
  • 网络Theatre Royal;Royal Theatre;The Royal Theater
  1. 皇家剧院是英国最古老的剧场之一。

    The Theatre Royal is one of the oldest playhouses in Britain .

  2. 明天米勒的新剧将在皇家剧院预演。

    Miller 's new play is previewingat the Theatre Royal tomorrow .

  3. 安徒生14岁时移居丹麦首都,成为一名演员,并在丹麦皇家剧院演出。

    At the age of fourteen , Andersen moved to the capital of Denmark to become an actor and gave performancesin the Royal Danish Theatre .

  4. 1971年,在担任四年BBC交响乐团的首席指挥后,他就任考文特花园皇家剧院的音乐总监。

    In1971 , after four years as Chief Conductor of the BBC Symphony Orchestra , he became Musical Director of the Royal Opera House , Covent Garden .

  5. 那天晚上他在皇家剧院扮演奥赛罗。

    He acted Othello at the Royal Theater that evening .

  6. 我们去皇家剧院看个不同类型的电影吧。

    Let 's go and see a new movie at the Royal Theatre .

  7. 您能告诉我去皇家剧院的路怎么走吗?

    But would you please tell me the way to the Royal theater ?

  8. 他过去常在皇家剧院的顶层楼座上观看自己写的戏。

    He used to see his plays from the gallery at his majesty 's theatre .

  9. 1954年,朱丽叶在皇家剧院上演的“男友”一剧中担任角色。

    In1954 , Julie was cast in The Boy Friend , at The Royale Theater .

  10. 问题6.W:下周六皇家剧院有一场好喜剧。

    Question 6 . W : There is a good comedy on at the Theatre Royal next Saturday .

  11. 在1974年,苏格兰歌剧皇家剧院格拉斯哥,苏格兰首位民族歌剧院重新开放于1975年购买的。

    In1974 Scottish Opera purchased the Theatre Royal Glasgow , which reopened in1975 as Scotland 's first national opera house .

  12. 这台节目2008年春节曾在英国皇家剧院及伦敦市政厅上演。

    It was performed in the Royal Albert Hall and the London City Hall during the spring festival of the2008 .

  13. 不过在安徒生变声之后,皇家剧院的一位导演便安排安徒生回学校念书。

    However , after his voice changed , a director at the Royal Theater arranged for Andersen to go back to school .

  14. 因为保罗在她的闪闪发亮的眼镜一边的上方看到“皇家剧院”几个字,在另一边的上方看到“布赖顿”几个字。

    for Paul read ' Theatre Royal ' over one of her sparkling spectacles , and ' Brighton ' over the other .

  15. 随后,他回到伦敦,于五月份指挥了上演于考文特花园皇家剧院的莫扎特作品《后宫诱逃》。

    He then returned to London for Mozart 's Die Entfuhrung aus dem Serail at the Royal Opera House , Covent Garden in May .

  16. 他有幸能在皇家剧院呆了一段时间,但当他变声以后,他不得不离开。

    He was lucky enough to spend some time with the Royal Theater , but when his voice changed , he had to leave .

  17. 然而,这部戏剧展现出的一些闪光之处引起了皇家剧院财务主管的注意。

    Yet the play had shown a glimmer of promise , and this brought him to the attention of the financial director of the Royal Theater .

  18. 沉浸在痛苦中的他却突然有了一次对于人生的顿悟,这时他正好被皇家剧院邀请为首席乐手。

    Humbled in defeat , Sorn has a creative epiphany that coincides with an invitation to join the royal court of a prince as a top musician .

  19. 进入瑞典皇家剧院附属学校学习,为她的表演艺术打下了坚实的基础。另一位出生于瑞典的好莱坞明星葛丽泰·嘉宝也是在这里开始了她的演艺生涯。

    Her understanding of the art came at the royal dramatic theater school where Greta Garbo had also taken her first steps toward a career in a film .

  20. 当天,这对情侣并没有一起抵达皇家剧院的典礼现场,也没有坐在一起。在颁奖典礼上,19岁的斯图尔特获得最佳新人奖。

    The pair had arrived separately and didn 't sit together during the ceremony at the Royal Opera House , even though Miss Stewart , 19 , won the Orange Rising Star award .

  21. 伦敦一地区,长期以其农产品市场(建于1671年)和皇家剧院(首建于1731-1732年)而闻名。这个市场于1974年移到泰晤士河上的一个地方。

    An area in London long noted for its produce market ( established in1671 ) and its royal theater ( first built in1731-1732 ) . The market was moved to a site on the Thames River in1974 .

  22. 这位新公爵夫人会负责以下4个机构,英国皇家大剧院,智慧工作慈善机构,英联邦大学协会还有Mayhew!

    The four charities the new princess will be working with arethe National Theatre , Smart Works Charity , the Association of Commonwealth Universities ( ACU ) , and Mayhew !

  23. 她当时正在为皇家大剧院的演出写剧本。

    She was writing plays for production at the Theatre Royal .

  24. 如今斯特拉福德最著名的景点应当就是举世闻名的皇家莎士比亚剧院。

    Perhaps the most famous resident of Stratford today is the world famous Royal Shakespeare Theatre .

  25. 从高度和格调上,这些餐馆中最出类拔萃的是皇家莎士比亚剧院上的屋顶餐厅。

    High among them – in elevation and quality – is the rooftop restaurant above the Royal Shakespeare Theatre .

  26. 在皇家莎士比亚剧院关闭期间,演出将在路前方叫做庭院的新剧院进行。

    During the closure of the RST , performances will take place in a new theatre up the road , called the Courtyard .

  27. 尼娜·斯泰默在斯德哥尔摩皇家瑞典剧院从瑞典国王卡尔十六世·古斯塔夫手中接过今年的尼尔森奖。

    Nina Stemme has received her prize from the hands of Swedish King Carl XVI Gustaf in the Royal Swedish Opera House in Stockholm .

  28. 许多人选择在圣诞或新年加班,尽管这没能阻止伦敦皇家大剧院的员工通宵达旦地筹备他们的派对。

    Many people now work over Christmas or New Year , although this didn 't stop employees of the Royal Court Theatre in London from staying up all night for their party .

  29. 自16世纪莎士比亚时代起伦敦一直享有拥有一流剧院的美誉,如宏伟的皇家国家剧院和豪华的皇家歌剧院。

    It has enjoyed a reputation for superb theater since the time of Shakespeare in the 16th century . The variety ranges from the majestic Royal National Theatre to the lavish Royal Opera House .

  30. 早前就有报道,梅根会接手女王负责的英国皇家大剧院。尽管梅根早前的演员身份,再加上前几次公开活动,让人感觉梅根接手大剧院有迹象可寻,不过其他三个项目确实是意外之喜。

    There were already some early reports that Meghan was set to take over London 's National Theatre from the Queen , an intuitive pairing that 's connected with Meghan 's early days as an actor . The other three patronages are a happy surprise , although a few of Meghan 's previous public outings gave us some hints .