
  1. 旅游从业人员需要丰富的宗教文化知识

    Personnel Engaged in Tourism Need to Enrich Their Religious Culture Knowledge

  2. 旅游从业人员灰色收入的来源和作用分析

    Analysis of the Sources and Effects of Extra Income of Tourism Staff

  3. 近日,我国发布了一项新规,存在“任性”不文明行为的游客和旅游从业人员将被纳入黑名单。

    China has issued a new regulation to blacklist tourists and tourism service providers who indulge in inappropriate behavior .

  4. 并且探讨如何从文化教育、情景教学等方面培养旅游从业人员的英语语用能力。

    Consequently , the importance of training pragmatic competence is put forward , with proposals of how to foster pragmatic competence in tourism English teaching .

  5. 旅游从业人员的工作相关疾病问题对旅游产业、旅游企业以及旅游从业人员都有很大的负面影响,但这一问题并没有引起足够的注意与重视。

    Tourism employees work-related disease has great negative influences on tourism industry , tourism enterprises and tourism employees , but such problem has not caused enough attentions .

  6. 以全面提高旅游从业人员素质,加强旅游后备人才建设,积极引进优秀旅游管理人才,引入竞争机制,建立旅游人员信息网络系统等为内容的旅游人员管理策略;

    People management strategies of " increasing staff quality , strengthen mothball staff building , attract excellent staff , import competition system , building staff information network system " ;

  7. 只有提高旅游从业人员的素质,丰富其宗教文化知识,才能适应我国旅游事业的发展。

    Only to improve the quality of personnel engaged in tourism , and enrich their religious culture knowledge , can they meet the development of tourism in our country .

  8. 游客、居民和旅游从业人员是旅游发展的主要参与者,其对旅游发展的感知,直接反映旅游发展的品质与趋势。

    Tourists , residents and tourism practitioners are the main participants of tourism development . Their perception of tourism development directly reflects the quality and trend of tourism development .

  9. 乡村旅游从业人员对游客安全认知的调查显示,目前乡村旅游地对游客的安全是比较关注的,但认为游客的安全意识有待进一步提高。

    From the investigation of rural tourism workers safety cognition , at present , they pay more attention to rural tourists safety , but tourists should improve their safety consciousness .

  10. 阐述了林业企业旅游从业人员在职培训的必然性和在职培训的模式、培训的内容以及提高培训质量的具体措施。

    This article elaborated the inevitability and the patterns of the forestry enterprise traveling jobholders'on-the-job training , and the training 's content as well as the specific measures to enhance training quality .

  11. 针对桂林旅游从业人员文化素质偏底、跨文化交际能力较弱、服务意识不强等的状况,提出了运用企业文化来规范旅游人力资源,采取各种培训方式来提高他们的各方面素质的措施。

    In the tourism planning , it is necessary to help all the staff engaging in tourism serving to improve their abilities in intercultural communication and to enhance their awareness of better service .

  12. 摘要在分析山西旅游从业人员现状的基础上,深入探讨加强人力资源开发与管理的重要性以及具体途径。

    Based on the present situation of the employees in tourist industry , this paper focuses on the importance of enforcing the exploitation and management of manpower and the resolutions to the perfection .

  13. 本系统实现了湖南旅游从业人员资格考试管理系统中的考试通知管理、考生报名管理、考试管理、考试成绩管理以及培训管理五大模块的功能。

    The system implement the functional design of five modules of the tourism qualification examination management system of Hunan : exam information management , examinee registration management , exam management , score management and training management .

  14. 通过后奥运两类地区代表企业的实证分析,本文结论认为:后奥运时期的旅游从业人员,特别是服务人员的素质亟待提高。本文构建的素质提升体系能够产生一定的正向效果。

    After the empirical analysis of two representatives , this paper got the conclusions that the quality of post-Olympic tourism practitioners needs to be improved especially the service personnel , and the quality promoting system established in this context does have positive effects to a certain extent .

  15. 超过540万的美国人是旅游业从业人员,他们的工作是无法轻易外包的。

    More than 5.4 million Americans work in travel and tourism , and their jobs cannot be easily outsourced .

