
jīn gāng
  • diamond;king kong;giant;insect;Buddha's warrior attendant
金刚 [jīn gāng]
  • (1) [diamond]∶钻石的略称

  • (2) [king kong]∶美国三十年代拍摄一部怪兽电影,其主角是巨大的猩猩,叫金刚

  • (3) [giant]∶比喻身材巨大、孔武有力的人

  • (4) [insect] 〈方〉∶某些昆虫(如苍蝇)的蛹

  • (5) [Buddha's warrior attendant]∶佛教指佛的侍从力士,手执金刚杵(古印度兵器)

金刚[jīn gāng]
  1. 讲硬度,金刚钻是独一无二的。

    With regard to hardness , the diamond is in a class by itself .

  2. 坚硬是金刚钻的特性。

    Hardness is a property of diamonds .

  3. GodzillavsKong《哥斯拉大战金刚》在拳台的一头是曾在1933年定格动画真人电影中饱受相思之苦,然后在2017年电影《金刚:骷髅岛》中重生的大猩猩。

    In the red corner : a lovelorn ape that came to stop-motion life in 1933 , and was revived in 2017 's Kong : Skull16 Island .

  4. C组用金刚烷胺+安乃近治疗;

    Amantadine and analgin were together applied in Group C ;

  5. 《金刚经》现藏于大英图书馆(BritishLibrary)。

    It is now at the British Library .

  6. HPLC法测定金刚藤胶囊中薯蓣皂苷元的含量

    Determination of the Content of Diosgenin by HPLC

  7. 沸石催化合成金刚烷(4)Hβ催化剂。碱性氮化物对分子筛裂化催化剂失活动力学函数的考察

    The kinetic study of the deactivation effect of basic nitrogen compounds on the zeolite catalyst in the light fuel oil cracking

  8. G防水研磨金刚砂在反射天顶角-15°~55°范围进行了测试研究。

    G silicon carbide waterproof abrasive paper were made within the - 15 ° - 55 ° of reflectance zenith angle .

  9. 人造金刚石铁磁性杂质的EPR谱特性分析

    The Study of EPR Properties of Ferromagnetic Impurities in Synthetic Diamond

  10. 热分析法研究含SiO2、金刚砂填充物的光固化材料

    Characterization of UV Curing Materials Containing SiO_2 and Carborundum by Thermal Analysis

  11. 用MID/GC/MS检测原油和烃源岩抽提物中金刚烷类化合物及其地质意义探索

    MID / GC / MS Analysis and Geological Significance of Diamondoid Hydrocarbons in Oil and Extract of Source Rock

  12. FT-IR微量分析中的金刚石池采样技术

    Microsampling by diamond anvil cell in FT-IR spectroscopy

  13. Fe3C型碳化物与人造金刚石晶面价电子结构分析

    Analyses for valence electron structures on the faces of synthetic diamond crystal and fe_3c TYPE CARBIDES

  14. 虽然大多数时候要表现出金刚不坏之身,但CEO们也需要寻觅空间,可以袒露脆弱的一面。

    While they may have to appear bulletproof much of the time , they also need to find spaces where they can be fallible .

  15. Marvel世界里最勇敢的人是给金刚狼做前列腺检查的医生。

    The bravest person in the Marvel Universe is the doctor who gives Wolverine his exam .

  16. 在获得“托尼奖”或扮演《X战警》中招牌角色金刚狼之前,休·杰克曼曾做过另一种娱乐工作:小丑。

    Before Hugh Jackman was a Tony-award winning actor or known for playing Wolverine in the " X-Men " franchise , he worked as another kind of entertainer : a clown .

  17. 对于患有甲型流感(H1N1)的患者,其抗病毒的支持方案为单用金刚乙胺。

    For patients who are positive for seasonal influenza A ( H1N1 ), the fallback antiviral regimen is rimantadine alone .

  18. 结论:NAM体外毒性和抗病毒活性均优于阳性对照金刚烷胺;

    Conclusion NAM has better antivirus activity and lower toxicity , compared with amantadine in vitro .

  19. AlCl3-微量水催化体系两步法合成金刚烷

    Synthesis of adamantane using AlCl_3-trace water catalyst system by two steps

  20. 因在《X战警》中扮演充满阳刚之气的金刚狼而举世闻名的休·杰克曼即将在其为立顿冰红茶拍摄的全球宣传广告中展示他温柔的一面。

    Hugh Jackman , the actor most famous as the testosterone - fuelled Wolverine in X-Men , is to show his softer side in a global advertising campaign for Lipton Ice Tea .

  21. 目的评定单用金刚烷胺、金刚烷胺与复方丹参或丙炔苯丙胺合用对早期帕金森病(PD)患者治疗的效果和安全性。非诺贝特单独治疗引起横纹肌溶解症临床分析(附3例报告)

    Objective To assess the clinical efficacy and safety of amantadine monotherapy and concomitant amantadine with salvia miltiorrhiza compound or selegiline of the treatment of Parkinson 's disease .

  22. 与病毒模型组相比,金刚烷胺组、中药高中低各剂量组的肺指数降低,均有显著性差异P0.05,中药各组的剂量与肺指数呈负相关、与肺抑制率呈正相关。

    Compared with the model group , the lung exponent of amantadine group and traditional Chinese medicine low / medium / high dose group all reduced which have significant difference ( P0.05 ) .

  23. 讨论了用人造多晶金刚右刀具(PCD)进行超精密切削加工的表面形貌,重点讨论了微观纹理特征。

    In this paper , surface texture is described , especially for the micro texture , which pro-duced by means of ultra-pricision machining with PCD tool .

  24. IDW也可以使用堕落金刚这一人物,在《元祖十三金刚传》中也可能出场。

    The Fallen can be used by IDW , and may show up in the13 mini .

  25. 各亚群病毒具有各自的基因特征,SX亚群病毒获得了抗金刚烷胺的耐药性。

    Different clades possess their own property of genome . SX clade acquired the resistance to amantadine and antigenic-drifted .

  26. 通过调节超支化聚酰胺胺末端金刚烷胺的封端率,该超支化聚合物的LCST可以实现在较宽温度范围内的调控。

    By adjusting the ADA-capped ratio , the LCST of the hyperbranched polymer can be successfully regulated in a wide temperature range .

  27. 该文对以金刚砂为磨料、SiO2为填充物、光固化树脂为结合剂的超薄砂轮光固化材料进行了DSC、TG分析。

    UV cured material was prepared with carborundum , SiO_2 and photopolymer resin . The performance of the cured material were studied through DSC and TG according to the special instance when it is used as grinding wheel .

  28. 中国做出这一声明是在有媒体报道说,中国农民被鼓励使用金刚胺(amantadine)来喂鸡,而这种药通常由人类使用。

    The statement was made in response to reports that farmers in China were being encouraged to use amantadine , a drug normally given to people .

  29. 在Ro值为1.9%~3.9%的变化范围内,80%左右的沥青A和沥青C样品的双金刚烷指标变化范围也分别为55%~65%和40%~55%。

    In the 1.9 % to 3.9 % range of R o ( converted from bitumen reflectance ), the diamantane ratios of 80 % or so chloroform bitumen A and C samples also change within 55 % to 65 % and 40 % to 55 % respectively .

  30. PPD患者普遍对安坦和金刚烷胺敏感,较少出现左旋多巴制剂所致的运动障碍、开关现象和剂末恶化。

    The patients with PPD are usually sensitive to artane and to amantadine hydrochloride . Levodopa or levodopa preparations-induced movement disorders , on-off phenomenon and end of dose deterioration occur less in the patients with PPD .