
Tourism economy is the offspring of commodity economy in advanced development .
This same time , the travel form of spatial organization of economic activity , it is towards the direction of urbanization development and integration .
However , in addition to the actual economic benefits brought by Tourism economic activities , psychological attention and social masses in ethnic areas has also attracted academic attention .
With the spatial organization of tourism economic activity to the integration of regional development , the development trend of urban agglomeration is also gradually got the attention of scholars .
The special nature of activities involved in tourism poses new reqUirements for the development and utilization of tourism humam resources .
There was a sharp decline in patronage on the MTR lines and Airport Express due to a drop in tourism and economic activities as a result of the severe acute respiratory ( Sars ) outbreak .
Based on economic activities , modern tourism , as a composite social activity , has become the rising and leading sector in service industry and is playing an important role in the development of social economy .
Ethnic Tourism is an economic activity and also a cultural activity .
Modern tourism is an economic activity , it is a social activity .
With the social division of labor and labor productivity rising ceaselessly , the tourism industry becomes more and more important in social and economic activities .
With tourism becoming the fastest industry around the world , the urban tourism becomes the main body of the modern tourism , whose development is being emulative accretion stage .
Tourism Supply Chain ( TSC ) is a new concept for describing the interrelations between tourism enterprises in tourism economic activity on the basis of microanalysis of the enterprises .
The third part , research on the relationship between community participation in tourism development and tourism decision-making , tourism economic activities and environmental resources , the key factors to community participation in tourism .
It 's the key of the tourist enterprise survival and development ; It also is the tourist enterprise began its starting point of economic activities .
Community participation in tourism includes participation in the tourism development , decision-making participation in tourism activities , participation in tourism resources and environment protection , and participation in tourism education and training knowledge .
This paper discuses the connotation of tourism circular economy and the circular economy development model of tourism area , and points out the effects to tourism area environment that is brought by tourism economic activity , which becomes the bottleneck of tourism circular economy development .