
kuài chē
  • express train;fast train;express bus;speedster;express stripe
快车 [kuài chē]
  • [express train ;express bus;speedster] 中途停留车站较少,全程行车时间较短的火车或汽车

快车[kuài chē]
  1. 这时,一列灯火明亮的快车,雷鸣般地响着,把扳道房震得颤颤悠悠。

    And a brilliantly lighted express train shook the switchman 's cabin as it rushed by with a roar like thunder .

  2. W:差不多一个小时,下一班快车在3:15到达纽约。

    W : About one hour , the next express train arrives in New York at3:15 .

  3. 他喜欢快车。

    He had a liking for fast cars .

  4. 开快车会让人觉得自己有一种主宰之力。

    There is a feeling of power that comes from driving fast

  5. 年轻人追求开快车的刺激是太正常不过的事情。

    It is only natural for youngsters to crave the excitement of driving a fast car

  6. 从巴黎有快车前往波尔多,全程不到4个小时。

    There is an express service from Paris which completes the journey to Bordeaux in under 4 hours .

  7. 她搭乘快车前往上海。

    She took a fast train to Shanghai .

  8. 我和我朋友乘午夜的快车回城。

    My friend and I returned to town by the midnight express .

  9. 他喜欢开快车,但很谨慎。

    He is a very fast driver but he 's safe enough .

  10. 一个谨慎的司机从不开快车。

    A cautious driver never drives his car too fast .

  11. 往后退,快车就要进站了。

    Give back there , the express is due .

  12. 从北京开来的那列快车准时进站了。

    The express from Beijing pulled in on time .

  13. 他们搭快车走的。

    They went by fast train .

  14. 于是,第二列灯火通明的快车又朝着相反的方向轰隆轰隆地开过去。

    And a second brilliantly lighted express thundered by , in the opposite direction .

  15. 《东方快车谋杀案》讲述13个陌生人被困在火车上的故事,这13个人每个人都是嫌疑犯。

    Murder on the Orient Express tells the tale of thirteen strangers stranded on a train , where everyone 's a suspect .

  16. 同一条线路上有快车(express)、慢车(local)等三四种不同的服务。

    Lines have three or four different services .

  17. 坐上ABC快乐快车,跟我去寻找快乐吧!

    Follow me for fun on ABC Happy Express !

  18. 从Fed首次降息的9月份至11月底,美元就像坐上了下坡的快车。

    From the Fed 's initial rate cut in September through to late November , the dollar was on an express train downhill .

  19. 我从大卫·戈登·格林(DavidGordonGreen)那里拿来了《菠萝快车》的每日样片,把所有没用上的笑话做了一个剪辑。

    I got the dailies of Pineapple Express from David Gordon Green and put a cut together with all the unused jokes .

  20. 也许它定位于一趟花俏的东方快车(OrientExpress),以迎合老龄化的日本旅游市场?

    Perhaps it might position itself as a pimped up version of the Orient Express catering to Japan 's ever-greying tourism market ?

  21. 一个自己开了快车、然后把处罚交给别人来背的人,会是一个极好的CEO。

    A man who drives too fast in his car and then delegates the penalty to someone else could make a perfectly good CEO .

  22. 往sacramento的快车还有座位吗?

    Is there any seat left on the express bus for sacramento ?

  23. 这条21世纪的丝绸之路是全球最长的铁路,比西伯利亚大铁路(Trans-Siberianrailway)和东方快车(OrientExpress)的线路加起来还要长。

    This 21st-century Silk Road was the longest rail link in the world , longer than the Trans-Siberian railway and the Orient Express combined .

  24. 和快车,就是你们今天在现代艺术博物馆(MoMa)看到的东西。

    is still fast cars , what you see at MoMA today .

  25. 这是与之前的罗根-弗兰科喜剧片比较得出的预测结果,比如2013年的《世界末日》(ThisistheEnd)票房收入为1亿美元,以及2008年的《菠萝快车》(PineappleExpress)票房收入约为8700万美元。

    That 's compared with past Rogen-Franco comedies like 2013 " s This is the End , which pulled in $ 100 million , and 2008 " s Pineapple Express , which made about $ 87 million .

  26. 网站由病虫识别、网络咨询、植物医院、专家论坛、信息快车、BBS等子系统组成。

    Pest identification , consultation , pesticide prescription , expert topic , information express and BBS were built up in the sever system .

  27. 当“信使”号飞经金星的同时,ESA的“金星快车”飞船也在这颗行星上获取科学数据,这一前景令Solomon兴奋。

    As MESSENGER flies by Venus , ESA 's Venus Express spacecraft will also be capturing science data on the planet , a prospect that excited Solomon .

  28. 看来,不管零售巨头彭尼公司(J.C.Penney)新任首席执行官罗恩•约翰逊(前苹果零售负责人&译注)在任与否,苹果商店的零售快车依然一往无前。

    The apple retail juggernaut continues , with or without Ron Johnson , now CEO at J.C. Penney ( JCP ) .

  29. 第二天她带着我我来到北京火车站,帮我搭上了去往南昌的列车。当我独自一人坐上那辆22小时旅程的“K”字快车时,我的中国之旅才满24小时。

    The next day I was taken by her to the Beijing Railway Station to board the train to Nanchang , I was on my own , and only had had 24 hours in China on that journey of 22 hours on the " K " train .

  30. 以广东省客运站的广州&东莞运线为例,介绍了LOGIT模型在评估乘客选择直达快车和普通班车分担率时的使用情况。

    Using the journey line of GuangZhou-DongGuan as an evidence , it shows how to use LOGIT model to evaluate the probability of the passengers selecting the fast bus or the ordinary bus .