
  • 网络Huaning County
  1. 华宁县退耕还林浅析

    Simple Analysis on Forest Rehabilitation from Slope Agriculture of Huaning County in Yunnan

  2. 玉溪市华宁县万亩桔园生态旅游开发的构想

    Ecotourism Development Concepts of Million Mu of Orange Garden in Huaning County of Yuxi City

  3. 通过在华宁县不同有机质含量土壤上饼肥用量试验,结果表明:土壤有机质含量在2%以下的植烟土壤,通过增施有机饼肥,能明显的提高上等烟的比例,改善烟叶的品质。

    The field experiments were carried out at different organic matter content soils at Huaning county , the result showed that in the soil of organic matter content less 2 % , the rate of supper tobacco was raised notability and quality was ameliorated by applying cake fertilizer .