
  • 网络dopod;htc;Dopoda
  1. 他用的手机是多普达C750,这款手机能够把每个操作步骤转化成声音。想要给他的妻子打电话,他按键好像能看到一样。他告诉他的妻子他要离开了。

    He uses his Dopod C750 , which is able to translate every move on the cell phone into sound , to call his wife , he presses the buttons as if he can see them and tells his wife he is ready to leave .

  2. 正式全面多普达专柜对广大消费者营业。

    Dopod counters into full operation on the vast number of consumers .

  3. 承接多普达售后,服务等等系列问题。

    Dopod to undertake after-sales , service , and so a series of issues .

  4. 如果一切顺利,宏达电很可能与大陆的多普达合并。

    If all goes well , the company is likely to merge with Dopod in China .

  5. 或许不就多普达三个字将成为机友记忆中的词汇。

    Dopod three words may not be on the plane will be the memory of the Friends of the term .

  6. 凭借美国硅谷技术,多普达以其强大的自身优势逐渐成为中国无线数据通讯产品和移动通讯服务的领导者。

    With its cutting-edge technology and products developed in the Silicon Valley , dopod strives to become the leader of the wireless voice and data service industry in China .

  7. 从现在开始为你的转行存一笔储蓄吧,在你的蓝莓或多普达上建立一份电子数据表记录你每天的消费记录。

    Start creating a nest egg for your transition now by creating a spreadsheet in your Blackberry or PDA that keeps track of where your money is going on a daily basis .