
  • 网络RADA;Radha;Prada;Radda
  1. 瑰丽酒店集团(RosewoodHotelsResorts)总裁拉达&12539;阿罗拉(RadhaArora)称,由于需求强劲,该公司逐步将其度假酒店中的套房比例从占客房总数的30%左右提高到40%以上。

    Rosewood Hotels Resorts is increasing the percentage of suites at its resort properties to more than 40 % of total rooms , up from around 30 % , because of strong demand , company president Radha Arora says .

  2. 瑰丽酒店集团(RosewoodHotels&Resorts)总裁拉达・阿罗拉(RadhaArora)称,由于需求强劲,该公司逐步将其度假酒店中的套房比例从占客房总数的30%左右提高到40%以上。

    Rosewood Hotels & Resorts is increasing the percentage of suites at its resort properties to more than 40 % of total rooms , up from around 30 % , because of strong demand , company president Radha Arora says .

  3. 阿美拉达赫斯公司(Hess)副经理职位面试题。

    Asked by Hess for an assistant manager position 。

  4. 这名35岁的工程师去年夏天失去了他在陶里亚蒂(Togliatti)一家拉达(Lada)经销店的工作后,钱很快就用光了。

    When the 35-year-old engineer lost his job at a Lada dealership in Togliatti last summer , money ran out quickly .

  5. 拉达瓦拉医生在孟买同BBC通话时谈到,艾哈迈德女士的家人称,刚出生时,她的体重为五公斤,并且被诊断出象皮病--这是一种肢体或者身体其他部分由于寄生虫感染而肿胀的病。

    Ms Ahmed 's family says she weighed 5kg at birth and was diagnosed with elephantiasis , a condition in which a limb or other body parts swell due to a parasitic infection , Dr Lakdawala told the BBC in a phone call from Mumbai .

  6. 拉达梅斯进入殿内,披上战衣,领受圣剑。

    Radames enters dressed for battle and receives the sacred sword .

  7. 两位女性命运的解读&爱斯美拉达与海丝特

    Unscramble the Destinies of Two Females : La Esmeralda and Hester Prynne

  8. 尽管拉达第获得了成功,可他不算最好的。

    Lagardy isn 't much despite all his noise .

  9. 可是法拉达把一切都看在眼里,记在了心头。

    Falada saw everything , and remembered it well .

  10. 拉达第在最后一幕相当不错。

    Lagardy is quite sublime in the last act .

  11. 好吧,可我不想你对布拉达草下定论。

    Well , I don 't want you jumping to conclusions about brenda .

  12. 粘性土受拉达到破坏时的峰值应变随干密度ρd增大、含水率ω增大而增大。

    The peak strain increased with the increasing of dry density and moisture content .

  13. 英古拉达墓园设计解读

    Unscrambling the Design Ideas of Igualada Cemetery

  14. 大量拉达,伏尔加,莫斯科人等俄罗斯车系刹车盘,刹车鼓。

    Large supply Lada , Moscow , Volga and other Russian cars brake drum brakes .

  15. 瓦拉达奥随后在警方保护下被送往就医,身上可能有一根肋骨断裂。

    He was later taken to hospital under police protection with a suspected broken rib .

  16. 安哥拉卢班戈附近的萨拉达莱巴公路。

    The Serra da Leba Road near Lubango ( Hu í la , Angola ) .

  17. 在巴拉达新高中,学生的声音让教室里再次充满了活力。

    Here at the Bharada New High School , the classrooms are once again alive with the sound of children .

  18. 安其拉达是用玉米卷饼包裹肉或青菜再覆以酱料的一种墨西哥美食。

    An enchilada is a Mexican dish . Vegetables or meat fill a tortilla , and is topped with a sauce .

  19. 在南安普敦大学学习英文以后她去了拉达表演学校,和日后的明星抖森和杰玛·阿特登是校友。

    After studying English at Southampton University she went to RADA acting school , alongside future stars Tom Hiddleston and Gemma Arterton .

  20. 她奉献全部精力,帮助伊拉克境内无家可归的人民,尤其是她居住的卡拉达区。

    She 's devoted her energies to helping Iraq 's internally displaced people , particularly in the Karada district where she lives .

  21. 与此同时,印度空军还打算重新启用拉达克邦东部的另外两个机场,这两个机场也都靠近中国边境。

    This comes as the Air Force plans to revive two more bases in eastern Ladakh , both close to the Chinese frontier .

  22. 大部分香港人并不熟悉拉达那基里,高棉语中它的意思是「宝石之山」。

    Ratanakiri , an unfamiliar name to most people in Hong Kong , literally means " gemstone mountain " in Khmer , the language of Cambodia .

  23. 耶稣基督的宗徒伯多禄致书给散居在本都、迦拉达、卡帕多细雅、亚细亚和彼提尼雅作旅客的选民。

    Peter , an apostle of Jesus Christ , to the strangers dispersed through Pontus , Galatia , Cappadocia , Asia , and Bithynia , elect .

  24. 如果《圣经》写在玻利维亚,我们可能认为写红海这部分的家伙曾去过科罗拉达湖。

    If the Bible had been written in Bolivia , we 'd probably assume the guy who wrote the seas of blood section had visited Laguna Colorada .

  25. 星期六,印度空军飞行员驾驶一架俄罗斯制造的安东诺夫-32型运输机在印控克什米尔地区拉达克邦的斗拉特别奥里地空军基地降落。

    On Saturday the Indian Air Force pilots landed a Russian-built Antonov-32 transport aircraft at the Daulatbeg Oldi air base in Ladakh province of Indian administered Kashmir .

  26. 通过对西班牙建筑师米拉雷斯的英古拉达墓园设计思维的几个不同角度的解读,探讨这个设计的产生背景和深层意义。

    Through analyzing the Igualada Cemetery designed by Spanish architect Enric Miralles in different perspectives , this article attempts to discuss the contexts and deep meanings in this design .

  27. 星期日的暴力事件在教堂达到顶峰,但是当天早些时候在附近的一个证券交易所就开始了。这个交易所在巴格达的卡拉达区。

    Although the violence came to a climax at the church , it began earlier in the day at a nearby stock exchange , in Baghdad 's Karada neighborhood .

  28. 据一名内政消息人士透露,袭击发生在傍晚,持枪歹徒试图猛攻卡拉达地区的一间股票交易所,后来和警卫交火,打死两名警卫。

    The attack took place at sunset when gunmen tried to storm the Baghdad stock market in Karrada district and traded fire with the guards , killing two of them .

  29. 但不论如何,今年夏天,柠檬将或多或少回归正常价格,正好来得及让你调一杯冰凉解暑的米切拉达酒。

    Nonetheless , you can expect to see the citrus staple reappear -- at ( somewhat ) normal prices -- this summer , just in time for an ice-cold Michelada .

  30. 然而,巴格达卡拉达区发生另外一起爆炸,这次是在路边爆炸,很明显,他们的目标是伊拉克中央银行管理者的护送队伍。

    Yet another explosion , this time a roadside bombing , went off in Baghdad 's Karrada district , apparently aimed at the convoy of Iraq 's central bank governor .