
  • 【建】urban public transportation system
  1. 基于RFID的智能化城市公共交通系统&信息采集与发布系统

    Research of Information Collection and Broad-casting System : Intelligent Urban Public Transit System Based on RFID

  2. 大城市公共交通系统是由轨道交通、快速公交BRT及常规公共交通优化组合而成。

    Urban public transit includes large-capacity , rapid rail transit system and bus transit system .

  3. 城市公共交通系统方案比选的简便方法

    A Simple Method for Alternative Choice in City Public Traffic System

  4. 基于集对分析的城市公共交通系统评价模型

    Evaluation Model of Urban Public Traffic System Based on Set Pair Analysis

  5. 城市公共交通系统节能降耗对策研究

    Strategies for Energy Saving & Reduction for Urban Transit Systems

  6. 城市公共交通系统与土地利用一体化研究

    A Study on Integration between Urban Public Transport System and Land Use

  7. 城市公共交通系统智能化框架研究

    Study on the Intelligent Frame of Urban Public Transport System

  8. 城市公共交通系统综合评价指标体系的研究

    Comprehensive Evaluation Index System of Urban Public Traffic System

  9. 中国城市公共交通系统发展战略的研究

    Research on the Development Strategy of Public Traffic System

  10. 城市公共交通系统技术保障措施发展研究

    Study on Technical Insurance Measures for Public Transportation

  11. 城市公共交通系统集成调度构想

    Integrated Dispatching Method for Urban Public Transportation System

  12. 他们被交给改造城市公共交通系统的任务。

    They were given the taks of reconstructing the city 's public transport system .

  13. 城市公共交通系统对残疾人适应性评价研究

    Study on the Evaluation of Adaptability of Public Transport System to Person with Disabilities

  14. 城市公共交通系统状况的好坏直接关系到社会经济发展和居民的生活质量。

    The quality of transportation system is directly related to socio-economic development and residents welfare .

  15. 城市公共交通系统是城市社会经济系统的一个重要的子系统。

    The public traffic system in city is a key subsystem of society - economy system .

  16. 轨道交通与地面常规公交共同支撑着城市公共交通系统。

    Urban rail transport and surface public transit are two main parts of urban public transport system .

  17. 城市公共交通系统规划一般由两部分构成&线网规划和运营调度。

    Urban public transport system planning generally consists of two parts & Network planning and operations scheduling .

  18. 两者间的有机衔接对整个城市公共交通系统的正常运转起着决定性作用。

    The co-operation of both of them plays a vital place in the city public transportation system .

  19. 发展城市公共交通系统是发展城市低碳经济的必然选择。

    Urban public transportation development system is a low carbon economy development in cities of the inevitable choice .

  20. 因此,我们有必要对城市公共交通系统的可持续发展状况进行研究。

    So it is essential to study the status of urban public transit system in sustainable development capability .

  21. 各种公共交通方式在城市公共交通系统的定位是不同的,所承担的运输任务也不同。

    Different public transport modes have different positions in the urban transit system , and also have different transport tasks .

  22. 城市公共交通系统主要包含轨道交通系统和常规公交系统两个重要组成部分。

    The Rail Rapid Transit system and the Bus Transit system are the two important parts of the city public transportation system .

  23. 城市公共交通系统有利于减少机动车的使用,以缓解城市交通压力、节省能源、降低污染物排放、减轻对环境的污染。

    City public traffic system can reduce the urban traffic pressure , save energy and reduce emissions , reduce the pollution to the environment .

  24. 大力优先发展城市公共交通系统是我国城市缓解城市交通拥堵状况的根本出路和必然选择。

    Giving great priority to the development of urban public transportation system is the fundamental way and inevitable choice to relieve urban traffic congestion .

  25. 城市公共交通系统是一项关系到国计民生的公用事业,是社会生产的第一道工序。

    Urban public transportation system is a public utility which affects the economy and the city development , is the first process of social production .

  26. 城市公共交通系统以其人均动态占用路面面积少、人均造成的污染低等特点成为解决我国城市交通问题的主要途径。

    Because of less of the average dynamic occupying road area and little pollution , urban public transport is the main approach accounting for the transport problems .

  27. 最后,我们从系统科学方面的内容着手,找出了实现城市公共交通系统可持续发展的方法和措施。

    At last , setting about the content of system science . Method and measure are found out to realize the sustainable development of urban public transportation .

  28. 公交车作为常规公共交通方式,具有投资少、运行灵活、覆盖面广等特点,是城市公共交通系统的主体。

    As the traditional transit mode , bus is the main part of transport for the advantage of lest investment , flexible operation and large coverage of network .

  29. 作为城市公共交通系统组成部分的北京地铁,正在以现代化的标准为实现国际化大都市的设想进行精心规划、设计和施工。

    As a part of the urban public transport system , Beijing metro is designed and constructed abortively with the standard of modernization and the idea of international metropolis .

  30. 公交车辆是城市公共交通系统的最基本单元,公交车辆性能的好坏直接决定着城市公共交通系统的通行能力和通行效率。

    Bus vehicle is the basic unit of the urban transit network system . The performance quality of bus directly determines the traffic capacity and efficiency of the urban transit network system .