
guǎn xíng niào
  • cylindruria
管型尿[guǎn xíng niào]
  1. 临床上以尿异常改变(蛋白尿、血尿及管型尿)和水肿、高血压、肾功能损害等为其特征。

    On clinical exceptionally changes ( albuminuria , hematuria and cylindruria ) take the urine and dropsy , hypertension , the kidney function harm and so on as its characteristic .

  2. 回输肝血后,有3例出现一过性蛋白尿、血尿和管型尿,另有1例出现轻度一过性肾功能损害,均未经特殊处理而在短期内自愈。

    After autotransfusion , in 3 cases , the urine contained proteinuria , granular casts and red blood cell ( + + + ) and one patient with transient impairment of renal function .