
  • 网络Multifunction steering wheel;MFL;MULTI-FUNCTION FOR STEERING WHEEL;multi-function wheel
  1. 视具体车辆的不同技术规格,您可以通过免提通话设备、多功能方向盘或语音控制系统操纵电话。

    The phones are operated via the hands-free kit , the multifunction steering wheel or via voice control , depending on the specifications of the individual vehicle .

  2. 用户只需通过使用触屏、操作多功能方向盘或使用语音控制就可以使用导航、听音乐或激活安全设备。

    Cue will allow the driver to navigate , listen to music and activate safety devices using touch screen icons , steering wheel controls or voice commands .

  3. 别克昂克拉拥有外观时尚、座椅位置高、载物空间灵活的优势,因此肯定会吸引那些既想购买小型车,又不想放弃诸如多功能加热方向盘等豪华配置的消费者。

    With a stylish exterior , high seating position and flexible cargo space , the Encore is meant to attract shoppers that might seek to downsize yet not forego luxury amenities , such as the optional heated steering .