
  1. 作为一门融信号处理,无线通信,嵌入式计算,数据管理为一体的新兴技术,RFID技术正广泛应用于越来越多的领域,如供应链管理,物体跟踪,快捷支付等等。

    As a new technology integrated with signal processing , wireless communication , embedded calculation and data management , RFID technology is being widely used in more and more areas , such as supply chain management , object tracking , quick disbursement and so on .

  2. 据该行客服部门称,该行设定了储户向阿里巴巴“余额宝”进行快捷支付的额度,单笔最高为人民币5000元(约为800美元),每月不超过5万元。

    It issued a cap of 5000 yuan , or about $ 800 , per transaction -- and a total of 50000 yuan a month -- for deposits to Alibaba 's Yu'E Bao fund , meaning ' Leftover Treasure , ' according to the bank 's customer-service department .

  3. 该支付系统的最大优点是快。这样一来,报摊、快餐店、咖啡店、停车场之类经常进行小额交易的地方就可以实现简便快捷的支付了。

    The main value of the system is that it 's fast , so small transactions at newsagents , fast-food outlets , coffee shops , car parks and the like can be carried out .

  4. 首先,对于消费者而言,预付费消费既可以带来方便快捷,省去支付现金找零的繁琐,同时又可以带来价格上的优惠。

    Firstly , for the consumer , the prepaid consumption can bring convenient and quick , save the time to pay cash for change , and also can bring the price discount .

  5. 总之,只有在建立起安全、保密、方便快捷的电子支付系统的前提下,因特网上的电子商务活动才能得到迅速发展,而这正是金融电子化要进一步解决的首要问题。

    All in all , only after the establishment of the secure , confidential , convenient and fast electronic payment system , can the online electronic e-business develop rapidly and this is the first problem to be solved in the financial computerization .