- 名migrant bird

There are 157 species residents , 104 species are migratory birds , and 13 species are passengers .
Among them , 32 species were residents , 11 species were winter birds , 1 species was transient migrant .
There are 110 species ( 87.3 % ) migrant bird which consists of 58 summer migrant and 52 passing bird species .
According to the results of investigation , there are 20 species of the wild goose and duck which belongs to eight genera .
The number of birds and species diversity has increased to some extent , and some traveling birds were beginning to stay in here for reproduction .
According to the seasonal pattern , 30 species were winter migrant , 8 were summer migrant , 5 were traveling birds and 2 species were resident .
Analysis of seasonal dynamic of waterfowl : ( 1 ) 92 kinds of waterfowl were recorded in this study , they were all summer residents or travelers .
In the city parks , migrants and residents are the major groups which explains the Beijing city is in the important position for bird migration . 3 .
Among the 106 species , 35 species were residents , 71 species were migrants which consist of 47 winter migrants , 15 summer migrants and 9 travel birds .
There are 118 bird species on wetlands of the Min River Estuary , among which 72 species are wintering birds , 12 summer type , 19 are residents and 15 are passages .
There are 165 species 109 genera 42 families and 17 orders which include 86 species of resident , 33 of summer types , 37 of winter types and 9 of traveling types .
The results are that there were 151 species of birds in this area . Among them , 52 species are resident , 48 summer resident , 17 winter migrant , and 34 passing birds .
Of the 128 species , 84,28,13 and 3 are residents , summer migrants , winter migrants and passing birds , respectively , accounting for 65.43 % , 21.88 % , 10.16 % and 2.34 % of the total .
There are 21 species of summer residents sharing 26.25 % of the total number , 7 species of winter residents taking 8.75 % , 45 species of migrants taking 56.25 % and 7 species of residents sharing 8.75 % .
The summer birds , resident birds , travel birds and winter birds are respectively 23 , 21 , 11 , 2 . The species of Palaearctic realm , widespread and Oriental realm are respectively 29 , 22 , 6 .
The paper reported the bird composition , the relative number change , the climate bird 's coming and going as well as the time of travelling bird 's travelling through Qionghai lake and its coast in September to November , 1988 .