
lǚ yóu jī ɡòu
  • facility of traveling
  1. 他说,该公司现在正与旅游机构合作,大力发展基础设施,这样亚洲游客就可在那里储藏葡萄酒,也可将MagillEstate出产的葡萄酒发至外地。

    He said they are working with tourism boards and are boosting infrastructure so that Asian tourists can store wine there or ship wine from the Magill Estate .

  2. 有政府认可资质的医疗旅游机构塔琪雅(SeoulTouchUp)在推广材料中写道,“韩国女人被当地男人物化的程度,无疑要比世界上任何其他地方的女人都要高。”

    Seoul TouchUp , a government-approved medical tourism agency , states in its marketing materials that " Korean women are arguably more objectified by their male counterparts than any other women in the world . "

  3. 7月9日,越南全国性旅游机构的副主席阮曼强(NguyenManhCuong)告诉记者,尽管中国游客减少,但越南今年依然有望接待820万国际旅客。几天后,中国的钻井平台离开南海的有争议水域。

    Despite the drop in Chinese arrivals , Vietnam still expects to welcome 8.2 million international tourists this year , Nguyen Manh Cuong , vice chairman of the national tourism agency , told reporters on July 9 , days before the Chinese oil rig left the disputed area of the South China Sea .

  4. 这个地区的各国的旅游机构通过加大广告力度来减小业务下滑的势头。

    National tourism organizations in the region have countered the slump with new advertising .

  5. 国际旅游机构特别训练会议

    International Conference on Special Trains for Travel Agencies

  6. 颜筱是中国最大的在线旅游机构携程旅行网公共事务部高级经理。

    Yan Xiao is the public affairs manager at China 's largest online travel agency Ctrip .

  7. 联系一家你想去的国家当地的旅游机构,询问当地海关的信息。

    Access the local tourism site for the countries where you may be interviewing for information about local customs .

  8. 关于美特尔沙滩不得不提的一点是:它被一家旅游机构评选为最值得一去的春假派对圣地。

    The most telling thing about Myrtle Beach is that is ranks among Trip Advisor 's list of Top Party Spring Break Destinations .

  9. 旅游机构推出的热门电影主题旅游地包括法国(源于电影《达芬奇密码》)和爱尔兰(源于电影《附注:我爱你》)。

    Popular movie tie-ins done by tourism boards include France ( The Da Vinci Code ) and Ireland ( P.S. , I Love You ).

  10. 长期与世界各地旅游机构保持良好的合作关系,从而为客户享受高品质的服务提供了强有力的保障。

    Due to the excellent cooperation with our partners both in China and abroad , our high quality service offered to all guests has been strongly guaranteed .

  11. 尽管旅游机构预测,到2020年,中国游客每年将达29万人次,但有人指出,抑制游客数量的因素不仅仅是签证制度。

    Despite tourist bodies predicting Chinese visitors will reach 290,000 a year by 2020 , some argue it is not just visa bureaucracy that will keep numbers down .

  12. 答:关于中国球迷观看世界杯足球赛问题,现在中、韩、日三国旅游机构等正在就此进行磋商。

    A : As regards Chinese football fans watching the World Cup , discussions are still underway among the tourist agencies of China , Japan , and the ROK .

  13. 该旅游机构称,他们正在研究解决剑桥过度旅游的潜在问题的措施,包括坚决要求将游客分散成规模更小的团。

    The tourism body said it was developing strategies to " combat the potential problems of over-tourism " in the city , including insisting on splitting tourists into smaller groups .

  14. 所有这些还不足以让中国某些人满意,法国外交部本周表示,北京的官方旅游机构向各旅行社发出指示,要求它们今夏不安排前往法国的旅游团。

    All of which was not enough for some people in China – the French foreign ministry said this week that the official tourism body in Beijing had instructed travel agents not to book packages to France this summer .

