
  • 网络Response;response modes
  1. 口头复述与书写反应方式对普通话言语识别率的影响

    Impact of Repeat Versus Written Response on Mandarin Speech Recognition Scoring

  2. 抑郁状态、反应方式和情绪状态都为组间因素。

    Depressive state , response style and emotional state are between-subject factors .

  3. 研究人员们观察到,次原子粒子的反应方式无法用现有的物理学理论来解释。

    They 've observed subatomic particles behaving in a way that can 't be explained by the current theory of physics .

  4. 溶液pH值和温度是方解石溶解度的最直接的控制因素,且方解石的溶解随pH值不同分别在强酸、弱酸和碱性介质中表现出不同的反应方式。

    The pH value and the temperature of solution is the main factors to control the solubility of calcite .

  5. 以磁控溅射+自组装反应方式制备GaN薄膜

    Preparation of GaN Films with the Method of Magnetron Sputtering + Self-Assembly Reaction Mode

  6. Si3N4粉末在空气中的氧化反应方式

    Oxidation Reaction Mode of Si_3N_4 Powders in Air

  7. 还不明确,G,,A,,B,,C,,D,,there,is,an,ambiguity。,不明确,是因为神经元的反应方式不同。

    G , A , B , C , D There is an ambiguity because the neuron does not respond in the same way .

  8. 实验结果表明同为苦味的盐酸奎宁和PTC所引起的鼓索神经的反应方式是有区别的。

    Different responses of nerve fibers in chorda tympani to quinine HCl and PTC were found , having the same bitter .

  9. 试验结果表明M&EnK能改变有丝分裂反应方式,Zn缺乏又能影响这种改变。

    It is therefore concluded that Met-Enk can modify the pattern of mitogenic responses and the alteration in Con A and MLC responses can be influenced by zinc deficiency .

  10. 卡夫卡(Kafka)的《审判》(TheTrial),这样他就会明白,努力寻找国会对他提案的反应方式的意义是徒劳无功的。

    Kafka 's The Trial , so he realized how futile it is to try to find meaning in the ways Congress reacts to his initiatives .

  11. 结论DDD起搏器对不同强度和不同频率的电干扰具有复杂的反应方式。

    Conclusion Our findings indicated that the DDD pacemaker revealed complex responses to electrical interference , depending on the strength and frequency of the interference .

  12. 学习者对于同一刺激有不同的感知和反应方式(Kinsella,2002)。

    Learner responds to the same stimuli differently ( Kinsella , 2002 ) .

  13. 蒸汽相法是1990年发明的一种合成沸石的新方法。根据反应方式和采用的结构导向剂的不同,有VPT(vapor-phasetransport)和DGC(drygelconversion)两种方法。

    The vapor phase method is a novel way of zeolite synthesis invented in 1990 . According to the different reaction way and structure directing agents , the vapor phase method can be divided into VPT ( vapor phase transport ) method and DGC ( dry gel conversion ) method .

  14. 49782的根系和叶片的MSAP分析数据的规律比较一致,这说明同一材料各组织在胁迫响应中的反应方式基本一致。

    Various data is consistent between the result of the MSAP analysis in 9782 roots and leaves , It is suggested that different organizations of the same material in response to stress the same responses in basically .

  15. 反应方式、情绪状态和自尊水平均为组间因素。

    Response style , emotional state and self-esteem levels are between-subject factors .

  16. 研究证明,传递氧与气相氧同时进料是一种较好的反应方式。

    Transported and premixed oxygen fed simultaneously was a good reaction mode .

  17. 不同反应方式对双作业操作信息干扰的影响

    The effects of response modality on dual - task performances

  18. 人们持有的不同内隐人格理论导致他们不同的社会认知模式和行为反应方式。

    Different implicit personality theories cause different social cognitive patterns and different reactions .

  19. 生成碳-碳键是有机合成的最基本反应方式之一。

    Carbon-carbon bond formation is the most basic way of constructing organic molecules .

  20. 西方政客们很难找到一种令人信服的反应方式,以应对这些发展中国家的抱怨。

    Western politicians struggle to find a convincing response to these developing-world complaints .

  21. 一个非智能的计算机能否采用欺骗的手段来效仿人类的反应方式呢?

    Could a computer use trickery to emulate human responses without being intelligent ?

  22. 这也是对次贷危机的一种反应方式吗?

    Now is this also a response to the credit crisis in a way ?

  23. 对任何人来说,这种处境都令人大为光火。他的反应方式不但是一种本能,还能令他得到深深的释放。

    He is responding in a way that is both instinctive and deeply satisfying .

  24. 而且有时候,他们的反应方式以及他们所做的事儿。

    And sometimes , every way that they react and everything that they do .

  25. 抗原伪装是包括寄生虫在内的病原体的一种逃避宿主免疫反应方式。

    Antigenic disguise is the main immune evasion mode for many pathogenic organisms including parasites .

  26. 注视点线索、靶子亮度和反应方式对返回抑制的影响

    The Effect of Fixation Cue 、 Target Luminance and Response Modality on Inhibition of Return

  27. 人们对压力做出的不同的反应方式,可能会带来有益于健康,或者不利于健康的后果。

    The different ways in which individuals respond to stress may bring healthful or unhealthy results .

  28. 沉思和分心是个体对于自身情绪两种不同的反应方式。

    Rumination and Distract are two kinds of different reactions for individuals to their own emotional .

  29. 有一点很重要,无论什么时候都要努力迎合观众的反应方式。

    It is important to always try to appeal to the way the audience will react .

  30. 不同的人对世界有不同的反应方式和这是根据人的不同心态而产生的。

    Different people react with the world in different ways and this happens according to peoples'different mentalities .