
zhù jiào
  • assistant;teaching assistant;TA;tutor
助教 [zhù jiào]
  • (1) [assistant]

  • (2) 古代学官名。协助国子祭酒、博士教授生徒

  • (3) 高等学校教员中职别低于讲师的一种职称

助教[zhù jiào]
  1. 我被聘为英语助教。

    I was appointed as an assistant in English .

  2. 助教提醒那个学生要注意拼法。

    The assistant teacher told the student to pay attention to his spelling .

  3. 他的出现意味着我的课堂上出现了一名意想不到的助教,而他的创造力也将感染其他学生。

    His presence meant that I had an unexpected teaching assistant in class whose creativity would infect other students .

  4. 在第一学期,我直接与校长交流,请求他支持我的倡议。我还见了副校长,和我的助教一起开展我的本科研究项目。

    During my first quarter , I spoke directly to the Chancellor , asking him for support towards my initiatives , met with the Vice Chancellors , and cooperated with my teaching assistances to begin my undergraduate research project .

  5. 作为大学的一名助教,我可以告诉你为了每学分你自学1个小时就能超过很多同龄人了。

    As a T.A. at a university , I can tell you that spending an hour of self-studying for every credit hour will put you ahead of a lot of your peers .

  6. 你可以问问助教,为什么我屏幕上显示不出图像呢?,他会告诉你你打了show吗?

    You will ask a TA , how come my graphs aren 't appearing in screen , and the TA will say , did you do show ?

  7. 他在位于贝鲁特的美国大学(AmericanUniversity)拿到了学士学位,然后来到了威斯康星大学,在政治学系攻读硕士并担任助教。

    and he got an undergraduate degree at the American University in Beirut before entering the University of Wisconsin to pursue a doctoral degree in political science .

  8. 如果你需要帮助,请教John,我自己,或者助教们,那是我们存在的理由。

    If you need help , ask John , myself , or the TAs . That 's what we 're here for .

  9. 机械制图助教型多媒体CAI课件的研制工程制图练习CAI课件设计与开发

    The Development of Multimedia CAI Coursewares in Mechanical Drawings Design and Implementation of an Engineering Drafting CAI System

  10. 如果没有足够的助教(TA),我就亲自指导一支团队。

    If there are not enough TAs , I mentor one of the teams myself .

  11. 用Authorware制作助教型课件的程序框架

    A Program Templet of Assistant - type Teaching Courseware Made by Authorware

  12. 如果你明天在复习课上问助教的话,他们会告诉你在计算机科学中,存在着非常多的n,log,n规模的算法。

    And if you ask the TAs in recitation tomorrow , they 'll tell you that you see a lot of n log n algorithms in computer science .

  13. 在H2秋季课程,教师或助教将定期与小组见面讨论。

    Faculty or TAs will meet with each group on a regular basis during H2 Fall .

  14. E也在美国一所大学学习,成绩斐然,毕业后获得了三个专业学位,还创造了一项纪录,那就是同时担任多门课程的助教。

    E. E studied at a US university , finishing with three honors majors and a record as a teaching assistant in several courses , among other achievements .

  15. 我们的一个助教Willie是他们的,校园大使。

    One of our teaching fellows Willie Yao is one of their ambassadors on campus .

  16. 两年前在他结接过Nelson的教鞭时,他已经做了快5个月的助教。

    He had been an assistant for less than five months when he took over for Nelson two years ago .

  17. 通过分析课堂教学课件的特点,给出了一组用Authorware制作助教型课件的程序框架。

    A program templete of assistant-type teaching courseware made by Authorware is provided by analyzing the characteristic of classroom teaching courseware .

  18. 学生们抗议的是KeystoneXL输油管线还是学校自身的问题,比如助教过多,或者未提供应有的服务?

    Are students protesting against the Keystone XL pipeline or problems with the school itself , like too many adjunct teachers or disappearing services ?

  19. 普鲁辛纳与他的任助教的研究生迈克尔·斯科特发现牛和绵羊PrP蛋白的氨基酸顺序颇为相似。

    Prusiner , with fellow researcher Michael Scott , found that the amino acid sequences of cow and sheep PrP proteins are relatively similar .

  20. 网上博弈是由范德比尔特大学的MikeShor助教编写的,以下的总结描述也是由他提供的。

    The online games were written by Assistant Professor Mike Shor of Vanderbilt University , and the summary descriptions available below are courtesy of him .

  21. NCAA助教的工作内容中还有招生这块,而这也是吸引斯塔德迈尔的一点。

    NCAA assistant coach 's work includes recruiting , which is also the point that attracts Stoudamire .

  22. 维斯刚刚得到了一个CBA的主教练职务,另一位前超音速教练杜安。卡西向他推荐特纳作助教。

    Weiss was taking a head coaching job coach in the Chinese Basketball Association and another former Sonic coach , Dwane Casey , recommended Turner as an assistant .

  23. 围绕如何开发高效助教型MCAI课件、提高多媒体课堂教学质量,讨论了助教型MCAI课件的主要特点和主要开发工具。

    Enclosing how to develop effective assistant MCAI courseware and improve quality of multimedia teaching , major characteristics and key developing tools of assistant MCAI are discussed .

  24. 到此刻,米尔顿培训过良多NBA球员,包孕本年度的选秀状元布雷克·格里芬,乃至还成为了洛杉矶快艇队夏季联赛的助教。

    He has trained many NBA players , including this year 's top draft pick , Oklahoma 's Blake Griffin , and even landed an assistant coaching gig for the Los Angeles Clippers'summer-league team .

  25. 但AAUP和其他大学官员指出太多的助教意味着降低教育的质量。

    But the AAUP and other college officials say too many adjuncts mean lower educational quality .

  26. “普罗格是这方面的先锋人物,”纽约大学(NewYorkUniversity)助教、曾撰写过旅游业教材的保罗-彼得曼(PaulBiederman)说,“他正在把先进技术应用到他长期从事的工作当中。”

    Plog is a pioneer , ' says Paul Biederman , an assistant professor at New York University and author of a travel industry textbook . ' He 's now applying advanced technology to what he has been doing all along . '

  27. 拼对了吗,Dylan,我们的助教之一,他是这方面专家,他可以指正我。

    Is that right ? Dylan , who is one of our teaching assistants , he 's an expert on all this stuff , so he can correct me .

  28. 新的指南能使更多的人去做CPR,俄亥俄州立大学哥伦布分校助教Sayre说。

    The new guidelines may inspire more people to perform CPR , says Sayre , an associate professor of emergency medicine at Ohio State University , Columbus .

  29. 在Springer教授与其助教的通力合作之下,他的在线课程在六月举办的欧洲MOOC产品竞赛中获得了十佳的荣誉。

    Together with his teaching partner , Susanne Illenberger , Mr. Springer won one of 10 places in a European MOOC production competition in June .

  30. 目前,NBA教练组有四位女性成员,其中就包括贝基·哈蒙。2014年,哈蒙首开先河,受聘于圣安东尼奥马刺队,成为北美四大主流职业体育联盟的首位全职女性助教。

    Four women are currently on NBA coaching staffs , including Becky Hammon , who broke convention in 2014 when the San Antonio Spurs made her the first full-time , female assistant in any of the four major North American pro sports leagues .