已经开始进行通讯、合作、贸易、投资、旅游、文化和科学交流。

    We have communication , cooperation , trade , investment , tourism , cultural and scientific exchanges .

  29. 外商投资作为在异质文化主体之间进行的经济交往活动,文化无疑是一个值得关注的影响因素。

    FDI as the contact of economy in heterogeneous culture , no doubt the culture is an influence factor worth to be attached .

  30. 在史密瑟斯看来,废除误导经理人投资决策的奖金文化,是当今经济和社会政策的最重要任务。

    For Smithers , dismantling the bonus culture that misdirects managers " investment decisions is the single most important task for economic and social policy today .