  15. 据纽约市旅游宣传机构NYC&Company公司预计,去年旅游业共带动了613亿美元(约合3834亿元人民币)的经济活动,离达到2015年700亿美元的年度目标所需的速度还差很远。

    NYC & Company , the city 's tourism promotion agency , estimated that tourism spurred $ 61.3 billion in economic activity last year , far from the pace needed to reach its goal of $ 70 billion annually in 2015 .

  16. 根据纽约旅游促进机构NYC&Company的数据,从2010年到2013年,来纽约的中国游客跳增182%,纽约成为赴美中国游客的第二大目的地,仅次于洛杉矶。

    The number of Chinese visitors to the city jumped 182 percent from 2010 to 2013 , according to NYC & Company , the city 's tourism marketing agency , and New York ranks second as a destination for Chinese travelers in the United States , after Los Angeles .

  17. 目前,大多数游客选择的是当地传统旅游中介机构。

    For now , most travellers use local bricks-and-mortar travel agents .

  18. 幸运的是,有很多专业的国际铁路旅游代理机构。

    Fortunately , there are a number of specialised international rail travel agents .

  19. 在文章最后,作者还对翻译者以及旅游管理机构提出建议。

    The author also puts forward some advice for translators and tourism administrations in this thesis .

  20. 中国游客赴欧旅游组织机构的发展与未来任务

    On the Development of Tourism Organizations Responsible for China 's Tourists to Europe and Future Tasks

  21. 这种一窝蜂式的出行带来了严重的交通和食宿问题,旅游经营机构抱怨对此难以应付。

    Such en-masse traveling has created severe transportation and accommodation problems , and travel operators complained about being unable to cope .

  22. 旅游服务机构批评申请表格太长,而且必须用英文填写。

    Tourism bodies have criticised the length of the forms , and the fact that they have to be completed in English .

  23. 云南省旅游管理机构上周一表示,该省将出台22条整治当地旅游业的措施。

    Yunnan will introduce 22 measures to clean up the local tourism industry , the provincial tourism administrative authority said last Monday .

  24. 因此建议旅游教育机构、酒店及旅游相关服务行业开展终身教育、在职教育。

    Consequently , it is suggested that lifelong education and in-service education should be progressed in tourism hotels , and other tourism-related industries .

  25. 并与全国各旅游接待机构建立了良好的协作关系,以及时保证各地往返飞机票、火车票。

    And it has good cooperative relationship with many tourist reception centers all over the country in order to book the round-trip tickets by plane and by train .

  26. 在中国旅行社诞生和获得发展的同时,还产生了一批类似的倡导旅游的机构。

    During the time China Travel Service was born and acquired development , a series of organizations which seemed to advocate tourism came into being at the same time .

  27. 自从放松限制,旅游代理机构说,前往古巴的人数,包机公司了飞往古巴的航班,以回古巴探亲的大批古巴裔美国人的需求。

    Since the change , travel agents say activity is up and some charter companies have added more flights to accommodate the flood of Cuban-Americans making trips back to the island .

  28. 笔者认为可以通过转变政府职能,培育跨行政区旅游管理机构,加大跨行政区旅游合作并进行适当行政区划改革以实现山东省行政区与旅游区之间的融合。

    In the end , some solutions , including functional transformation , the foster of administrative organization and regional tourism cooperation will be mentioned to promote the fusion between the two .

  29. 剑桥官方旅游服务机构“访问剑桥”表示,多达50人的大团使这座著名的大学城的许多地方“无法通行”。

    Visit Cambridge and Beyond , the city 's official tourism service , has said that large groups of up to 50 people are making parts of the famous university town " impassable . "

  30. 要建立一个统一的环渤海区域旅游协调机构,并切实发挥作用,要建立区域旅游立法协调机制,重视提高旅游立法技术,加强旅游立法监督。

    To establish a unified tourism coordination institute and function effectively , the paper proposed the establishment of regional tourism legislation mechanisms . and attach importance to tourism technology and strengthen the supervision of tourism legislation .