
xū nǐ yín háng
  • virtual bank
  1. 网上银行是Internet上的虚拟银行柜台。

    Internet Banking is a virtual bank counters in the internet .

  2. 当前,网上银行是在Internet上的虚拟银行柜台,已经逐步代替原来的柜台业务,为银行客户提供个性化的电子的服务。

    At present , E-bank , as the virtual bank counter on the Internet , is taking the place of the traditional bank service in counter .

  3. 基于电信储值支付平台的虚拟银行的开发

    Development of Virtual Banking Based on Telecom Deposit and Payment Platform

  4. 银行概念从实体银行向虚拟银行方向渐进;

    Bank concept to progress from entity bank to virtual bank ;

  5. 保安系统对虚拟银行非常重要。

    Security is of vital importance to a virtual bank .

  6. 湖州市电信虚拟银行管理系统的实现。

    Realization of the Huzhou Telecom Virtual Banking System .

  7. 一旦你选择一个虚拟银行,您将设定您的帐户。

    Once you choose a virtual bank , you will set up your account .

  8. 对于信用重于一切的银行来说,虚拟银行的安全尤为重要,如何保证信息安全是虚拟银行的关键技术。

    How to guarantee the information security is the key problem of the virtual banking .

  9. 可以说,网上银行是互联网上的虚拟银行柜台。

    It can be said that online banking is on the Internet , virtual bank counters .

  10. 采取内部资金调度和虚拟银行的方式,实现资金的集中支付和统一管理等新观点。

    By adopting internal budget scheduling and virtual bank , we may implement collective payoff and centralized management .

  11. 研究基于电信储值支付平台的虚拟银行的关键技术及解决方案;

    Studying the key technologies and solving schema of the virtual banking based on the telecom deposit and payment platform .

  12. 主要研究内容如下:(1)讨论虚拟银行的优越性,并指出虚拟银行产生的必然性;

    The research contents are as follows : ( 1 ) Discussing the advantage of Virtual Banking , pointing out the inevitability of it .

  13. 研究了基于电信储值支付平台的虚拟银行的关键技术,实现真正意义上的电信一卡通。

    This paper studies the key technologies of virtual banking based on telecom deposit and payment platform , which realizes the telecom all-in-one card .

  14. 无论如何,虚拟银行的业务不应扩展过速,以致其系统及风险管理能力无法承担。

    In any case , a virtual bank should not allow rapid business expansion to put undue strains on its systems and risk management capability .

  15. 虚拟银行、智能卡以及一些令人激动的新设备使得人们交换价值的方式被重新界定。稍后,我将对这些做出解释。

    How people exchange value is being redefined , with virtual banks and smart cards and some exciting new devices I 'll describe later in these remarks .

  16. 虚拟银行是虚拟经济的一个重要组成部分,在网络经济与信息化电子商务中发挥着重要的作用。

    The virtual bank is an important part of the virtual economy , which acts as an important role in the network economy and electronic commercial affairs .

  17. 不难预见到,这种新的网络化经济,特别是电子货币和虚拟银行,潜在着极为深刻的危机。

    It is not hard to see that within this new Net economy , especially with its electronic currency and virtual banks , lurks an imminent danger .

  18. 虚拟银行申请人如获认可,必须在本港设有实体办事处,作为其主要营业地点。

    A virtual bank applicant , if authorized , must maintain a physical presence in Hong kong , which will be its principal place of business here .

  19. 根据现行政策,香港的本地注册虚拟银行或甚至传统银行都不可以是新成立的机构。

    Under our current rules , it is not possible to establish from scratch a new locally incorporated virtual , or indeed conventional , bank in Hong kong .

  20. 本论文主要研究虚拟银行的安全技术问题,探讨虚拟银行技术在电信储值支付平台中的应用,并在此基础上设计并实现了湖州市电信虚拟银行管理系统。

    This paper mainly studies the security technologies of the virtual banking , discusses the application of virtual banking technologies to telecom deposit and payment services , designs and realizes the virual banking management system for Huzhou Telecom .

  21. 同时,对于虚拟货币银行发行虚拟货币的行为必须制定规范,以便虚拟货币发挥出最大价值。

    At the same time , it is quite important to regulate virtual currency issue by virtual currency bank , for the purpose of playing out the greatest value of virtual currency .

  22. 本文所涉及的网络银行,是指商业银行利用互联网技术,通过虚拟电子银行,为客户提供综合、统一、安全、实时的银行服务。

    The concept of the Internet Banking mentioned in this thesis indicates commercial bank providing integrated , unified , secured , real-time banking services using internet technologies through the construction of electronic banking .

  23. 通过分析南水北调东线工程的建设与运行机制,将新型金融衍生工具&期权理论引入其具体的水权转让中,建立南水北调东线工程虚拟水银行。

    Through analysis of the construction and operation mechanism of the east route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project , a new financial derivative ( tool-option ) theory is introduced into water right transfer , and a visual " water bank " is thus established .

  24. 网络技术的特性特别是其虚拟性与银行的信用性之间的矛盾使网络银行运行中产生了较多道德问题,这需要相应的规范机制来维护网络银行运行中的秩序。

    The conflict between the characteristics of network technology in particular its virtual and credit of banks brings banks a lot of moral issues , which need the corresponding regulatory mechanisms to protect the banking activities of the network order .

  25. 虚拟的比特币银行可能也会出现,但会有其自身的问题。

    A virtual bitcoin bank might spring up but that would create problems of its own .

  26. 可见,房地产的虚拟资产特性对于银行贷款和货币供给的稳定增长,从而对整个经济的稳定增长具有重要意义。

    In summary , real estate can stabilize the entire economy through the credit of banks and the supply of money .

  27. 网络银行的发展在改造传统银行的业务流程方面有独特的优势,因为无论网络银行的业务流程如何复杂,虚拟化的网络银行与物理世界的客户是不曾谋面的。

    Internet banking have special advantages in improving the business process of traditional banks because however complex the internet banking business process is , the intangible internet banking sand tangible clients do not see each other .

  28. 这个项目的发起人尼桑·巴哈和弗朗克·伊伯西已从日本投资者手中募集了1000万美金(约6300多万人民币),作为启动资金,用于发行虚拟货币和建立银行用以计算步数和兑换货币。

    The founders of the project , Nissan Bahar and Franky Imbesi have attracted more than $ 10m of initial funding from mainly Japanese investors to help launch the currency and create the bank that verifies steps and any transfers .

  29. 在比较了由中央银行、商业银行或者某一非金融机构统一发行虚拟货币的优劣之后,我们得知设立虚拟货币银行,授权其垄断发行虚拟货币,将是较优的制度选择。

    Comparing with the advantages and disadvantages of uniform distribution of virtual currency respectively by the central bank , commercial bank or a non-financial institution , we had better set up virtual currency bank and authorize them monopoly for virtual currency issue .

  30. 最后根据系统的分析,提出了建设性的虚拟货币发展前景及建立统一的网络虚拟货币及虚拟银行的设想。

    Finally , according to all the analysis , this paper put forwards constructive proposal with the future development of the internet virtual money and an assumption of unified internet virtual money and virtual bank with the hope of it will help the future development of internet virtual money .