
tè bié zhònɡ dà shì ɡù
  • extraordinarily serious accident
  1. 质量事故按其严重程度和损失大小,划分为特别重大事故、重大事故、大事故和一般事故。

    Quality accidents can be classified into extraordinarily serious accidents , serious accidents , major accidents and ordinary accidents according to severity and amount of loss .

  2. 以2003年全国发生的14起特别重大事故为例进行了实证分析。

    Taking 14 especially severe accidents occurred in 2003 as examples , the analysis is exemplified , from which the ideology and method of accident categorization are derived .

  3. 煤矿特别重大事故发生频繁,后果往往是灾难性的,造成大量人员伤亡和巨大经济损失,社会影响非常恶劣。

    The extraordinary big coalmine accidents occurred frequently , and the consequences , causing heavy casualties , huge economic losses and bad social impacts , are often disastrous .

  4. 我国煤矿发生特别重大事故中,绝大多数是瓦斯爆炸事故,且不少重特大瓦斯爆炸事故都是由局部瓦斯事故在一定时间后引发瓦斯爆炸而形成的。

    Major accidents in coal mines in China are caused mostly by gas explosion , among which a number of serious ones result from local gas accidents after a certain amount of time .

  5. 认为核心基本条件、差异的事故致因和事故扩大因素三个方面是预防特别重大事故应关注的核心,给出了特别重大事故预防的具体措施。

    Thus , for effective prevention of extraordinary big coalmine accidents , the basic core conditions , distinctive accident causes and factors of the accident expansion should be particularly concerned as the central issue .

  6. 本项研究以1949~2008年间发生的煤矿特别重大事故为主要研究材料,采取统计分析和安全比较学等研究方法,研究煤矿特别重大事故致因机理。

    This study uses the major accidents occurred in Chinese coalmines between 1949 and 2008 as the main material , and the statistical analysis and safety comparison as its research methods , to explore the causation mechanism of extraordinary big coalmine accidents .

  7. 近年来我国重大和特别重大瓦斯爆炸事故的新特点

    The New Characteristics of Serious Gas Explosion Accidents and Especially Serious Gas Explosion Accidents in the Resent Years

  8. 学校伤害事故特别是重大伤害事故的频频发生,校园安全已成为全社会关注的焦点。

    As hurt accidents happen frequently in schools , campus safety has become the attention focus of the whole society .

  9. 我国目前正处在工业化加速发展阶段,处在生产安全事故的易发期,安全生产形势仍然十分严峻,重大和特别重大安全生产事故时有发生。

    China is now in the accelerated development stage of industrialization , and the production safety accidents occured frequently . The situation of production safety is still very serious .

  10. 7.23甬温线特别重大铁路交通事故调查报告中提到,调度系统设计的不合理性直接导致了此次事故的发生。

    Through " 7.23 " Yong Wen serious railway accident investigation , it can find that irrational design of the railway scheduling system is one of the most important reason for that accident .

  11. 但煤矿安全事故仍然时有发生,2008年全国发生一次死亡人数在30人以上的特别重大矿山安全事故就超过了10次。

    However , the accident of coal mine safety still occurs , and killed more than 30 people in a particularly serious mine accidents , which is more than 10 times all over the country in 2008 .

  12. 近年来,中国企业伤亡事故,特别是重大、特大事故呈下降趋势。

    In recent years , the incidence of fatal accidents , especially major and extraordinarily big accidents , has declined .