
  • 网络String Instrument;stringed instrument;bowed instrument
  1. 她的长,优雅的手指拉弦乐器。

    Her long , graceful fingers pluck the strings .

  2. 中国的乐队传统上包括拉弦乐器,木管乐器,弹拨乐器及打击乐器。

    Chinese orchestras traditionally consist of bowed strings , woodwinds , plucked strings and percussion .

  3. 二胡是中国传统民族乐器中最具代表性的拉弦乐器之一。

    Erhu , One of the stringed instalments , is the most representative one in the Chinese traditional folk musical instrument .

  4. 中国传统音乐采用的是弹拨和拉弦乐器,长笛,以及各种钹,锣,鼓的独奏或者小合奏。

    Traditional music in China is played on solo instruments or in small ensembles of plucked and bowed stringed instruments , flutes , and various cymbals , gongs , and drums .

  5. 第五章思考乐改的重点专题,研究为建立民族管弦乐队而大力加强低音乐器,尤其是拉弦乐器的改革。

    First , think about the music to change the focus of the topic , which is the fifth chapter , the study for the establishment of a national orchestra , vigorously strengthen the bass , especially the pull-stringed instrument of reform and breakthrough .

  6. 艾捷克,历史悠久的弓拉弦鸣乐器。

    K , a bowed string instrument of chordophones with a long history .

  7. 民族拉弦乐重奏是运用我国传统的拉弦乐器如高胡、二胡、低音二胡、中胡、马头琴等拉弦乐器来演奏重奏乐曲。

    Ensemble of national bowed string instruments refers to music played by traditional bowed string instruments like Gaohu , Erhu , Bass Erhu , Zhonghu and Morin Khur .