
  • 网络Urban road system
  1. 山地城市道路系统规划初探

    Discussion on the Planning of Urban road System in Mountainous City

  2. 基于景观生态的丘陵地区城市道路系统研究

    The Study on Urban Road System of Hills Region Based on Ecological Landscape

  3. 中等城市道路系统规划发展浅析

    Study on the Development and Planning of Road System in Middle Scale Cities

  4. 交通事故发生规律与城市道路系统的规划设计研究

    Study on Occurrence of Traffic Accident and Planning Design of Urban Road Network

  5. 城市道路系统对小汽车交通的承载作用研究

    Study on Traffic Carrying Capacity of Urban Road System

  6. 对城市道路系统有关问题的思考和建议

    Considerations and Suggestions about the Urban Road System

  7. 德国高效城市道路系统分析

    Effective Urban Roads System in Germany

  8. 城市道路系统布局是否合理,直接关系到城市能否经济而又合理的发展。

    Reasonable layout of city road system directly relates to economic and reasonable development of city .

  9. 城市道路系统作为城市交通的主要载体,它对交通的制约因素是问题成因的重要方面。

    As the main carrier of urban traffic , urban roadway system 's limitation on traffic is the important aspect of cause of problem .

  10. 提出了丘陵城市道路系统的指标评价体系框架,并对其实际应用进行了探讨。

    The part puts forward the frame of the index evaluation system on city road system in hill regions and discusses its practical application .

  11. 首先针对系统环境要素即快速路与其他城市道路系统的特点及二者的区别、联系进行分析研究。

    First it analyzes the element of the system environment , which included the difference and relation between the city expressway and other urban road .

  12. 但是长期以来,中等城市道路系统的规划建设欠账太多,已不能适应城市经济快速发展,暴露出许多问题。

    But during the long time , middle-scale-cities planning and construction in roadway system have lack too much capital , and middle-scale-cities can 't fit to the development of urban economic , so many problems have exposed .

  13. 在现实世界中,有一大类系统例如城市道路系统、人际交往系统和生物系统等都可以用著名的席尔宾斯基分形垫映射成的不相容网络&席尔宾斯基网络进行描述。

    Incompatible networks Sierpinski networks , which are induced by the famous Sierpinski fractals , can describe a large class of systems in real life , for example in the road system of city , interpersonal communication system , biological systems and so on .

  14. 本文首先分析了城市道路系统的特征,明确了国内外城市道路分类的思路及各类别道路的功能,指出不同类别的道路所承担的主要服务对象不同;

    First , this paper analyzes the characteristics of urban road system and discusses the thinking and functions of every classification road classified in domestic and international urban road , it points out that there are different main serivce objects on different classification road ;

  15. 通过对丘陵城市道路系统的各个影响因子的深入分析,即自然影响因素、景观视觉因素、交通因素、工程技术因素这几个方面的研究,提出了丘陵城市道路系统规划设计的特殊要求。

    The part puts forward special requirements for the planning of the city road system in hills region by further analysis on the influencing factors to the city road system in hill regions such as natural factor 、 landscape factor 、 traffic factor and engineering factor .

  16. 分别从丘陵城市道路系统的几个主要方面(即道路网、线形和断面设计)出发,探讨了其与丘陵景观生态的关系,并提出了具体的优化设计模式。

    The part starts from the main aspects of road system in hill regions ( namely road meshwork , line type and section design ), and explores the relationship between city road system and hill ecological landscape , and brings forward the detailed model of optimizing design .

  17. 基于GIS的城市道路管理系统的数据管理综合研究

    Research on the data management of urban road pavement management system based on GIS

  18. 智能交通是城市道路交通系统的重要发展方向,车联网(IOV,InternetofVehicles)作为智能交通的具体实践,已得到各国的大力支持和研究。

    Intelligent Transportation is an important development direction of urban road traffic system , vehicle networking ( IOV , Internet of Vehicles ) as the concrete practice of intelligent transportation , has received strong support and research countries .

  19. 城市道路交通系统是一个离散和连续相结合的混合动态系统,具有动态、并发及同步等特征,混合Petri网可以很好地描述城市道路交通网的静态属性及动态行为。

    Urban traffic system , which is characterized by dynamics , concurrence and synchronization , is a Hybrid dynamic system involving discrete and continuous behaviors . The static attribute and the dynamic actions of urban traffic system can be modeled through Hybrid Petri Net .

  20. 城市快速道路系统规划理论与方法的建构

    Constructing the Planning Theory and Method of Urban Express Road System

  21. 城市道路交通系统抗震可靠性研究及应用

    Research and Application on Seismic Reliability for Urban Transportation System

  22. 城市道路运输系统动力学模型的研究

    On a Model of System Dynamics for Urban Street Transportation

  23. 城市道路网系统规划思想及实例解析

    Planning Thought of Urban Road Network System and Examples Analysis

  24. 可持续发展的城市自行车道路系统规划

    Plan for Sustainable Development of Urban Bicycle Road System

  25. 北京市城市快速道路系统节点分析与研究

    Analysis and Study on Nodes of Urban Express Road System in Beijing City

  26. 基于热力学熵和混沌理论的城市道路交通系统的研究

    Study of Urban Road Traffic System Based on Thermodynamics Entropy and Chaos Theory

  27. 城市道路单行系统布局优化的双层规划模型和混合算法

    Bilevel programming model and hybrid solution algorithm for the configuration of one-way streets

  28. 城市道路交通系统自组织现象研究

    The Study of Self-organization Phenomenon in Urban Traffic System

  29. 我国城市道路交通系统发展水平指标的建立

    The establishment of the developing standard indexes of Chinese city road traffic system

  30. 城市快速道路系统规划的交通预测方法研究

    Traffic forecast for urban freeway and arterial systems planning