
  • 网络Waldorf Astoria Hotel;Waldorf;Hotel Waldorf;The Waldorf Astoria
  1. 凯西在华尔道夫酒店(WaldorfAstoria)的宴会与销售部工作,周薪160美元。

    Kathy works in the banquet and sales department at the Waldorf Astoria-for $ 160 a week .

  2. 我曾在华尔道夫酒店住过一次,酒店很漂亮

    I stayed at the Waldorf Astoria once -- beautiful hotel .

  3. 不,我们会在华尔道夫酒店租出一间宴会厅,然后宴请那些无家可归的人

    No. We 'd rent out the Waldorf Astoria ballrooms and feed the homeless .

  4. 该集团现在声称拥有超过7000亿元人民币的资产,包括纽约的华尔道夫酒店。

    It now claims assets of more than Rmb700bn , including the Waldorf Astoria .

  5. 希尔顿于1949年收购了华尔道夫酒店。

    Hilton purchased the Waldorf in 1949 .

  6. 1970年,玛戈·巴伯考(MargoBarbakow)在纽约华尔道夫大厦酒店(WaldorfAstoriatowers)结婚时穿的就是白色迷你裙婚纱。

    Margo Barbakow was married in a white minidress at the Waldorf Astoria towers in 1970 in New York City .