
  1. 鉴于改革的迫切性,他们应该确保imf的活动得到全球政治领导人的全力支持;然而,这是一个涉及到所有国际金融机构治理的问题,而不仅仅是imf。

    To the extent that changes are needed urgently , they should ensure that the activities of the fund are fully backed by world political leaders ; however , this is an issue that concerns the governance of all international financial institutions , not just the IMF .

  2. 利益相关者理论的金融机构治理分析

    Analysis of the Governance of Financial Organizations Based on the Theory of Interests Relevance

  3. 西部中小金融机构法人治理问题研究

    The Research on Corporate Governance of Small and Medium Financial Institutions in the West Areas

  4. 要继续完善国有控股金融机构公司治理,改善经营管理机制,提高风险管控能力。

    We will continue to improve corporate governance in financial institutions in which the state holds a controlling stake , improve their business management , and raise their ability to manage and control risks .

  5. 西部中小金融机构在法人治理过程中存在很多问题,如产权模糊问题、委托&代理冲突问题、目标不完善和监事会职能弱化等问题。

    There exist many problems during the corporate governance such as vague property right , trust-agent conflict , unrealistic objective and weak supervision , etc.

  6. 这些具有系统重要性影响的金融机构在公司治理和风险控制方面存在的严重缺陷,正是导致这场危机的关键原因。

    The serious deficiencies of systemically important financial institutions are in corporate governance and risk control , and it is the result of these key reasons for the crisis .

  7. 此外该理论无法解释为什么美国银行等金融机构对公司治理的参与性不高,而在日本和德国却恰好相反。

    Furthermore , this theory can not explain why financial institutions such as banks are not so active in U.S.A , and reversely , why Japanese and German banks are themselves , so active .

  8. 本文在现实考察的基础上,从能力、激励、效应等多方面审视了金融机构介入公司治理的内在因素,并试图寻找决定金融机构介入与不介入公司治理的原因所在。

    Based on practical investigations , the thesis reflects on the inner factors of the interference from the aspects of capability , stimulation , effect , etc , and intends to find out the decisive factor for whether interfering or not .

  9. 我国农村金融机构经营状况与治理结构研究

    Perfomance and governance of rural financial institutions in China

  10. 不管从本轮危机中将形成什么样的机构,金融机构传统的公司治理显然已不合时宜。

    Whatever institutions emerge from the current crisis , it is clear that traditional corporate governance of financial institutions is dead .

  11. 我们人为,许多系统重要性金融机构,在公司治理和风险管理方面的戏剧性失误,是这场危机的关键原因。

    We conclude dramatic failures of corporate governance and risk management at many systemically important financial institutions were a key cause of this crisis .

  12. 近年来,随着农村金融改革的逐步深入,农村中小金融机构公司治理问题日益引起业界的关注。

    In recent years , with the development of rural finance reform , the corporate governance of rural small - and-medium sized financial institutions ( RSMFI ) has attracted much attention .

  13. 这些目标包括:减缓监管政策的周期性趋势;审议全球会计标准;加强衍生品市场;审议金融机构薪酬;审议国际金融机构的职能、治理以及资源要求。

    These include : mitigating against pro - cyclicality in regulatory policy ; reviewing global accounting standards ; strengthening derivatives markets ; reviewing compensation practices in financial institutions ; and reviewing the mandates , governance and resource requirements of international financial institutions .

  14. 全球金融危机的爆发,究其原因在于金融机构的治理风险。

    The outbreak of the global financial crisis , its reason lies in the governance risk of financial institutions .

  15. 我国不应借鉴德日银行股权式参与公司治理的模式,而应当参考美英的做法制定金融控股公司法给包括银行在内的金融机构积极参与公司治理提供一个充分发挥其作用的平台。

    We ought to provide a flat roof for financial institution including bank to exert positive function in the corporate governance in our country .

  16. 银行业金融机构市场退出法律制度的内容体系涉及了银行业金融机构的公司治理制度、利益相关人保护制度、最后贷款人制度和存款保险制度。

    These contents include the relevant stakeholder protection system , corporate autonomy , lender of last resort system , deposit insurance system of banking institutions ; all they are the components of the banking institutions market exit legal system .

  17. 作为金融企业,民营银行的公司治理不同于一般非金融企业公司治理;作为民间资本控制的金融机构,民营银行公司治理又不同于国有金融机构的公司治理。

    As a financial enterprise , the corporate governance of private bank differs from the non-financial enterprise , and as a financial institution controlled by private capital , the corporate governance of private bank differs from state-run financial institutions .