
  1. BOT模式是一种新的、有效的项目融资、建设和运营模式,在投资主体多元化、法人结构的完善、引入国际先进技术和管理经验等方面都具有显著功效。

    The BOT pattern , which plays an important role in attracting investors , the perfect of the corporate structure , and the introduction of international advanced techniques and management experiences , is a new and efficient financing , construction , and operation pattern .

  2. 以公共基础设施公私伙伴关系协议当事人中政府部门风险承担的程度多少为标准,可以将公私伙伴关系区分为政府支付、BOT特许经营、国有企业投资主体多元化三大类型。

    A newly division that from the degree of risk to public and private partnership of the government departments , we can classified the PPP as government payoff ; BOT franchise , state-owned enterprises investment diversification of the three types , main include all types of public infrastructure public-private partnership .

  3. 关于实现青岛市国企投资主体多元化的思考

    The Consideration of Realizing the Pluralism of State-owned Enterprise Investment Subject

  4. 投资主体多元化是国有企业进行有限责任公司化改革的关键。

    The key to the reform is to diversify the investment subject .

  5. 风险投资主体多元化:必要性、障碍与对策

    On the diversification of venture capitalists : necessities , impediments and countermeasures

  6. 国有企业投资主体多元化改革研究

    The Research on the Reform of Investment Pluralism of SOE

  7. 中国高等教育投资主体多元化理论探索

    Theoretical Exploration on the Diversification of China 's Higher Education Investment Principal

  8. 公共事业投资主体多元化中的政府作为

    Government 's Act on Investment Subject Pluralism of Public Utility

  9. 而公司制度的关键是要实现投资主体多元化。

    However , the key point is realizing diversified sources of investment .

  10. 人力资本投资主体多元化问题初探

    Multiplication of Investment Main Body of Human Labour Capital

  11. 国外银行界并购重组之风盛行,投资主体多元化在促进银行规范经营、保护投资人和储户利益等方面具有积极作用。

    Foreign banks ' merging and recombination are prevailing .

  12. 第四,推进资产多元化和投资主体多元化;

    Property diversification of the fourth , Propulsion and invest the corpus the diversification .

  13. 城市基础设施投资主体多元化

    Discourse of Investment Subject in Urban Infrastructure Construction

  14. 投资主体多元化:高校后勤改革的必然趋势

    The diversified investors & An inevitable tendency of the reform of universities ' rear services

  15. 垃圾处理领域现正向投资主体多元化和融资渠道多样化方向发展。

    Waste disposal area is developing towards the direction of diversification in investment and financing channel .

  16. 本文提出了相应的改革措施:1.完善税费制度,优化适于黄金生产企业生存发展的软环境;2.建立现代企业制度,实现投资主体多元化,拓宽融资渠道;

    Establish modern - enterprise system , realize the diversification of investment and extend financing channels ;

  17. 西部地区中等职业教育投资主体多元化模式研究

    Study on the Diversified Investment Regime of Secondary Vocational Education in the Western Region of China

  18. 计算结果显示,辽宁省的资源效率与这几个因素紧密相连,随着科学技术应用、政府引导和投资主体多元化、合理的居民消费模式及产业结构的不断优化,辽宁省资源效率得到了逐步提升。

    As the result shows that the resource efficiency has the closed link with these factors .

  19. 江西农村新型城镇化建设投资主体多元化的促进对策

    The Measures to Promote Diversified Investors in the New Type of Urbanization of Villages in Jiangxi Province

  20. 投资主体多元化;

    Pluralism of investment subject ;

  21. 要加快体制创新,实现投资主体多元化;

    We are required to speed up the creation and renewal of system , to realize diversified investment ;

  22. 十一五规划与教育投资主体多元化

    Researches on the Diversification of the Main Investors of Education during the Course of the Eleventh " Five-Plan "

  23. 企业投资主体多元化后内部审计的定位与机构设置

    The Positioning of the Internal Audit and the Setting up of the Organizations after the Diversifying of the Investment Subjects

  24. 随着投资主体多元化趋势的发展,以及相应的油气管道经营管理模式的转变,我国管道运输企业将从局部、区域化的竞争转向全面、国际化的竞争。

    The pipeline sector in China has witnessed a trend toward multi-level investment with changes in the managerial pattern of pipeline operating enterprises .

  25. 石油石化市场进一步开放,市场主体和投资主体多元化的格局已初步形成;

    The petroleum and petrochemical market is further opened , with the structuring of diversified entities of markets and investments taking shape initially .

  26. 最后阐明国有企业投资主体多元化改革是打破行政垄断的重要突破口。

    Finally , we find that the diversity of investors of state-owned enterprises reform is an important breakthrough of breaking the industrial administration monopoly .

  27. 中国钢铁行业坚持投资主体多元化的方针,过去10年已经取得重大进展。

    China Iron and Steel Industry Association adheres to multilateral investment policy , and a great progress has been made in the past decade .

  28. 大力发展股份制经济,实现投资主体多元化,是国有施工企业改革发展的正确选择。

    So it is correct for them to develop the stock economy and realize diversified sources of investment in the process of reform and development .

  29. 最后,构架我国的投资者资格制度,这是本文的宗旨所在。文章创新性地提出我国制度的总体定位:与投资主体多元化和投资自由理念相符合的资格认证制度。

    This dissertation provides the whole orientation of China 's system constructively : the investor qualification authentication system in accordance with investor pluralism of free investing idea .

  30. 分析能源工业股权结构及投资主体多元化状况,有利于认清我国能源工业市场化推进程度,从而为进一步改革能源工业体制、提高能源工业效率提供依据。

    Analyzing the equity and investors is very helpful for recognizing the extent of the marketization , and therefore for improving the energy industry system and its efficiency .