
guǎng kuò wú yín
  • Vast and boundless;unmeasured vastness;great distance
广阔无垠[guǎng kuò wú yín]
  1. 据大家所说,这矿藏是在WeaversNeedle的郊外,该地区在凤凰城外,广阔无垠、以其地理结构闻名。

    Most accounts place the mine in the vicinity of Weavers Needle , a large and well-known formation outside of Phoenix .

  2. 宇宙广阔无垠,没开始和结束。

    The universe is endless , without a beginning or end .

  3. 广阔无垠的芦苇湿地宁静而充满魅力。

    The vast reed wetlands are both quiet and attractive .

  4. “我崇拜您的广阔无垠。”芦草轻声呢喃。

    " I admire your immensity ," whispers a bulrush .

  5. 因此,对于研究主体来说,文学史具有广阔无垠的空间,有一种永恒的潜在张力。

    It 's an amplitude space and eternal strain for its researchers .

  6. 天际下广阔无垠的草原以及富饶的热带海洋

    grassy plains beneath vast horizons and richtropical seas

  7. 对一个经常在广阔无垠的大海漂泊的船员来说,监狱是多麽可怕的地方啊。

    Prison , to a seaman used to the wide ocean , is a fearful thing .

  8. 数字化革命应为所有观众群开启广阔无垠的电视天地。

    The digital revolution was supposed to open up endless vistas of programming aimed at all segments .

  9. 十三州以西伸延着广阔无垠的土地,人数不断增加的移居民这时正向这些地方涌去。

    To the west of thirteen states stretched limitless lands into which settlers were now pushing in ever-increasing numbers .

  10. 世界广阔无垠,宇宙无穷无尽,人类的大脑永远不会面临失业的威胁。

    The world is endless , the universe inexhaustible , and the human brain will never be threatened with unemployment .

  11. 因为那种移动方式,能够带我领略天地的广阔无垠,这是我在中国从未有过的感受

    because this method of movement that can enable you to see vast , expansive space is something I never experienced in China .

  12. 土地似乎广阔无垠,因此价钱不高,而几乎所有的殖民地人都想成为土地拥有者。

    Land was seemingly limitless in extend and , therefore , not highly priced , and almost every colonist wanted to be a landholder .

  13. 在这巨大的广阔无垠的空气层中存在着的电能,比在地球上的煤、石油、天然气加起来所能产生的电能还要多。

    In this huge ocean of air there is more energy than in all the coal , oil , and gas we have on earth .

  14. 白天,他驾着用金子和象牙制成的战车,给广阔无垠的大地带来光明、生命和仁爱。

    During the day hed rove his carriage of gold and ivory , and brought light , life and love to the great world below .

  15. 在美国蒙大拿州东部一块安静的草原上,天空广阔无垠,金色草原延绵起伏。71头刚从栅栏中被释放出来的小野牛,奔向草原,地上的尘土被他们跑动的蹄子卷到半空高。

    IN A quiet spot in eastern Montana , on rolling golden prairies and under vast skies , 71 buffalo calves charge out of a corral .

  16. 文学作为思维,具有广阔无垠的全息思维视域和融汇一切思维方式的统合力。

    Literature , as a kind of human thinking , has a broad and limitless holographic field of vision and the ability to integrate all human thinking .

  17. 我对着广阔无垠的浩瀚星海,对着满天的银光,静静地坐着,心里就有了一片完整的星空。

    I was looking at the vast vast vast Xinghai , facing a sky full of silver , quietly sat there in a heart full of Star .

  18. 无数次他们投入大海那广阔无垠的胸怀中去,很明显是试图忘记他们不易抹去的回忆。

    They are seen in many numbers staring out in the vastness of the ocean , obviously trying to forget while fearing that they will always remember .

  19. 在得州广阔无垠的平原上,我初次学到了美国的特点:强壮有力、真诚坦率,充满了黎明般的希望。

    On the open plains of Texas , I first learned the character of our country : sturdy and honest , and as hopeful as the break of day .

  20. 噢,一缕清风,多美,自由于广阔无垠空间,浸染自然风味朴素风情,陶冶身心,净化灵魂!

    Oh , a ray of breeze , how beautiful , free in the limitless expanse of space , disseminated natural flavor plain style , refine their body and mind , purifying the soul !

  21. 毛里塔尼亚的理查特结构是一个巨大的圆形漩涡,直径大约三十英里(50千米)。另外这个漩涡在毫无特色的广阔无垠的西非沙漠形成了一个靶心。

    The Richat Structure in Mauritania is a gigantic circular swirl , about 30 miles ( 50 kilometers ) in diameter , that forms a bull 's-eye in an otherwise featureless expanse of west African desert .