
  • 网络reaction turbine;reaction steam turbine
  1. 冲动-反动式汽轮机

    Combined impulse and reaction turbine

  2. 本文从热力性能和结构强度两方面分析反动式汽轮机的特点。

    Characteristics of reaction turbine are analysed in the paper with respect to its thermodynamic performance and structural strength .

  3. 反动式汽轮机通流部分CAD系统

    A CAD System for the Blading of Reaction Steam Turbines

  4. 驱动型反动式汽轮机特性的剖析

    Characteristic Analysis of the Reaction Turbine for Driving Purposes

  5. 文中叙述了冲动式和反动式汽轮机的特点并进行了比较分析。

    In this article , author gives a description of the features of impulse type and reaction type steam turbines and comparisons between these two type machines are also made .

  6. NK40/56反动式凝汽汽轮机转速下降故障的分析和排除

    NK40 / 56 malfunction analysis and obviation of rotate speed decreasing of the reacting model congealed Steam-turbin