
ɡuǎn lǐ fèi
  • administration costs;costs of administration;handling costs;management expenses
  1. 管理费不是很高。

    The management expenses are not very high .

  2. 国际工程延期总部管理费索赔的定量方法研究

    Study on international quantitative method for claiming general management expenses during delay of engineering project

  3. 你实际上得到的是扣除机票和管理费的净值。

    What you actually receive is net of deductions for the airfare and administration .

  4. 将它寄到指定地址,并附上1.50英镑以支付邮资和管理费。

    Send it to the address given with £ 1.50 to cover postage and administration

  5. 除了将资金从A投入到B、从中抽取管理费之外,有什么确凿的理由继续存在吗?

    Is there a valid reason to continue beyond the funneling of money from a to B and the siphoning of management fees ?

  6. 国际奥委会证实,接收top资金的各方均须支付8%的管理费,以弥补各项营销成本。

    The IOC confirms that all parties who receive top funds contribute an 8 per cent management fee to cover a variety of marketing-related costs .

  7. Mosaic抽取筹集资金的1%作为管理费,投资者获得固定回报。

    Mosaic keeps a fee of 1 % of the money raised , and its investors get a fixed return .

  8. 2001至2004年期间,20%的TOP计划收入相当于1.326亿美元。不过,美国奥委会表示,国际奥委会从中扣除了一项管理费和其他费用。

    In 2001-04 , 20 per cent of TOP revenues amounted to $ 132.6m . However , the USOC says that the IOC deducts both a management fee and other expenses from its share .

  9. 交易所交易基金(Exchange-tradedfunds)提供了广泛的股票组合,收取的管理费却只是共同基金的一个零头。

    Exchange-traded funds offer broad baskets of stocks and charge a management fee that 's often just a fraction of those at mutual funds .

  10. 3G向美国证券交易委员会(SEC)提交的文件显示,它不会对外界投资者收取2%的管理费和20%的附股权益费。

    3G does charge its outside investors both a 2 % management fee and 20 % carried interest , according to documents filed with the sec .

  11. 作为交换,SkyBridge希望得到FortuneMagazineCapitalPartners(FMCP!)管理费收入的25%左右。

    In exchange , skybridge would want about 25 % of the fee revenue generated by Fortune magazine Capital Partners ( FMCP ! )

  12. 据SAG宣称,他们成员的年平均收入只有52000美元(26000欧元)&这还是在扣除代理费、律师费和其他的管理费之前的一个数字。

    According to SAG , the average annual income for one of its members is a mere $ 52,000 (£ 26,000 ) - before the agents , lawyers and managers take their cut .

  13. 另外,杠杆收购(LBO)基金的平均收益率(除去管理费)低于标准普尔500指数。

    In addition , on average LBO ( leveraged buy-out ) funds returns net of fees are lower than those of the S & P 500 .

  14. 特别是主权财富基金(SWF),已经开始向收购基金的老板们施加压力,要求其改变管理费高达2%的传统模式。

    Sovereign wealth funds in particular have started to put pressure on buy-out bosses to change a traditional model of a management fee of up to 2 per cent .

  15. TiaViering说,唯一的首笔费用是是199美元管理费,赞助商们将支付任何其它费用。

    The only upfront cost is an administrative fee of $ 199 , Tia Viering said , and sponsors pay any other expenses .

  16. ETF的跟踪误差主要受到三个因素的影响:申赎量的变化、基金分红以及管理费、托管费和其它费用。

    The tracking error of ETFs are mainly affected by three factors : the purchase and redemption of ETF , dividends , fund management fee and custodian fee and some other fees .

  17. 像saundersonhouse这样的财务顾问公司正日益涌现,他们正紧跟老牌私人银行的步伐,面向富裕客户推出了完全免除佣金的理财模式,以管理费取而代之。

    Saunderson house is representative of a growing number of firms of financial advisers that are snapping at the heels of the established private banks by targeting wealthy clients with an entirely commission-free model and embracing fees instead .

  18. 今春斯坦哈特在接受CNBC采访时称,如今的基金经理似乎满足于回报率跑赢大盘即可,真正赚钱则是靠扩大资产规模,依赖管理费生存。

    Steinhardt told CNBC this spring that managers today seem happy to perform just well enough to stay ahead of the market , and make their real money by growing assets and living off of the management fees .

  19. 而经营竹税费很低,雷笋销售原则上规定交1%的市场管理费。

    The cost of Lei bamboo shoot is only 1 % .

  20. 要缩小管理费,增加农田基本建设费用。

    They should be cut and capital expenditures on farmlands increased .

  21. 基于委托代理理论的基金管理费研究

    The Research of Fund Management Fees Based on the Principal-agent Theory

  22. 主要探讨现场管理费的计算方法。

    This paper mainly discusses the computing method of supervision cost .

  23. 低于估计的生产费用生产费管理费都要力求节约。

    We must strictly economize on production and management expenses .

  24. 律师咨询:物业管理费该按哪个面积收?

    Lawyers Advisory : Which area by the property management fees received ?

  25. 所谓管理费,就是合作社干部的补贴和办公费。

    They consist of allowances to cadres of co-operatives plus administrative expenses .

  26. 管理费为每月二千元。

    A : The management fee is two thousand dollars per month .

  27. 钱塘江海塘管理费解决途径探讨

    On How to Solve Management Cost of Qiantang River Seawall

  28. 由此可确定这些基金在正常费用下相应的基金管理费大小。

    From this we can determine these investment funds ' base fees .

  29. 所有的估算收入未扣除管理费和税费。

    All earnings estimated are before management fees and taxes .

  30. 视点:交了管理费,自行车丢失物业负责吗?

    Vision : to the management fees , bicycles for lost property ?