
  • 网络assistant prosecutor;assistant district attorney;Assistant U.S. Attorney;Assistant State Attorney
  1. 上回说到:SharonStone以一名地区助理检察官的身份结束了一个长达四集的案子。

    Where We Left Off : Sharon Stone wrapped up a four-episode stint as an assistant district attorney .

  2. 我告诉他我女儿是助理检察官。

    I told him mdaughter is an assistant district attorney .

  3. 不,因为助理检察官想惩罚他。

    No , because the ASA is trying to punish him .

  4. 助理检察官根本不关心资金来源。

    The ASA does not care about the source of funds .

  5. 和我一起的是地方助理检察官加文·卡纳汉

    I have with me assistant district attorney Gavin Carnahan .

  6. 助理检察官还有问题吗?

    Uh , does the ASA have any more questions ?

  7. 警察也进来了,助理检察官也进来了,书记员也进来了。

    And police officers were coming in and assistant prosecutors and clerk workers .

  8. 除非还有别的事,助理检察官?

    Unless there 's anything further , ASA ?

  9. 他还曾经是助理检察官。因此,他在监狱里是被报复的重点对象。

    And he was an ASA.Therefore , he 's subject to retribution in jail .

  10. 我想你希望保释金低于助理检察官的要求。

    I imagine you 'd like bail set at an amount lower than the ASA requested .

  11. 两个月前,助理检察官马克·哈斯在县法院外被枪杀。

    Two months ago , assistant prosecutor Mark Hasse was shot and killed outside the country court house .

  12. 工作没什么意思,但在那儿得到了锻炼,于是毕业之后我成了一名助理检察官。

    It was anything but . But it led to a job as an assistant city attorney after graduation .

  13. 对。我们只想告诉你,凯里成为助理检察官的目标只是因为他对客户提供的服务太有效了。

    Right.Uh , we just want you to know that Cary was targeted by the ASA 's office because he 's so effective for his clients .

  14. 是这样吗,波尔马助理检察官?事实上,法官阁下,我提出了减少保释金数额的动议…-是。

    Is that right , ASA Polmar ? Uh , actually , Your Honor , I made a motion to reduce the bail amount ... Yes .

  15. 这周末地区检察官迈克·麦克兰德和他的妻子辛西娅及2月前麦克兰德的一名区助理检察官的被杀引起整个德克萨斯州的高度关注。

    The murders of district attorney Mike McLelland and his wife Cynthia this weekend and the killing of one of McLelland 's assistant district attorney 2 months earlier is causing grave concern here and throughout the state of Texas .

  16. 美国助理总检察官约翰卡林(JohnCarlin)表示,斯伦贝谢曾经从美国与伊朗和苏丹开展业务往来,并曾采取措施掩饰这些商业交易,从而故意违反了美国对这些国家的经济制裁规定。

    John Carlin , a US assistant attorney-general , said Schlumberger had conducted business from the US with Iran and Sudan , and took steps to disguise those business dealings , thereby wilfully violating the US economic sanctions against those regimes .

  17. 当我还是助理地方检察官和联邦检察官的时候,

    When I was an assistant D.A. , and when I was a federal prosecutor ,