
  • 网络Logistics talents;logistic personnel
  1. 浅谈企业物流人才的培养

    On the Logistic Personnel Training in the Enterprises

  2. 分析了高职物流管理教育在物流教育体系中的地位,指出高职开设物流管理专业是完善多层次教育体系,满足对物流人才多样化需求的行为。

    To analyze the position of logistics management of high vocational education ( HVE ) in the system of logistics education ; To point out that offer logistic course in college is to improve multilevel educational system and satisfy the demands of a variety of logistic personnel ;

  3. 基于ANP的物流人才评价指标体系研究

    Research on evaluation index system of logistics talents based on ANP

  4. 从人才数量、学历和工龄结构、人员离职率、管理培训生、竞聘人员晋升情况等多方面,对XB物流人才质量进行分析盘点,提供人才规划的原始支撑数据资料。

    Original supporting data from the number of personnel qualifications and seniority structure , staff turnover rate , management trainee , competition for promotion and other aspects , XB logistics talents quality inventory to provide personnel planning . 4 .

  5. 佛山市产业发展对物流人才需求的分析

    The Demand of the Industrial Development in Foshan for Logistical Talents

  6. 云南面向东盟区域物流人才需求调查报告

    Survey Report of Demands for Logistics Personnel from Yunnan to ASEAN

  7. 浅谈无锡市现代物流人才培养体系的构建

    How to Establish Modern Logistics Personnel Cultivation System at Wuxi City

  8. 物流人才培养的教学过程研究

    The Teaching Procession in Training Talents About the Modern Logistics Management Science

  9. 中国物流人才需求量预测研究

    The Forecasting Research on the Needs of Chinese Logistics Personnel

  10. 我国物流人才需求和培养模式探讨

    The Training Mode and Demands of Logistics Talents in China

  11. 企业物流人才需求预测及人力资源开发研究

    Demand Forecasts of Enterprise Logistics Personnel and Human Resources Development and Research

  12. 高素质军事物流人才培养研究

    A Study on the fostering of Military Logistics Talents with High Quality

  13. 我国物流人才资源开发与管理对策研究

    Study of the Exploitation and Management Strategies of Chinese Logistics Talent Resource

  14. 浅论现代物流人才的教育与培养

    On the Training and Education of Modern Professionals of Logistics

  15. 我国物流人才需求与物流人才教育

    Demand for Logistics Talents and Logistics Education in China

  16. 现代物流人才的创新培养模式探讨

    On the Innovative Cultivation Mode of Modern Logistics Talents

  17. 物流人才供需现状及对策研究

    Study on the Status of Logistics Professionals and Countermeasures

  18. 滨海新区国际物流人才培养战略研究

    Research on Logistic Talent Strategy in Binhai New Area

  19. 我国物流人才现状及培训需求策略分析

    Analysis on Current Situation & Training Demand of Logistics Qualified Personnels in China

  20. 除此之外,我们还缺少熟练的物流人才。

    Besides , we still lack experienced logistic talents .

  21. 物流人才的培养方式探讨

    The Research for the training pattern of logistic talent

  22. 广西现代物流人才培养初探

    An Initial Survey of Talents Training in Modern Logistics

  23. 国内外物流人才教育比较分析与启示研究

    On a Comparative Analysis and Enlightenment About Logistics Talent at Home and Abroad

  24. 我国物流人才素质和结构分析

    Analysis of China 's logistics talents quality and structure

  25. 浅谈我国专业物流人才的培养

    Exploring the Training of Logistics Talented Person in China

  26. 高职院校物流人才培养定位问题的研究

    Study on Localization Problem in Training Logistic Talented Person in Higher Vocational Education Schools

  27. 物流人才开发战略研究

    The Research for Development Strategy of Logistic Talents

  28. 高职物流人才开发培养体系与对策研究

    A Study of Exploitation and Cultivation Strategies of Logistics Talent in Higher Vocational Education

  29. 广西壮族自治区物流人才培养存在的问题及提升路径研究

    Research on the Problems and Path of Logistics Personnel Training in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

  30. 具有国际化视野的实战型物流人才培养模式构建研究

    How to Establish the Training Mode of Logistics Personnel with International Outlook and Practical Skills