
  • 网络Fast tracking;fast track
  1. 通常这种将按照先后顺序完成的两个阶段重叠的做法,是应用所谓快速跟进进度压缩技术的一个例子。

    This practice of overlapping phases , normally done in sequence , is an example of the application of the schedule compression technique called fast tracking .

  2. 如果我快速跟进请求,或许要一个星期。

    If I fast-track the request , maybe a week .

  3. 假如整体项目风险已经很明显,快速跟进项目。

    D.Fast track the project if overall project risk is already too high .

  4. 你的项目刚刚开始快速跟进,你要快速引进一个分包商。

    Your project has just been fast tracked and you are looking to bring in a subcontractor quickly .

  5. 可取的做法是,让先行者先进入市场,并在它建立垄断之前快速跟进,后来居上。

    It can be make sense to let a pioneer go first and then follow as a fast second before they have established a monopoly .

  6. “这不是短期内能够完成的事情。”总理约翰·基说,他预计星期一召开内阁会议,快速跟进安排以恢复克赖斯特彻奇破坏的基础设施。

    " This isn 't a short-term thing ," said Prime Minister John Key , who was scheduled to hold a cabinet meeting Monday to fast-track arrangements to restore Christchurch 's damaged infrastructure .

  7. 近年来,随着我国高等级公路建设的飞速发展,公路建成后的管理与养护工作也需要快速的跟进;

    In recent years , the highway is developing rapidly , and so the management and maintenance job of the highway also needs to keep up with the development of the construction .

  8. 运用多种战术配合和快速进攻及跑位掩护等方法,使对手难以快速同步跟进保护,从而提高了进攻的成功率。

    Various kinds of tactical coordination , the fast attack and running method of shield should be utilized which would make it difficult for the opponent to synchronize protection quickly and thus enhance the success ratio of the attack .