
yī jí ɡōnɡ lù
  • first-class highway
  1. 某一级公路路基填土膨胀性试验

    Experimental Study on Swelling Property of Subgrade Soil in a First-Class Highway

  2. 锡太一级公路淤泥质土二次掺灰压实度试验及其处治方法

    Trial and Treatments of Compactness of Silt Soil Lime-mixed Twice at Xi-Tai First-Class Highway

  3. 简要介绍TPM(全面生产维修活动)的含义、中心思想及主要方法,具体以泰莱一级公路施工中采用TPM法管理施工设备为实例,说明TPM法在施工机械管理中的运用。

    Illustrates the implication , the central idea and the chief method of TPM ( Total Productive Maintenance ) . Based on the practical examples of using TPM in construction equipment management in Tai - Lai first class highway construction , explain the application of TPM in construction machinery management .

  4. 在广西G324线岑溪至容县一级公路路面大修工程(梧州段)中,对其水泥稳定碎石基层采用的是就地冷再生的施工技术和方法。

    The cold in-place recycling construction technology of cement stabilized macadam base is applied in a pavement overhaul engineering of Cenxi-Rongxian arterial road Wuzhou section of G324 in Guangxi .

  5. 一级公路简易互通立交设计方法

    The design precept of the simple interchange of the first-grade highway

  6. 一级公路常用路面结构组合的经济分析

    Economical Analysis of Common Pavement Structure Combination of First grade Highway

  7. 反压护道在地方一级公路中的应用

    Discussion on Application of Back Berm in Local Arterial Highway

  8. 铜黄一级公路滑坡发育规律与成灾机理分析

    Analysis on Growth Characteristics and Disaster Mechanism of Landslide in Tongchuan-Huangling Highway

  9. 对建设一级公路的分析与探讨

    Analysis and Discussion on Construction of Grade - I Highway

  10. 对城市出入口一级公路路线设计的几点体会

    Several Opinions Of First Grade Road Route Design At The City Passageway

  11. 沈丹一级公路水泥混凝土路面升级改造研究

    Research on Cement Concrete Road Upgrading and Reconstruction of Shenyang-Dandong First-Class Road

  12. 省道临午线临汾至蒲县段一级公路改扩建工程设计

    The Reconstruction and Extension Engineering Design of First-Grade Highway for Linfen to Puxian

  13. 西安&三原一级公路沥青路面机械化施工

    Mechanization Construction of Asphalt Road Surface in Xian & Sanyuan Clase I Highway

  14. 这些修订内容主要是针对高速公路和一级公路的。

    The revised contents are mainly aimed at motorways and class 1 roads .

  15. 宜昌长江大桥&枝城一级公路交通流量预测

    Traffic Volume Forecast for the Highway from the Yichang Changjiang Bridge to Zhicheng City

  16. 铜延一级公路黄土滑坡稳定性分析与评价

    Analysis and Assessment of the Stability of Loess Landslides in the Tong Yan Highway

  17. 义白一级公路膨胀土地区路基的处治

    The Study on the Subgrade Treatment at Expansive Soil Area for Yangquan Yibai Highway

  18. 宁通一级公路南通段软基处理研究

    Strengthening of Soft Foundation of Nanjing Nantong Highway

  19. 运城&临猗一级公路勘察设计综述

    Study of Investigation Design of Yuncheng-Linyi First-grade Highway

  20. 一级公路服务设施的安全分析与交通工程设计建议

    Analysis on Traffic Safety and Research on Design Suggestion of Service Establishments of 1st-grade Highway

  21. 挖孔灌注桩在西湟一级公路中的应用

    The Application of Digging hole pouring pile in First Grade Highway from Xining to Huangyuan

  22. 船舶机舱自动化系统的管理一级公路设计施工中若干问题的探讨

    An Approach to Problems Concerning Technical Management and Quality Control in Class ⅰ Highway Construction

  23. 龙潭港疏港一级公路软土地基粉喷桩质量控制

    Quality Control of Spraying Stake by Powder in Soft Area of Dredge 1st Grade Highway in Longtan Harbor

  24. 论西部大开发中高等级公路建设与环境的协调发展问题&以西(宁)湟(源)一级公路为例

    Discussion on the Harmonic Development of the Highway Construction and the Environment in the Great Development of the West

  25. 本文介绍了挖孔灌注桩在西湟一级公路的应用情况,并对效果进行了分析。

    This paper introduces the construction technology and methods of digging hole pouring pile in Xining to Huangyuan Highway .

  26. 对清连一级公路六甲洞隧道病害整治注浆设计及注浆施工进行了简要介绍。

    In this paper , the grouting design and construction for the ill conditioned Liujiadong tunnel are simply introduced .

  27. 国产机械在容岑一级公路(梧州段)沥青混凝土路面施工中的施工工艺

    Techniques on Bituminous Concrete Pavement Construction by Homemade Machines in Rongxian-Cenxi Class I Highway ( Wuzhou Section ) Construction

  28. 提出了高速公路、一级公路滑模摊铺的贫混凝土基层的质量检验方法、频率和质量评价指标,为贫混凝土基层技术规范的制定提出了参考的意见。

    Quality checking methods , frequency and quality estimation index of deficient concrete in freeway and 1-class highway are given .

  29. 灰色系统理论在宁连一级公路六合段膨胀土判别与分类中的应用

    The Application of Grey System Theory to Discrimination and Classification of Expansive Soil at Luhe Section of Nanjing Lianyungang Highway

  30. 通过对国道105线细滘大桥至沙蓢段一级公路改建工程软基处理设计,对公路改建工程加宽设计软基处理进行了探讨和总结,并提出了一些建议。

    Discussion is made on the design of soft ground subgrade in one of national highway 105 , and provided the suggestions .