
jīn shǔ huán
  • Metal ring;becket;beckett
金属环[jīn shǔ huán]
  1. 实现金属环动态拉伸的电磁加载技术研究

    Experimental studies on dynamic tension of metal ring by electromagnetic loading

  2. 电磁金属环板在磁场中的变形

    The Deformation of Annular Metal Plate in the Transverse Magnetic Field

  3. 金属环件热辗扩宏微观变形三维热力耦合有限元分析

    Coupled Thermo-Mechanical 3D-FE Analyses of Macro-Micro-Deformation in Hot Ring Rolling Process

  4. 形成轮胎面的金属环。

    A metal hoop forming the tread of a wheel .

  5. 金属环连接垫密封特性对环垫硬度的响应

    Influence of Material Hardness on Sealing Characteristics of the Metal Ring Gasket

  6. 橡胶金属环静刚度特性研究

    Study on the Static Stiffness Characteristics of rubber-mental ring

  7. GB/T9128.2-1988钢制管法兰连接用椭圆形金属环垫

    Oval metallic ring gaskets for steel pipe flange joints

  8. 一个用来穿钥匙的圆形金属环。

    A circular ring of metal for holding keys .

  9. 金属环件冷辗扩数值模拟中圆度辊定位的研究

    Research of Positioning Circular Roller in Digital Simulation of Mental Ring Cold Rolling

  10. 一维介观金属环系统中的量子电流

    The Quantum Current in One-dimensional Mesoscopic Metal Rings System

  11. 主体包括金属环、弹簧和橡胶环;

    The body comprises a metal ring , a spring and a rubber ring .

  12. 脊锯一种沿其后部边缘被金属环加固的锯。

    A saw that is reinforced by a metal band along its back edge .

  13. 介观耦合金属环中的持续电流

    Persistent currents in mesoscopic coupling metallic ring

  14. 单金属环阵列的负磁导率特性研究

    Negative permeability properties of single split-ring-resonator array

  15. 中世纪金属环缝在皮或布上构成的一种盔甲。

    A medieval coat of mail consisting of metal rings sewn onto leather or cloth .

  16. 影响双金属环成型的因素

    Effect Factor of the Bimetals Ring Formed

  17. 密封活塞和汽缸壁间隙的有裂缝的金属环。

    Split metal ring that seals the gap between a piston and the cylinder wall .

  18. 茂金属环烯烃聚合物技术进展

    Development of Metallocene Cycloolefin Polymer Technology

  19. 能围绕双手锁起来的金属环;通常成对使用。

    A metal loop that can be locked around the wrist ; usually used in pairs .

  20. 卡箍:一个金属环,可确保杠铃固定在一定重量上。

    Collar : A metal component that encircles the bar and secures the weights in place .

  21. 手铐金属环圈在手腕处,警察用这个避免罪犯逃跑

    Handcuffs metal rings that go around the wrists that the police use to keep people from escaping

  22. 软密封型一般采用橡胶环密封,硬密封型通常采用金属环密封。

    Generally use the soft rubber type sealing ring seal , hard seal ring-type metal seal used .

  23. 输精管金属环可复性节育术的酶细胞化学研究及电镜观察

    Enzyme cytochemical and electron microscopic studies of rabbit vas deferens and testis after occlusion with ring clips

  24. 这种椅子的半椰子状底座和硅胶金属环是它能够摆出各种造型。

    Its half-coconut shaped pillar and the metal ring with a silicon rubber provide the flexible motion .

  25. 琴脚设计呈锥形,最底下套有黄铜金属环,呈现出尊贵气派。

    The tapered legs , each fitted with a brass ferrule caps the bottom , appear elegant .

  26. 金属环鞍型填料、板波纹填料是目前世界上发展的主要高效填料;

    Metal Intalox tower packing and Mellapak are two principal types of highly efficient tower packings recently developed in the world .

  27. 通过刷固定的接触来提供持续电线路的机器的旋转部分上的金属环。

    Metal ring on a rotating part of a machine to provide a continuous electrical connection through brushes on stationary contacts .

  28. 方法金属环X线正、侧、轴位片及薄骨正、侧位片;

    Methods Take ring localization at the limbus and X ray radiography with eutopic , lateral , axial and thin bone radiography .

  29. 把这些卡片挂在一个可分离的金属环上,这样你可以把它随时带在身边,方便每天增加卡片,复习单词。

    Keep your cards on a detachable metal ring , so you can carry them around and add to your collection daily .

  30. 电线之间相互连接点的编号的改变无法避免,因此需提供双重金属环。

    At points of inter-connection between wiring , where a change of numbering cannot be avoided , double ferrules shall be provided .