  16. ti5.0分析软件对数据进行分析,结果表明中国国际旅游公司从业人员的跨文化敏感性表现出文化特有的特征,反映了中国传统文化价值观对其的影响。

    Ti software . The results demonstrated that Chinese IS exhibits particular characteristics , which reflects the uniqueness of the Chinese culture .

  17. 我相信旅游业的从业人员都知道这一点。

    I 'm sure that the tourist industry knows this .

  18. 要培训好一批外语能力较强的优秀志愿者及窗口旅游项目的从业人员,全面提升广州旅游人才的素质。

    To train a number of strong foreign language skills and outstanding volunteers window in the tourism industry , Guangzhou to raise the quality of tourism .

  19. 在系统开发前期,工作人员广泛征求湖南旅游局一线旅游从业人员资格考试管理人员的实际工作情况,对本系统进行了详细的设计。

    At the early stage of the system development , staff widely solicited the actual work of the front manager who working in the tourism qualification examination in Hunan Tourism Bureau to do the detailed design of the system .

  20. “超低价旅游”损害了旅游从业人员和游客利益,扭曲了正常竞争关系,扰乱了旅游秩序。

    The excessively low-cost tour services injures the interest of staff in the tour industry and tourists , and distorts the normal competence relation as well as the tour order .

  21. 提高旅游科技含量,加强旅游从业人员培训;

    To quicken the step of training tourism human resources ;

  22. 其次从旅游者、旅游管理人员和从业人员的角度分析了旅游信息系统需求,设计了旅游管理信息系统的功能。

    Secondly , make demand analysis for tourist , tourism management and people who work on tourism , beside analyze use of TIS .

  23. 也许香港其他核心商业领域的情况都没有旅游业艰难,香港旅游业从业人员超过25万人。

    Perhaps none of Hong Kong 's core business sectors has been harder than tourism , an industry that employs more than a quarter million people .

  24. 从旅游参与者(旅游者、旅游从业人员、社区居民)的角度入手,提出了旅游参与者在实践可持续发展旅游战略中应具有的行为模式。

    This paper starting with the angle of " travel participant "( tourist , travel employee , community resident ) has put forward the behavior mode that the travel participant should present in practicing the sustainable strategy of developing tourism .

  25. 运用投入产出分析法得出,旅游业对于就业影响大,旅游从业人员占全社会劳动力的21%以上,解决了16%的劳动力就业。

    This article draws tourism 's impact on employment is large by using input-output analysis , tourism employeds rates to 21 percent in social employeds .

  26. 本文简要分析了这些变量对世界旅游业的影响,以期带给旅游从业人员一些新的启示。

    The paper tentatively analyzes the above variables , hoping to show tourism workers some new inspirations .

  27. 要求加强基础设施建设,提高旅游服务质量,引进旅游人才,注重从业人员培训,解放发展思想,开发乡村旅游新产品,调整旅游规划,提升乡村旅游文化内涵。

    Strengthen the infrastructure construction , improve the quality of tourism services , the introduction of tourism professionals , focusing on training employees , liberate the development of ideas , and develop new products , make adjustment to tourism planning enhance rural tourism and cultural connotations .

  28. 对于旅游英语本身的详细研究不仅可以帮助旅游从业人员更好的了解和使用旅游英语,并且也为旅游英语翻译打下良好的基础。

    The detailed study on tourism English itself will be helpful to Chinese to use it well and deal with tourism English translation .

  29. 国家旅游局发布的这项规定明确,旅游从业人员存在侮辱、殴打、胁迫游客等造成严重社会不良影响的行为,将被纳入“旅游不文明行为记录”。

    Tourism service providers who insult , assault or threaten their clients or perform other behaviors which lead to serious adverse social influences will be placed on record for inappropriate tourism behavior , according to the regulation released by the China National Tourism Administration .

  30. 民俗文化旅游资源是人文旅游资源的重要组成部分,是旅游从业人员应该掌握的文化知识。

    The tourism resources about folk custom was one of the important parts of tourism culture resources . It was the necessary knowledge that tourism workers should command .