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  • Tesla coil
  1. 其中一首歌更是加入了特斯拉线圈的声响,这是一种能发电的装置。

    One of her songs includes sounds from a Tesla coil , a device that makes electricity .

  2. 约翰以前是海军飞行员,他像个杂耍艺人般,通过各种小把戏来激起学生的兴趣,比如让特斯拉线圈产生电火花。

    a former Navy pilot who had a showman 's flair for exciting his students with such tricks as firing up a Tesla coil .

  3. 这道闪电的物理本质始终没讲明白,但能够产生相似场景的特斯拉线圈的功率在10千瓦左右,表明大帝的输出功率和尤达相当。

    The physical nature of it is never made clear , but Tesla coils that produce similar displays draw something like 10 kilowatts-which would put the Emperor roughly on par with Yoda .