
zuì zhōnɡ xiāo fèi zhě
  • End consumer;ultimate consumer
  1. 最终消费者,用户,客户,受益人或第二方。

    CUSTOMER ( Participant ) Ultimate consumer , user , client , beneficiary or second party .

  2. 然而现时为止,在Web平台上提供的信息服务大部份其最终消费者都是用户(人)。

    However , the end consumer of almost all information services provided on Web platform is human being .

  3. 3D打印等新兴技术也将降低制造业对低成本劳动力的依赖,让产品生产可以从地理上更靠近最终消费者。

    And emerging technologies such as 3D printing will reduce the dependence of manufacturing on low-cost labour and bring production closer to the final consumer .

  4. 企业对企业(BTOB)营销是不同于企业对最终消费者(BToC)营销的模式,因此在企业对企业营销中的购买行为也有自己的特点。

    The Business to Business ( B to B ) marketing is a marketing model different from the Business to Consumers ( B to C ) , so the purchasing activities in the B to B marketing has its own features .

  5. 而品牌认知度低、缺乏对最终消费者的影响力,iF是大多数高居产业链顶端的B2B企业面临的困境。

    However , low awareness of brands and lack of influence on the final consumer , are the difficulties that the most B2B enterprises in the top industry chain are facing .

  6. 供应链管理(SCM)是对进入从供应商、制造商、批发商、零售商到最终消费者这个流程中的物流、信息流、资金流进行管理。

    Supply chain management ( SCM ) is the management of materials flow , information flow , and cash flow as they move in a process from supplier to manufacturer to wholesaler to retailer to consumer .

  7. 住户是住宅的最终消费者,开发商只有满足住户的需求才能成功。

    The Final Cut The residents are ultimate consumers of housing .

  8. 医药经销构筑了药品从医药生产企业到达最终消费者的网络通路。

    Medicine distribution forms the channels from medicine manufactures to consumers .

  9. 据野村证券估计,大约有超过100万台该手机已销售给最终消费者。

    Nomura estimated that more than 1 million units have been sold to end consumers .

  10. 中国是这一增长的主要源头,但其很少成为最终消费者。

    China is the source of much of this growth , but it is rarely the end-consumer .

  11. 供应链的终点必然是最终消费者,消费者的选择和购买成为整个供应链的拉力,拉动整个供应链的价值实现与循环。

    The terminal of the supply chain is consumers , their choices and purchases pull the entire supply chain .

  12. 但是,市政建设和养护市场的投资主体是政府、市政产品定价不一、市政工程的建设单位并非是最终消费者。

    The price for the municipal product is different and the construction entities are not the final consumers thereof .

  13. 销售包装指是销售单位提供的,最终消费者使用的一种包装。

    A sales packing is a packing , which is offered as sale unit and with thefinal consumer results .

  14. 受此影响,更多的公司将生产部门转移至这些地区,即使产品的最终消费者在西方国家。

    That has encouraged more companies to shift manufacturing there , even if the final consumer is in the West .

  15. 我们公司致力于使顾客达到最大限度的满意,无论是批发商还是最终消费者。

    Our company is committed to the highest level of customer satisfaction , both at the wholesale and consumer levels .

  16. 营销渠道是促使产品从生产者流向最终消费者的一整套相互关联的组织。

    A marketing channel is a group of interrelated organisation that directs the flow of products from producer to ultimate customers .

  17. 关于产品的潜在危险、误用或滥用,贵公司是否警告最终消费者?

    Are hazards inherent in the final product , and warnings against foreseeable misuse and abuse made known to the ultimate user ?

  18. 作为回报,它们将其所得重新投资于美国,让美国发挥稳定及最终消费者的作用。

    In return , they reinvest their loot back into the US , which acts as an anchor and consumer of last resort .

  19. 但台湾规模最大的企业主要是利润微薄的零部件制造商或代工制造商,这些企业要依赖其他企业将产品销售给最终消费者。

    But its biggest companies are mainly thin-margin component or contract manufacturers , which rely on others to sell to the final consumer .

  20. 第六,此次信贷危机很可能标志着美国作为全球经济最终消费者的局限性。

    Sixth , this event may well mark the limits to the US role as consumer of last resort in the world economy .

  21. 零售作为直接服务于最终消费者的一个重要行业,在我国经济活动中占有举足轻重的地位。

    Note : Retailing , as an industry directly serving the end consumer , has a prominent position in economic activities of our nation .

  22. 在我国以药养医的特殊医疗体制下,为了处方药的销售,除了最终消费者,各环节都希望抬高药价。

    Against our special background of the medical care system , each one hopes to make benefit depending on raise prescribed drug price except consumers .

  23. 协会教育行业,政府,企业,固体废物,和最终消费者的好钢的无限循环。

    The Institute educates the solid waste industry , government , business and ultimately the consumer about the benefits of steel 's infinite recycling cycle .

  24. 首先分析了各用电部门与最终消费者的电力消耗系数、电力经济价值、电力感应度系数等;

    Here , firstly the power consumption coefficient , economic value of electricity , induction coefficient of electric power of various industries and final consumers ;

  25. 由于中汽协的月度销售数据反映的是面向经销商(而非最终消费者)的销售量,因此强劲的增长数据与消费者需求并不直接相关。

    Because its monthly sales data reflect sales to dealerships , not end-customers , the strong growth figures do not directly correlate to consumer demand .

  26. 生产厂家在设计、开发与生产商品时要考虑满足最终消费者的需求,在销售商品时却要考虑如何满足中间商的需求。

    Producers always consider the demand of final consumers during design , development and production , but also take into account that of the resellers .

  27. 在土地市场发育充分的国家,农地城市流转主要是通过市场机制来运作。其市场行为人主要有四类人:前土地所有者、中间人、最终消费者和市场协调者。

    Land converts from rural to urban areas in the market mechanism , the participators includes predevelopment landowners , intermediate actors , final consumers and market coordinator .

  28. 鲜活农产品供应链是指在鲜活农产品生产、流通过程中所涉及到的生产资料供应商、生产商、分销商、零售商以及最终消费者连成一体的功能网链结构模式。

    The fresh and live agricultural product supply chain consists of suppliers , producers , distributors , retailers , and consumers . It is fused function network model .

  29. 具体来看,现代物流涉及原材料供应商,制造商,批发商,零售商和最终消费者,即市场流动的全过程。

    Specifically , the modern logistics related to raw material suppliers , manufacturers , wholesalers , retailers and ultimately consumers , that the whole process of market liquidity .

  30. 特别地,实施供应链管理能够使产品从生产到最终消费者手中实现产品成本最小化,企业和消费者都能从供应链管理中获得共赢。

    Specially , the implementing of supply chain management could minimize costs of the firm and both the firm and the consumer can gain from this kind of management .