
  • 网络false publicity;False propaganda
  1. 虚假宣传理论与实务问题探析

    Study on the Theory and Judicial Practice of False Propaganda

  2. 物流网站中的虚假宣传与信号传递

    False Propaganda in Logistics Website and Signaling

  3. 虚假宣传越来越普遍,而且这个趋势还将继续。

    Shampaigns have become increasingly popular and will continue to do so .

  4. Shampaign指虚假的、不诚恳的,或者有误导性质的宣传活动,尤其是以政界职位或商业利益为目的的宣传活动,我们可称之为“虚假宣传”。

    Shampaign is a fake , insincere , or misleading campaign , particularly for political office or commercial gain .

  5. 市场监管总局检查发现,15家机构有虚假宣传行为,13家机构存在价格欺诈行为。

    The SAMR inspection found that 15 training institutions had indulged in false advertising , while 13 resorted to pricing frauds .

  6. 虚假宣传、价格欺诈等违法违规行为不仅损害了家长和学生的合法权益,还严重扰乱了行业竞争秩序。

    The malpractices of false advertising and pricing fraud have damaged the legitimate rights and interests of students and their parents and disrupted the orderly market competition .

  7. 市场监管总局6月1日召开新闻发布会,集中公布一批校外培训机构虚假宣传、价格欺诈典型案例。市场监管总局6月1日宣布,15家校外培训机构因虚假宣传、价格欺诈被处以总计3650万元的罚款。

    The State Administration for Market Regulation ( SAMR ) slapped fines amounting to 36.5 million yuan on 15 tutoring firms on Tuesday for false advertising and pricing frauds .

  8. 随着病毒营销策略成为主流,我们会看到更多的虚假宣传,因为这种策略能够制造话题然后成功地将消费者从一个媒体转移到另一个媒体平台,比如,从电视广告转移到某个网站。

    As viral marketing becomes mainsteam , we will see more and more shampaigns as this is a technique that creates talk and can successfully carries consumers from one media to another , for example a television commercial to a website . ( Source : Word Spy )

  9. ISIS坚称,库尔德十字军联盟(Kurdish-Crusaderalliance)夺回水坝的消息是媒体的虚假宣传。

    Isis insisted that reports that the Kurdish-Crusader alliance had retaken the dam constituted a fake media campaign .

  10. 昨日他提交一份附加请求,要求经销商在推销特斯拉汽车时停止使用Autopilot一词,并就虚假宣传产品道歉。

    He additionally filed a request yesterday , asking that the dealership stop using the word Autopilot when promoting Tesla vehicles and apologise for falsely promoting the product .

  11. 诉讼说高压加工法损坏了产品中的某些益生菌和?,而BluePrint商标将其产品虚假宣传为未加工食品。BluePrint发言人拒绝就该诉讼发表评论。

    The suit says that HPP destroys some probiotics and enzymes and that BluePrint labels falsely advertise its products as ' raw . ' A BluePrint spokeswoman declined to comment on the suit .

  12. 报道里有许多为满足政治需要的虚假宣传。

    The reports contain a lot of political propaganda masquerading as fact .

  13. 甚至麦当劳的“一元菜单”也是虚假宣传!

    Even the ' Dollar Menu " at McDonald 's boasts falsely !

  14. 论引人误解的虚假宣传行为的判断标准

    On the Judging Norms for Misleading and Pseudo Propaganda

  15. 虚假宣传的法律问题研究

    Study on Legal Issues Concerning False Publicity

  16. 但我国立法对引人误解的虚假宣传的规定过于简单,从而导致了司法实践上对这一问题认定的模糊和不确定。

    But our law rules about it are too simple to recognize in judicial practices .

  17. (六)对商品或者服务作引人误解的虚假宣传的;

    Where false and misleading advertising for a commodity or a service is carried out ;

  18. 广告策略中的不正当竞争行为包括引人误解的虚假宣传行为与不正当比较广告行为两类。

    Illegitimate competition behavior among the advertising tactics includes misleading and false propaganda , improper comparative advertising .

  19. 引人误解的虚假宣传作为一种不正当竞争手段,常被不法经营者所用。

    The misleading , false publicity is used as a valid unfair competition means by illegal operators .

  20. 第十九条经营者应当向消费者提供有关商品或者服务的真实信息,不得作引人误解的虚假宣传。

    Article 19 A business operator shall provide consumers with true information concerning commodities and shall not conduct false advertising .

  21. 对服务内容、基金收益等采用虚假宣传、违规承诺等手段,欺骗或误导客户;

    Making false propaganda or illegal promises on service contents or fund proceeds , or adopting other means to deceive or mislead clients ;

  22. 产品代言人在促进市场繁荣的同时,也带来了许多负面的影响,其罪魁祸首便是虚假宣传。

    Product spokesperson in the promotion of market prosperity , but also brought many negative effects , the culprit is the false propaganda .

  23. 面对频频曝光的医药广告虚假宣传,舆论已不再仅仅把矛头指向昧着良心赚钱的违法、违规企业。

    In front of those misleading propaganda of medicine advertisement , the public opinion targets more than the enterprises making profit against their conscience .

  24. 在我国,保健品市场、房地产市场、保险市场是目前虚假宣传行为泛滥的3个典型市场。

    In China , the tonics market , the real estate market and the insurance market are typically plagued with a flood of false publicity .

  25. 完善责任追究制度、强化民事赔偿责任有利于形成利益机制、增加失信成本,鼓励追究并遏制虚假宣传行为。

    Secondly , liability system needs to be strengthened so as to increase the cost of false publicity and offer incentives to ferret out false publicity .

  26. 此次控诉源于2002年默克制药公司对万络治疗类风湿性关节炎的虚假宣传,而美国食品和药品管理局事先并未批准万络用于类风湿性关节炎。

    The charge arose from Merck 's promotion of Vioxx to treat rheumatoid arthritis before the Food and Drug Administration approved it for that purpose in2002 .

  27. 当前这类纠纷主要为:域名抢注、视框链接、设置元标记、利用网络进行虚假宣传、网络环境下侵犯商业秘密。

    There are five main disputes : meta tag , domain name , network link , false advertising behavior , and behavior of commercial secret infringement .

  28. 认定虚假宣传行为有以下要件:行为的主体是实施产品或服务宣传的经营者;

    The following important documents are the ones to confirm false propaganda behaviors . The subjects of behavior are managers of making propaganda for the products and services .

  29. 毕竟在抗衰老药物的销售中,充满了天花乱坠的虚假宣传,有些干脆不如说是万金油。

    After all , the field of antiaging drugs is littered with compounds that failed to live up to their hype or were hardly more than snake oil .

  30. 作为商业性表述的企业形象广告如果包含虚假宣传内容,其效果类似于虚假的产品广告,可以用《反不正当竞争法》有关规定加以规制。

    As commercial speech containing false expression it has similar effect as false product advertising , and is regulated by the relative false advertising clauses of the Anti-unfair Competition Law .