
  • 网络the hotel industry
  1. 第二章主要论述了近代旅馆业的发展进程。

    The second chapter describes the course of modern hotel industry .

  2. 承办会议业务能给旅馆业带来很高的利润。

    The convention business is very profitable for the hotel industry .

  3. 因此,为获得、巩固、发展忠诚顾客的忠诚计划(LoyaltyPrograms,LPs)在很多行业(航空、旅馆业)取得了巨大的成功。

    So , Loyalty Programs ( LPs ) for getting , consolidating and developing loyal customer make enormous success in a lot of trade like aviation and lodging industries .

  4. 两位潜在的投标者都有旅馆业的经验。

    Both poten tial biddes have experience of the hotel industry .

  5. 唐宋时期政府对旅馆业的干预

    The Government 's Intervention of Hotel Industry In Tang - Song Period

  6. 从价值工程的应用看目前的旅馆业

    Looking at the Present Hotel Industry from the Use of Value Engineering

  7. 上海旅馆业的现状调查与发展对策研究

    A Status Investigation and Study of Development Countermeasures of Shanghai 's Lodging Industry

  8. 北京旅馆业的时空结构解析

    An Analysis of the Time and Space Structure of the Hotel Industry in Beijing

  9. 唐宋时期旅馆业研究

    The Research of Hotel Industry in Tang-Song Period

  10. 他熟悉旅馆业的经营业务。

    He know how to run a hotel .

  11. 注:1、本表社会服务业1998年数据仅指旅游业、旅馆业。

    Note : 1.Data of social service in1998 only refers to tourism and hotels .

  12. 旅馆业,如同大多数行业一样,目前都不景气。

    The hotel industry , like most industries , is currently in a slump .

  13. 家庭旅馆业的发展&以桂林龙脊梯田风景区为例

    On Developing Family Inn Industry & A Case Study of Dragon Ridge Terrace Scenic Spot

  14. 拉帕兹是旅馆业委员会的成员,这是代表旅馆工作人员的工会组织。

    Lapaz is a member of the Hotel Trades Council , a union that represents hotel workers .

  15. 就雇佣的人来说,旅馆业是瑞士的第二大产业。

    In terms of the numbers in employment the hotel industry was the second largest Swiss industry in .

  16. 据曼斯菲尔德的公司估计,日本情人旅馆业的年收人可达400亿美元。

    Mansfield 's company estimates the industry in Japan pulls in $ 40 billion a year in revenue .

  17. 最高级的旅馆业人员通常是一些有经验的旅馆经理,他们能有效地指挥个体单位的工作。

    The top staff people are usually experienced hotel who can effectively control the operations of the individual units .

  18. 我国家庭旅馆业的发展现状及管理对策旅馆经理是业务负责人。

    The Development Situation and Management Countermeasure of Family Inns in China ; A hotel manager is a business executive .

  19. 旅馆业是一种服务性行业,它所出售的服务项目之一,便是令人愉快的气氛。

    The hotel business is a service industry , and one of the services that it sells is a pleasant atmosphere .

  20. 举世最大旅馆业集团之一的马里欧特集团在亚洲开设了七十多家连锁饭店。

    Marriott Group , one of the largest hotel groups in the world , has more than 70 chain hotels in Asia .

  21. 许多人搬到拉斯韦加斯。在那里从事旅馆业或者建筑业,还有一些人在相关行业工作。

    Many people move to Las Vegas to work in the hotels or the building trades , or in jobs that service those industries .

  22. 尽管日本正处于二战以来最深切的经济衰退之中,该国的情人旅馆业却一片繁荣景象。

    Even in the midst of Japan 's deepest economic recession since World War II , the country 's love hotel industry is thriving .

  23. 多年来,旅馆业有了很大变化,但基本宗旨仍是为旅客提供住宿。

    Hotels have changed greatly over the years , but the basic idea of hotels has remained the same to provide shelter for travelers .

  24. 以此促进家庭旅馆业不断完善和发展,期待这种新的旅游形式和内容的载体保持旺盛的生命力。

    So as to promote family hotel industry continued improvement and development , looking forward to this new form and content of tourism to keep the carrier of vitality .

  25. 而世界旅游业、尤其是西式饭店对中国近代旅馆业产生了较大的影响。

    Tourism development in the world also had a certain impact on it . Especially the Western-style hotel played a certain role in promoting for the modern Chinese hotels .

  26. 据国外媒体报道,由美国旅馆业大亨毕格罗运营的航空科技公司正积极建设首座民营太空旅馆。

    The solar system 's first private space station is under construction by a space technology company run by US hotel industry entrepreneur Robert T.Bigelow , according to media reports .

  27. 近年来,近代旅游史研究逐渐展开,但有关近代旅馆业的专题研究却并不多见。

    The recent research on the history of modern tourism gradually arisen whereas most closely with the tourism enterprise research and the special studies on modern hotel are both rare .

  28. 本文在全面调查的基础上,对上海旅馆业的发展现状和存在的问题进行了描述和分析,并提出了对策和建议。

    Based on the results of a comprehensive investigation , this paper provides a description of the current status of shanghai 's lodging industry , analysizes the problems it confronts , and puts forward some development countermeasures .

  29. 唐宋时期旅馆业空前繁荣,政府出于维护社会政治、经济秩序以及增加政府收入的目的,对旅馆业实施了干预。

    Hotel industry was very flourishing In Tang-Song Period , for the purpose of protecting the normal social economy , political order and increasing their gains , the governments implemented an intervention policy . They intervened in various ways .

  30. 农村家庭旅馆是旅游业和农业相结合的产物,在我国目前阶段,农家旅馆具有较大的生存发展空间,但目前我国农家旅馆的发展尚存在很多问题,需要从多方面予以重视。

    Rural family hotels are the product of the integration of tourism and agriculture , have greater existing and developing space at present and have many problems in its development which need to be paid attention to .