
  1. 关于共同开发中日韩徐福旅游文化资源的思考

    Joined Efforts in Developing Resources of Xu Fu Tourist Culture with China-Japan-Korea

  2. 钓鱼城与重庆旅游文化资源

    The Fishing Castle in Hechuan and the Resources of Tourist Culture in Chongqing

  3. 论湖南旅游文化资源的开发与利用

    Development and utilization of tourism cultural resources in Hunan

  4. 论面向21世纪株洲旅游文化资源的开发

    On the Exploitation of Tourism Cultural Resources in Zhuzhou to Meet the Needs of 21st Century

  5. 如何将农业民俗作为一种珍贵的旅游文化资源很好的保护、开发和利用?

    How to protect , exploit and make use of the agricultural folklore as one precious tourist attraction ?

  6. 论旅游文化资源及其开发&以苏北地区为例


  7. 因此开发南岳旅游文化资源对加快南岳现代旅游业的发展具有必要性和紧迫性。

    It is necessary and urgent to exploit the tourism culture resources and speed up the development on modern tourism in Southern Mountain .

  8. 成都旅游文化资源宣传和开发中动漫运用探索发布影片宣传资料;刊印与陈列影片宣传资料;展示影片宣传资料

    On the Application of Animation in the Spreading and Development of Chengdu Tourism Culture Resource publication and display of advertising materials relating to films

  9. 名人故居是一种重要的旅游文化资源,含有丰富的人文价值。

    Former residence of the celebrities is such an important humane tourist resource that prominence should be given to the humane values in the tourist resources .

  10. 南岳旅游文化资源类型齐全,文化特色鲜明,但南岳旅游产品的开发大都处于较低层次。

    There is a complete kind of tourism culture resources , and its culture characteristic is distinctive . But most of its developed products are lower level .

  11. 在西部地区蕴藏的各种资源中,旅游文化资源独特性和垄断性强。

    Which affected its monopoly status in Chinese market . In the different resources of western region , tourism culture resources have very distinctive characteristics and monopoly status .

  12. 中国拥有丰富的旅游文化资源,其翻译质量与外国游客接受程度应是我国旅游翻译研究的一个重要课题,具有时代意义。

    China is endowed with tremendous natural and cultural tourism resources , the translation quality and acceptability of which is an important issue with significance in the new century .

  13. 山西省有着得天独厚丰富多彩的旅游文化资源,但山西的旅游文化资源却得不到应有的开发和利用,山西的旅游经济与其它省份和地区相比相对滞后。

    Shanxi province has special tourist cultural resources which are not fully explored and utilized . The tourist economy , compared with other provinces and regions , is backward .

  14. 第四章是优化天柱山风景名胜区旅游文化资源开发的构想,本章在前面几章的基础上,从天柱山风景区实际条件出发,提出相关对策构想。

    The fourth chapter is to propose measures to optimize and promote the tourist culture development in Tianzhu Mountain on the basis of the previous chapters and local conditions .

  15. 辽宁省地处环渤海经济圈,旅游文化资源丰富多样,交通发达,发展旅游文化产业优势明显。

    Liaoning . Province is located in the Bohai economic circle which tourism and cultural resources are diverse , traffic is developed have obvious advantages on the development of tourism cultural industries .

  16. 重视对旅游文化资源的开发与利用,用一定的文化差异来满足游客高层次的旅游需求,并要注重体验性产品、现代娱乐产品、乡村旅游商品的开发。

    Fourth , emphasize the exploitation of culture resources and meet the highly-leveled needs by means of culture discrepancy , together with that of the tentative products , modern entertainments and tourism-related products .

  17. 第二章主要从天柱山风景区的开发现状着手,简述其目前开发过程中所取得的成果,以及天柱山旅游文化资源的种类。

    The second chapter is to analyze the tourist culture in Tianzhu Mountain , from the present development situation , the classifications of tourist culture in Tianzhu Mountain to the achievements behind development .

  18. 旅游文化资源是一种人文旅游资源,有着广泛的内容,包括历史遗迹、民族风情、宗教等,而旅游规划则是为了满足旅游需求,合理利用旅游文化资源,制定的旅游开发的行动方案。

    Tourism culture resource is a kind of humanities tourism resources , include many historical relics , nationality customs , religion , etc. Tourism planning is to satisfy tourist demand , availably exploit tourism culture resource , form a scheme of operating tourism development .

  19. 通过分析进一步探讨唐代都市长安文化与秦岭山水文化的关系,并以此对当代终南山旅游文化资源的开发的现代意义予以阐释。

    Furthermore , through analysis , it also delves further into the relation between the cultures of Chang ' an city in the Tang Dynasty and the QinLing mountains and rivers , and expounds the modern significance of the development of the ZhongNan Mountain tourist and cultural resources at present .

  20. 心路历程&食物旅游餐饮文化资源的开发

    Exploitation of tourism food culture resource

  21. 在进行乡村旅游饮食文化资源的深度开发时,要加强乡村饮食文化挖掘,保持乡村饮食的自然本味,突出乡村饮食的文化包装。

    When the countryside tourism drink and food resources is deeply developed , its ' Natural Feature ' should be preserved and its packing should be highlighted .

  22. 并提出了开发甘孜藏区旅游历史文化资源的一些初步意见,尤其强调要保护好资源。

    In addition , some preliminary suggestions on the development of travel history and culture resources in Ganzi are advanced , proper protection of resources is particularly emphasized .

  23. 论校园旅游&文化旅游资源开发的一个新课题

    On Campus Tourism ── A New Subject on the Exploitation of Culture Tourism Resources

  24. 大九寨国际旅游区民族文化资源的优化整合和效益提升

    On the Optimized Integration and Exaltation of Benefits of the National Cultural Resources in the Great Jiuzhai Tourist Areas

  25. 这座庙宇是古都旅游文化产业的宝贵资源。

    This temple forms a valuable resources of tourist cultural industrial in ancient capital .

  26. 绍兴旅游建设中的文化资源开发

    Cultural resources exploration in Shaoxing tourism constraction

  27. 桂林江头洲村是一个著名的古村落,有丰富的、可供旅游开发的历史文化资源。

    Jiangtouzhou , a famous ancient village in Guilin , boasts abundant historical and cultural tourism resources .

  28. 少数民族手工艺品是一个饱含、凝聚和浓缩着各类民俗事项的民族文化的重要组成部分,也是云南民族旅游文化中的重要资源之一。

    Yunnan minority handicrafts are the crystallization and an inseparable part of ethnic cultures as well as an important tourism resource .

  29. 对花山旅游区的旅游文化资源和客源市场进行了分析,提出了开发花山旅游文化资源的措施,为花山旅游业可持续发展提供了决策性参考。

    With the analysis of travelers and tourist resource market in Huashan tourist area in Guangxi , some measures are suggested to promote sustainable tourism development in Huashan .

  30. 中国是一个具有悠久旅游历史和丰富旅游文化资源的旅游大国,然而在旅游业迅速发展的同时,有关旅游合同的纠纷却越来越多。

    With the development of tourism , there are more and more tourist contract disputes in China , a country with a long history and abundant tourist resources .