
  • 网络advertising marketing
  1. 互联网推广已经跻身主流的广告行销方式,计算机交互的展示系统开始出现,并逐步受到市场的认可。

    Network promoting became a main sales mode of advertisement . Computer VR display systems get more acceptance from the market .

  2. 尤其是二维码在物流运输、身份识别、广告行销和电子商务等很多方面具有广泛的应用,是目前最经济、实用的自动识别技术。

    Especially two-dimension code has a wide range of applications in transport and logistics , identification , advertising , marketing and e-commerce and many other aspects , it is the most economic , practical automatic identification technology .

  3. 广告和行销的全球影响在传播,生活方式在改变,这些都使慢性病更迅速地增多。作为一个国家和地区组成的团体,你们面前现在摆着各种卫生问题。

    The global reach of advertising and marketing spreads lifestyle changes , and these speed the rise of chronic diseases .

  4. 这种产品不作广告,却行销全球,正如俗话所说:好酒不用挂招牌。

    This product has Been sold all over the world without advertising , just as the proverB says , " Good wine needs no advertising " .

  5. 广告和市场行销活动只是取得成功的一部分,想要在商界惹人注目你必须要建立稳定的社交网。

    Advertising and marketing campaigns are only one part of the success equation , to really make a splash in the business world you need to build a solid network .

  6. E是加强对烟草广告和其他形式行销的禁令。

    E is for enforcing bans on tobacco advertising and other forms of marketing .

  7. 完美的平衡成为这一系列的目标,即不能成为明显的除臭品广告,又要保持行销效力。

    The series tried to walk a fine line as its creators tried to avoid making it seem like an extended deodorant commercial while retaining its marketing power .