
  • 网络Tourism
  1. 旅游界分析家倾向于假定,一般都比较含蓄的,规划和政策过程是一个多元化的过程,任何一人都能获得同等的经济和政治资源。

    Community tourism analysts tend to assume , often implicitly , that the planning and policy process is a pluralistic one in which people have equal access to economic and political resources .

  2. 旅游界正日益意识到自己的责任。

    The tourism community is becoming increasingly aware of its responsibility .

  3. 这位聪明的年轻人在旅游界能很快获得成功。

    The bright young man can get ahead quickly in the tourist industry .

  4. 经济型酒店是近年来旅游界研究的热点课题。

    Economic Hotel has become a popular subject of the tourist research .

  5. 美国驻华使馆及美国旅游界欢迎中国的游客到美国旅游。

    The United States Embassy and tourism Industry welcomes Chinese tourists to the United States !

  6. 与此同时,旅游界正加倍努力地提升自己的文化敏感度。

    Meanwhile , the tourism industry has redoubled its efforts to be more culturally sensitive .

  7. 在旅游界,对国内游客的消费行为研究还很少。

    In the tourism field , there are seldom researches on the consumption behavior of tourists .

  8. 形象理论在旅游界的应用大多集中于城市旅游目的地,而对于目前发展最快的生态旅游及森林旅游则给予的关注较少。

    The study of image in tourism focus on the city , while the ecotourism and forest tourism that gets little attention .

  9. 第一章是导言,介绍旅游界和管理部门在风景名胜资源私人管理上的争论。

    Chapter 1 is the leadin , introduces the debate between tour pursuers and menagement section on the private management of scenery resource .

  10. 曲阜海外国际旅行社愿与世界各地的旅游界、工商界、社会团体组织进行多方面合作,愿为五洲四海的游客提供优质的服务。

    OTCQF hopes to cooperate with friends from tourism industry , business circles and social organizations in the world , and to provide the high quality service .

  11. 因此在低碳时代来临之前,旅游界十分有必要探讨国内低碳旅游发展现状及对策研究。

    Therefore in low carbon era before the advent of the tourism sector , is very necessary to explore the domestic low-carbon tourism development status and countermeasure research .

  12. 施密特反驳认为该公司的作法是机会主义的指责,他说:在旅游界每家公司都是通过把游客带到一些地方让他们看一些东西来赚钱。

    ' Everyone that 's in the tour business makes money by taking people places and showing them things , 'he said , noting that tours in other cities include the Vietnam Veterans Memorial .

  13. 产业集群作为一种提升企业竞争力的有效途径,受到旅游界的关注,国内外学者开始致力于将产业集群理论应用到旅游产业发展中。

    As an effective way to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises , Industrial clusters are concerned by tourism . Scholars have started to pay attention to industrial cluster theory applied to the development of the tourism industry .

  14. 我国旅游界普遍认为学生旅游市场是一个低消费、低利润市场,因此对学生旅游市场的研究远远滞后于其强劲的发展势头。

    Tourist circle in china holds such an opinion that tourism market of students is rather low-consumed and low-profit . In this case , the research on the development of the tourism market of students is far behind the pace .

  15. 在当前国内旅游学界还存在着是旅游产品生命周期(PLC,ProductLifeCycle)还是旅游地生命周期(RLC,ResortLifeCycle)的争论。

    The resort life cycle theories and model of Butler is developed from the product life cycle theories . In the current domestic tour study circles this exists the issue about " the tour product life cycle ( PLC )" and " the resort life cycle ( RLC )" .

  16. 针对这个主题的讨论,鲜见于国内旅游学术界。

    Discussion on this topic is scarcely seen in domestic tourist academic circle .

  17. 如何改革现有景区管理体制一直是旅游学界关注的重点。

    Nowadays , some administrations have been transferring the operating authority of scenic areas .

  18. 然而由于种种原因,目前史学界与旅游学界对这个典型个案的研究却非常薄弱。

    But at present , the field of history and tourism do little research on this typical case .

  19. 第一部分首先对目前国内旅游学术界界定模糊的跨区域旅游进行了研究,梳理出了它的概念,并探讨了它产生的时代背景。

    The fist part studies the concepts and background of the trans-regional tourism , which circles in china 's tourism .

  20. 旅游学界对旅游文化的研究存在着忽视旅游主体即旅游者的重要性的倾向。

    There is one tendency of neglecting tourism subject in the study of tourism culture in sphere of tourism learning .

  21. 受其影响,我国旅游学术界和业界也开始了对旅游体验的关注。但由于长期受经济产业思路的局限,我国的旅游体验研究还缺乏系统性且较深层次的思考。

    Our country tourism academic circles and the fields also have been paying attention to the " Tourist Experiences " under its influence .

  22. 本文针对旅游学术界在探讨旅游城市竞争力问题时所存在的一些方法和理论误区,提出了一些新的看法。

    This paper puts forward a few new ideas about some mistakes tourist academic society makes in applying the methods and theories when discussing the competitiveness of tourist cities .

  23. 分时度假作为一种休闲度假方式引入我国,不仅引起了旅游学界和经济学界的讨论,也给法学界带来了新的议题。

    Timeshare is introduced into China as a type of entertainment and vacation . It causes debate between tourism scholars and economists , and it also brings a new subject in jurisprudential circle .

  24. 为了适应这些变化,旅游规划界对传统的规划思想和经典的研究方法不断重新认识,并引入新的规划设计理念。

    To meet these changes , more has been carried out in this field for new study of traditional ideas and classical research approaches , and the new idea of planning and design has been introduced .

  25. 上世纪六七十以来,国内外旅游学界较系统地研究了旅游的经济影响,这为旅游扶贫(反贫困)提供了理论依据,并且为评估旅游扶贫的效果奠定了基础。

    The economic effects of tourism were studied systematically and widely since the 1960s and 1970s , and this offered theoretic gist for tourism antipoverty and pave the way for evaluating the impacts of tourism antipoverty .

  26. 目前旅游学界对旅游资源的内涵和特性的认识存在着较大分歧,显然不利于旅游资源的利用培育和旅游学科理论系统的构建。

    That the understanding of the connotation and specific property of tourism resource has been in great difference is obviously unfavorable to the use and fostering of tourism resource and the building of theoretical system of tourism study .

  27. 在该板块中讨论了旅游学界对旅游产品定义的三大争论,给出了旅游产品的新的理解,并对旅游产品的六大特性作出了批判。

    Three arguments on the definition of the traveling resources in the circles of the tourism are discussed , six fixed features of the traveling products are doubted and a new understanding about traveling resources is presented in it .

  28. 分析了旅游地理学界对旅游资源概念争议的焦点问题,在此基础上,提出了新的旅游资源定义,并解释了有关旅游资源概念的几个争议问题。

    This thesis analyzed the debate in the circle of tourist geography on the concept of tourist resources . On the basis of the analyses , it proposed a new definition of tourist resources , and elaborated on the issues of the concept under dispute .

  29. 21世纪头十年的中国,进入了一个各类大型事件活动竞相举办的时代,这股热潮也使得国内旅游学术界对大型事件活动及其产生的事件旅游开始了研究和思考。

    In the first decade of 21st century , China has entered an age that some mega events come in a continuous stream . At the same time , this enthusiastic wave causes domestic tourism academy to start to think and research the mega event and event tourism .

  30. 新疆旅游特色资源界值体系研究

    Preliminary theoretical probe into threshold system of peculiar tourist resources in Xinjiang