
  • 网络multiple submissions;duplicate submission;duplicate submission/multiple submissions;crosspost;self-plagiarism
  1. 一稿多投,剽窃和内容使用不当(在评委的意见的)应取消资格的理由。

    Multiple submissions , plagiarism , and use of inappropriate content ( in the opinions of the judges ) shall be grounds for disqualification .

  2. 特别是近几年来,抄袭、一稿多投等一系列的剽窃事件屡见报端,其问题的严重性越来越引起人们的重视。

    In particular recent years , plagiarism like copy and multiple submissions are quite common , and people attach great importance to the seriousness of the problem .

  3. 避免一稿多投稿件的合同方式

    A Contract to Avoid Contributing the Same Manuscript to Different Publishers

  4. 试论学报一稿多投、多发问题的解决途径

    Discussion on Approaches of Dealing with Multiple - Contribution and Multiple-Publication

  5. 科技期刊预防一稿多投的措施

    Counter measures for multiple contribution of sci - tech journals

  6. 可以一稿多投,欢迎举报抄袭。

    Can a draft cast more , welcome to report of plagiarism .

  7. 护理科技论文作者一稿多投行为比较分析

    Comparision and analysis of the behavior of multi-contribution of manuscript in nursing research

  8. 末日意识关于避免一稿多投一稿多登的建议

    Two recommendations for avoiding multiple contributions and duplicate publications

  9. 对综合类文化期刊一稿多投现象的理性分析

    A rational analysis of " one paper repeat contribution " phenomenon in some synthetic culture magazines

  10. 关于一稿多投的法律思考

    The law Consideration about Multiple Contributions

  11. 同类学术期刊如何联合防范和处理一稿多投

    How academic journals in the same field jointly prevent and deal with duplicate submission of manuscripts

  12. 一稿多投的重灾区:中学教育类数学期刊

    Serious disaster area of duplicate submission of the same manuscript : math journals for Chinese middle schools

  13. 浅谈《著作权法》、科技期刊编辑、作者一稿多投之间的关系

    The relation between the copyright law , the scientific editor and the one paper submitted to several journals

  14. 学术期刊遇到的“一稿多投”现象是新的评价机制的产物。

    The phenomenon of " one paper for many journals " is the product of the new evaluation system .

  15. 防范科技论文一稿多投和重复发表的实践与思考

    Practice and thinking on how to prevent and control multi-contribution of one manuscript and duplicate publication in scientific paper publishing

  16. 在报刊出版行业,作者“一稿多投”是一种十分普遍的现象,而不允许“一稿多投”则是我国报刊出版长期以来约定俗成的一个对投稿作者的习惯性约束。

    Multiple contribution with one writing is very common and it is banned in the press field for a long time .

  17. 近年来,报刊界反映一稿多投现象越来越严重。

    In recent years , newspaper circle reports that the phenomenon of Multi contribution of One Manuscript is more and more serious .

  18. 一稿多投不仅严重违背了学术研究的创新性原则,而且有悖于科技道德。

    A manuscript for many magazines is not only seriously against the innovative principle of academic research , but also against scientific morale .

  19. 从一稿多投现状入手,分析一稿多投合法、合理、合情的存在基础。

    The current situation of manuscript multi-submission is introduced , and it analyzed the lawful , reasonable and fair existence of this phenomenon .

  20. 一稿多投:指凡未经已投稿件之编辑部之许可,将其稿件改投其它学术期刊者。他为许多期刊撰稿。

    Multiple submission : submitting , without prior permission , any work submitted to fulfill another academic requirement . He contributed to various journals .

  21. 长期以来,一稿多投、多发一直是作者和编辑感到困惑并力图加以解决的难题。

    For a long time , it is at fault and difficulties to make effect to solve for authors and editors on multiple-contribution and multiple-publication .

  22. 针对目前科技期刊存在的一稿多投等作者学术信用降低问题,认为科技期刊应建立作者的学术信用评估系统。

    In this paper , the author suggests that the science journals should establish an authors ' credit evaluation system to fight against the multi-contribution .

  23. 由于同类学术期刊拥有大致相同的作者群,因而大多数一稿多投都发生在同类学术期刊上。

    Academic journals of the same field have roughly the same author groups , and thus , duplicate submission of manuscripts mainly take place in these journals .

  24. 两组对一稿多投的认识12项中6项差异有显著性意义(P<0.01);

    However , there was significant difference on the attitude to the behavior of multi-contribution , 6 out of 12 of designed items ( P < 0.01 ) .

  25. 科技论文中存在剽窃、抄袭、伪造或篡改数据、挂名、一稿多投、捉刀代笔等学术道德失范现象。

    There exists in scientific thesis the phenomenon of academic moral decline such as plagiarism , copy , forging , juggling the data , nominal , multi-submission , ghostwriting etc.

  26. 指出改革学术评价体系、提高论文质量、加快稿件处理速度是减少一稿多投现象的有效途径。

    It points out that the valid method to decrease the phenomena is to reform the academic assessment system , raise the dissertations ' quality , and speed up the contribution handling velocity .

  27. 具体主要研究工作和成果如下:通过分析中文论文抄袭的现实情况,将论文抄袭划分为一稿多投和普通抄袭两种分类结构。

    The main research work and achievements can be listed as follows : Through anglicizing current situation of academic plagiarism in our country , this thesis divides plagiarism into duplicate submission and normal copy .

  28. 目的了解、分析护理科技论文作者投稿行为,找出一稿多投的动机和原因,为临床及护理期刊社制定针对性的管理措施提供依据。

    Objective To explore the motivation and reasons of multi-contribution of manuscript by investigating and analyzing the authors ' behavior of contribution , so as to provide guidance for the clinical managers and editors of nursing research journals in setting up management countermeasures .

  29. 提出了治理一稿多投的系列措施和对策,如在报刊上定期刊登约稿启事,编辑部门及时处理稿件,编辑部门之间加强联系等。

    In this paper , some means and countermeasures for handling with multiple contributions with one manuscript are suggested , such as regular announcement in newspapers or journals about call for paper , timely handling with the manuscripts and strengthen the connection between editorial departments .

  30. 分析了一稿多投产生的原因:作者广种薄收的心理,作者急功近利的心理,编辑部门对稿件处理不及时,征稿简则规定不明确或无征稿简则等;

    The reasons for multiple contributions with one manuscript are analyzed : the psychology of the authors for extensive cultivation and eager for quick success and instant benefit , delay of manuscript handling by editorial department and unclear or without regulation on call for papers .