
shǒu shù
  • operation;procedure;surgical operation;op;medium
手术 [shǒu shù]
  • (1) [operation]∶医生用医疗器械对病人身体进行的切除、缝合等治疗

  • 要是不立即做手术,这伤员很快就会死亡。--《截肢和输血》

  • (2) [medium]∶手段、技巧

  • 各种漏税的方法和手术

手术[shǒu shù]
  1. 目的:报告CT观察脑胶质瘤手术前形态演变5例。

    Objective : Follow up CT to observe the morphologic evolution of brain glioma of 5 cases before surgical operation was reported .

  2. 几种麻醉药物对肿瘤手术患者血清IL-8、IL-10水平的影响

    Effect of anesthetics on serum IL-8 , IL-10 levers in patients undergoing tumor surgical operation

  3. 我根据医生的建议做了手术。

    I had the operation on the recommendation of my doctor .

  4. 休手术后又恢复健康了。

    Sue 's back on her feet again after her operation .

  5. 经过五个小时的手术给他移植了一颗新的心脏。

    He was given a new heart in a five-hour operation .

  6. 是一位叫戴维斯的医生做的手术。

    It was a certain Dr Davis who performed the operation .

  7. 手术后他的生活质量大大改善了。

    His quality of life has improved dramatically since the operation .

  8. 病人手术后头24小时是最危险的。

    The first 24 hours after the operation are the most critical .

  9. 星期一我要住院动手术。

    I 'm going in for my op on Monday .

  10. 我得去医院动手术。

    I have to go to hospital for an operation .

  11. 对他的治疗是把手术、放射和药物治疗结合为一体。

    His treatment was a combination of surgery , radiation and drugs .

  12. 他做了手术,取出喉头的阻塞物。

    He had an operation to remove an obstruction in his throat .

  13. 这个国家从未做过这种手术。

    This operation has never been performed in this country .

  14. 医生昨天夜里做了紧急阑尾炎手术。

    Doctors performed an emergency operation for appendicitis last night .

  15. 他动了手术之后仍然有点儿站不稳。

    He 's still a bit wobbly after the operation .

  16. 动完了手术,她渴望回到工作岗位上去。

    She is raring to get back to work after her operation .

  17. 这次手术可使他多活两三年。

    The operation could prolong his life by two or three years .

  18. 早期手术可以抑制病情的发展。

    The progression of the disease can be retarded by early surgery .

  19. 她心情平静地接受了动手术的可能性。

    She accepted the prospect of her operation with equanimity .

  20. 她未做手术就完全恢复了健康。

    She made a complete recovery without recourse to surgery .

  21. 接受腿部动手术时,她一直醒着。

    She was awake during the operation on her leg .

  22. 手术后我感到迷迷糊糊,昏昏欲睡。

    I felt dopey and drowsy after the operation .

  23. 她自髋关节手术以后活得更有劲了。

    Since her hip operation she 's had a new lease of life .

  24. 外科医生施行了静脉切开手术。

    The surgeon performed a section on the vein .

  25. 手术以后她还有点站不稳。

    She is still a little unsteady on her feet after the operation .

  26. 手术后,我的胃还在疼。

    My stomach is still sore after the operation .

  27. 我们得给他的眼睛动手术。

    We will have to operate on his eyes .

  28. 手术后她正在家休养康复。

    She is convalescing at home after her operation .

  29. 她做了眼部激光手术。

    She 's had laser surgery on her eye .

  30. 我做这次手术是国民医疗服务体系资助的。

    I had the operation done on the NHS .