
  • 网络Passenger transportation volume;volume of passenger traffic
  1. 广东基础设施有了长足的发展,公路、高速公路、民航旅客运输量、吞吐量均居全国首位。

    The infrastructure construcion in Guangdong has a great development . Road , high way , the civil aviation carryings and the turn volume , all these Guangdong stand the first place .

  2. 尽管过去几年国泰航空的货物和旅客运输量有所上升,但公司利润率一直受制于航空燃油价格的压力。2004年以来,航空油价已上涨一倍多。

    Although Cathay has been flying more cargo and passengers in the past few years , its profitability has been under pressure from jet fuel prices , which have more than doubled since 2004 .