
  • 网络Mobile operating system;Windows Phone;Mobile OS;Linux
  1. 此时微软公司(MicrosoftCorp.)将进入这些厂家的视野,其windowsphone手机操作系统背后有一系列可靠的专利作支撑。

    Enter Microsoft Corp. ( MSFT ), whose Windows Phone operating system is backed up by a solid patent portfolio .

  2. 初出茅庐的阿里巴巴集团的手机操作系统面临着与安卓操作系统的艰难竞争,根据研究公司IDC的数据,中国去年销售的智能手机中,有超过80%搭载的是安卓系统。

    The fledgling Alibaba Mobile OS , or AMOS , faces an uphill battle against Android , which , according to research firm IDC , powered more than 80 % of all smartphones shipped in China last year .

  3. 微软一直努力在其手机操作系统WindowsPhone上取得成功。

    Microsoft struggled to make a success of its own mobile operating system , Windows Phone .

  4. 这其中,基于Linux内核的Android智能手机操作系统发展最为迅速。

    Among them , smart phones with Android based on the Linux kernel develop most rapidly .

  5. Android系统是基于Linux平台的开源手机操作系统的名称。

    Android system is based on open source Linux platform for mobile phone operating system name .

  6. 3G智能手机操作系统的研究和分析

    Review of 3G Smart Phone Operating Systems

  7. 在当前诸多智能手机操作系统中,Android毫无疑问地是最大的研究热门。

    Currently , android smart phone platform is the hottest areas of research focus .

  8. 分析人士认为微软此举是为了手机操作系统“Windowsphones”造势,希望能够吸引更多年轻人的目光。

    Analysts believe that Microsoft will try to use this deal to promote its Windows phones to a young demographic .

  9. Android手机操作系统通过Google领导的Android开源项目管理。

    The Android mobile operating system is managed by the Android Open Source Project led by Google .

  10. 但是Google在2007年推出首个为移动终端开发的完整的智能手机操作系统&Android。

    But in 2007 , Google launched a complete smart phone operating system which is the first designed for mobile devices-Android .

  11. 在面市两年后的今天,Android正成为最流行的智能手机操作系统。

    Two years after its launch , Android is becoming the most popular smartphone operating system .

  12. 此时微软公司(MicrosoftCorp.)将进入这些厂家的视野,其WindowsPhone手机操作系统背后有一系列可靠的专利作支撑。

    Enter Microsoft Corp. ( MSFT ) , whose Windows Phone operating system is backed up by a solid patent portfolio .

  13. 与之前各代视窗操作系统相比,Windows7改进可谓巨大;同样,WindowsPhone7在智能手机操作系统领域内的竞争力也不可小视。

    Windows 7 is a vast improvement over previous incarnations of the operating software , just as Windows Phone 7 is a viable competitor in smartphones .

  14. 谷歌(Google)的Android手机操作系统下月将首次在中国合法地公开亮相,届时中国移动(ChinaMobile)将推出经过专门调整的Android手机。

    Google 's Android mobile phone operating system is set to make its legal debut in China next month when China Mobile launches specially adapted handsets .

  15. 谷歌的android手机操作系统(如今已可在22个国家的手机上使用),为它打入该市场铺平了道路。

    Its Android mobile operating system , now available on phones in 22 countries , provides the way in .

  16. 在众多移动平台中,由Google设计的Android智能手机操作系统以其出众的开放性受到广大用户和手机厂商的青睐。

    Android OS , which is designed by Google , is favored by majority users and mobile phone manufacturers for its openess .

  17. 2007年11月5日,Google宣布推出基于Linux、开放源码的智能手机操作系统&Android。

    On November 5 2007 , Google announced the launch of Android , which is a Linux based and open source smart phone operating system .

  18. 在数次推迟后,谷歌(Google)也在最新发布的手机操作系统Android中默认采用加密功能。

    After delays , Google has also moved to default encryption in the most recent release of Android , its mobile operating system .

  19. 谷歌公司(GoogleInc.GOOG+0.39%)开发的手机操作系统软件安卓(Android)刚一受到消费者的追捧,三星就迅速采用了它。

    Samsung was also quick to embrace Google Inc. 's Android mobile software just as the operating system was becoming popular with consumers .

  20. 最后,通过智能手机操作系统上的一个应用实例&自动装载运行方案展示了CAR技术在嵌入式领域中的应用。

    Finally , illustrate applying of CAR technology in the field of embedded system , with an application of " Auto Loaded Runtime Solution " on the operating system of smart phone .

  21. 例如,由于这种变化,依托于Linux的安卓智能手机操作系统(该系统目前在市场上处于领先地位)将被Linux的新定义所涵盖。

    As a result of the change , for instance , Linux-based Android today the leading smartphone operating system will become covered by the oin definition .

  22. 苹果公司(Apple)在自主开发地图软件的过程中,专门针对中国打造了一套用于新版手机操作系统的地图。

    Apple 's efforts to create its own mapping software has led to a different set of maps for its new mobile operating system built specifically for China .

  23. 在各个智能手机操作系统中,安卓系统(Android)凭借其开源及免费的特性而得到了各个公司的支持。

    In various operating systems of SmartPhones , Android gets most companies ' support for its open source and free characteristics .

  24. 随着Android手机操作系统的流行,该平台上的恶意软件的数量不断增多,技术也在不断发展。

    With the growing popularity of Android OS , malicious software on this platform is also developing in quantities and techniques .

  25. 然而,谷歌构建了首个java开发人员能使用并从中获利的可行的手机操作系统,这怎么损害了java开发人员,有点令人费解。

    Yet it is a bit hard to see how Google has harmed Java developers by building the first viable mobile operating system they can use and profit from .

  26. 但阿里巴巴的智能手机操作系统在中国没能获得成功,该公司本想挑战谷歌(Google)在这一市场的主导地位。

    But Alibaba has seen little success in its smartphone operating system in China where it aims to take on Google 's dominant position in the market .

  27. 毕竟,苹果(Apple)和谷歌(Google)两家已经控制了手机操作系统市场90%以上的份额。

    After all , apple ( AAPL , Fortune 500 ) and Google ( GOOG , Fortune 500 ) combined control over 90 % of the mobile OS market .

  28. 当前最重要的手机操作系统包括Android、symbian、IOS等。

    The most important mobile phone operating systems include android , symbian , IOS and so on .

  29. 如今,在各种移动操作系统平台中,Android手机操作系统越来越受到人们的青睐。

    Today , in a variety of mobile operating system platform , the Android mobile phone operating system is more and more popular .

  30. 基于Linux内核的Android开源手机操作系统的普及和应用处理器的发展使得智能手机的研发和应用得以快速发展。

    With the popularity of Linux-kernel-based Android open source mobile phone operating system and the development of application processors , smartphones develop rapidly in research and application .